Mother-daughter day out!

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After the first audition, Liza had been doing quite well. But again, she was facing a problem which every student faces, school. She loved BRIT from the bottom of her heart, no doubt. But it does get a bit exhilarating at times. For example now.
So Nikki thought that she'd take Liza out on the next Saturday for some mother-daughter quality time. They hadn't done that for ages now.
When Liza was informed of this, she hugged her mother tight and was giddy like a little child. Honestly, she couldn't wait at all.
So, when the weekend rolled around, it was no surprise that Liza was up first. Armed with her camera to vlog, phone charged at 100% and not to forget, dressed up.
After a hearty breakfast at the Holland household, the two ladies were off to have some fun.
Firstly, they went to the British Museum. Both Nikki and Liza were goofing around the whole time, making up funny stories about the paintings. Next, they were off to the London Eye.
Sooner than later, they stopped for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
They kind of lost the track of time chatting away at the restaurant. But whatever!
After lunch, they went to Richmond park. Nikki was well aware of the fact that Liza loved Richmond park. The natural beauty and the animals. That wasΒ  the main reason why the entire Holland family went there so often. The ladies took a walk in the park, stopping several times to click photos. Liza had a mini-photoshoot with her mum which she thoroughly enjoyed. She absolutely loved it when her mum took pictures of her. She loved it when Harry did it too. But mum was mum after all.
Liza was absolutely drained when they got home. Nikki was infinitely relieved that Sam had already cooked dinner. Which was delicious by the way.
After dinner and changing into their pjs, the family plopped on the various sofas in front of the telly, armed with blankets. They decided on binge watching the Avengers films. The siblings were fast asleep during Age of Ultron. So, Nikki and Dom turned the telly off and retired to bed.

Hello lovely people!
16.5k reads people!!! Thank you so much. All of you❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ I'm eternally grateful to all of you reading this book.
I dedicate this chapter to my mum. Thank you mum for all you've done for me. I love you 3000 and infinitely more.
Today is my mum's birthday guys. If you can drop something nice in the comments, that would be great.

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