Just talk to me, that's all I want

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Tom's POV
When my shocked gaze met Liza's, I didn't like it one bit. Her usually warm brown eyes were so very cold.
"Get in the car Thomas, we need to talk and you're not wriggling yourself out of this", Liza seethed and turned on her heels, walking away.
Thomas... She had to be really mad to use my full name...
I quietly follow her to the car. Surprisingly, there were no paparazzi there. The executives must have shooed them away. After an agonisingly silent car ride, we finally got to the hotel.
"Go to your room. Change. I'll come a bit later. And don't even think about not opening the door. I won't hesitate to kick it down. Also, call mum up.", Liza ordered and I listened with my head hanging low.
Without questioning I left the lobby and headed to my room, freshened up, changed and dialled mum's number. She picked up after two rings. We talked for about half an hour. She told me how worried everyone was about me. Liza apparently hadn't slept well all night, so that's why she was at the gym that early... I hadn't realised when the tears started slipping from my eyes but when I did notice, I was crying, no, bawling my eyes out.
A curt knock on my door pulled me out of my cacophony. I quickly wiped my eyes and opened the door. There stood my sister, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, her eyes cold and her face stoic.
Liza's POV:
When Tom opens the door and I get a proper look at my elder brother, I notice that he looks completely broken. Puffy, bloodshot eyes, messy hair and a very blotchy face.
Conclusion: he's been crying.

Without another word I wrap him in a tight hug. He seems to need it right now. I can actually feel his tears soaking my hoodie, but I don't comment on it.
After hugging for some time, Tom let me in and we sat on his bed.
"Have you eaten anything??", I questioned. Tom looked away in response and lightly shook his head.
I quickly ring up the room service and order some food for the both of us. We wait in comfortable silence until the food arrives and thankfully, it doesn't take too long.
After we finish eating, we sit on the bed with cups of hot chocolate in our hands, I finally speak up.
"Come on Tom, just let it out now", I reassure. Tom looks hesitant and I raise my eyebrows at him. He succumbs to my gaze and speaks,
"I- I don't know what happened Liz. Like a few days ago everything was fine", his voice cracks, "Far From Home was doing well in the box office too and then two days ago I hear about this dispute... Like... I don't know...", he looks down and I can see the tears trailing down his cheeks.
"Listen to me Tom. I know this is bad and unfortunately, I can't do anything about it. They can take Spider-Man out of the MCU but they can't it away from you, can they? You'll always be Peter Parker to the millions of fans.", I state softly, "Peter Parker has gone through so much, Tom. And yet he keeps smiling and helping people. You have to do that too. Things will work out, trust me." I then set my cup down and hug him once again.
Tom still cries and I just sit there, holding him. My brother might be Spider-Man, but he needs someone to hold him from time to time. Atleast he let it all out. It was absolutely necessary to get him to talk about it and I'm glad I could do it.
Quite soon Tom fell asleep, after all he had a long day. I somehow tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead before going to my room to sleep for the day.
I do call mum and let her know that we're fine. Also, I send a text to Robert that we've talked and I request him to let the others know too.
Oh, D23, I don't know how I feel about you...

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