The usual

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The next day-

Liza's POV

tringggggg tringggggg

I fumbled for my phone to switch off this damn alarm. Thanks to which my sleep is ruined.But then I checked my phone and saw that today was the 1st of April, Mackenzie's birthday!!!! which is great but I'm jetlagged, having arrived from Seoul literally yesterday. It takes all the determination I have to pull myself out of the very very tempting bed, to go to school. I decide to wish Mackenzie there. We were going toΒ  out partying this weekend, definitely not today,Monday...

I showered and did my morning routine and slipped into a pair of my favourite jeans, a baby blue cropped hoodie and my converse trainers. I will give the gift to Mackenzie at her place this evening, as our entire gang has been invited for dinner, I think as I put my hair in a ponytail.

I go downstairs after taking my bagpack. Mum was making pancakes, Dad was reading the newspaper, twins were on their phone, Paddy was reading a book and Tom... where was he? Not a second later I'm bundled in a bone crashing hug from behind, no prizes for guessing, from Tom, who was pretty cheerful for someone who was jetlagged.

I learnt that dad was dropping me and Paddy off today. Which straight up implies that I'd get some minutes of extra sleep in the car. GREAT!

Stepping inside BRIT is always a new and refreshing feeling. All the bustling students and teachers. All the recording rooms, auditoriums and theatre classes. It's just one of the best places on Earth.

I spot Mackenzie and dash over to her and hug her. 'Happy Birthday girlll!!' I scream, getting a weird looks from other students on the hallway. After exchanging words with everyone else, I notice the Ericka was acting a bit off. However, I decided against questioning.

Our classes went quite well for the day. The last class was theatre where we dicussed about a new play we would be performing and about the roles. Unfortunately,Β  again I was walking out of BRIT when I spotted Tom's car. I went over there quickly and got inside. 'Classes went well?', he asked. 'Yupp', I answered happily. I saw Ericka over the distance waving at me and I waved back. She kind of looked startled and angry to see me here. Weird.....



Hey guys!

It's been a long time since I've been here. I am at home (obviously) given the circumstances around the world.Β  I cannot thank you all for 12.4k+ reads. Thank you all so so much!!!

I also request everyone in to stay safe and take the required precautions against corona virus. My prayers remain with those affected. I wish them a healthy recovery.



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