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Jack wasn't stupid. He could see how the new kid, Davey, was eyeing you all night. You and Jack were selling partners, so when the two boys showed up, you welcomed them into your partnership and showed them the ropes of selling. David liked to pretend he already understood, but he didn't, and really appreciated your help. Then you ran from the Bulls (who were after Jack) and ended up at Medda's, watching a performance. By the time Jack offered to walk you home, David had already taken a strong liking to you. When they dropped you off, you climbing up the fire escape to avoid being yelled at for being home so late, Jack turned to talk to David.


"You know, they're a good person. I think you'd do right by them."


au "dont even think about it david, they're mine." LOL

i like jack too much for this job.

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