"๐๐ถ๐ป! ๐ ๐ฐ๐ถ ๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฆ ๐ช๐ต!"
The golden-eyed witch with green hair smiled brightly at the sight of the Latina, Luz smiling widely back as she rushed to hug the other.
Luz smiled, hugging the witch close before the she blushed, realising their closeness Luz pulled away, blushing as she chuckled nervously, King watching their entire interaction suspiciously.
"So..." Luz cleared her throat as she looked at the witch, Amity completely red as she looked away. "Amity, is it just us or did you invite the others?"
"Well, I did invite them all, but they seem to be late," Amity checked her phone-like device, before a notification popped up on the top of her screen, the girl tapping on it as Luz peered over her shoulder.
"Got caught up with something... meet you all later... huh," Amity re-read the message a couple of times, before facing Luz, the girl blushing as she stuttered, Luz blushing slightly as her cheeks turned pink.
"Amity? Is everything alright?"
The green haired witch nodded her head vigorously, clearing her own throat as she swept imaginary dust off of her dress.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It's just that I find it strange that Georgia's late, she's usually pretty free from things. I wonder what's got her caught up."
"Stop it." The girl grumbled as The Guard kept swinging his legs, irritating Georgia as she glared at him.
"I'm bored, I can't do much." He groaned before an idea popped into his head, the boy soon smirking under his mask as he gripped onto the girl's waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as he felt her tense up from under him.
Georgia's eyes were widened as she felt the cool of his mask near her right ear, glancing quickly before her eyes darted away, a blush settling on her face as he chuckled at her.
"Does this really make you uncomfortable, Hathaway?" He asked, leaning his face close to hers as she cleared her throat, her voice cracking slightly.
"N-Nope, now get out my face. B-Before I accidentally crash... or something." Georgia muttered as she looked away, face completely red as he pulled away, the girl silently missing his warmth when he left.
"You're no fun." He sighed, the girl rolling her eyes, soon spotting the Owl House as she hurriedly turned her head around, covering the boy's eyes with her hands.
"Eyes shut, now!" She looked down while they neared the house, the boy placing his hands over hers as they were over his eyes.
"Not over mine, idiot!" Georgia hissed, trying to yank her hands away. "I need to steer the staff!"
"Right, right."
He let go of her smaller hands, the girl placing them on the staff as they landed, Georgia pushing him towards the trees, the boy crying out as he collapsed into the bushes, Georgia yelling out an apology before she rushed over to the front door, knocking on it as Eda opened.
"Oh, it's you."
"Hello Owl Lady!" Georgia smiled nervously, glancing back to make sure that the Guard couldn't hear their conversation. "Uhm, is Luz at home?"
"No, she left a while ago, actually. Is there something you have for her?"
"Actually, it's more for King, but yeah, you could say so." The girl rummaged through her bag, Eda peering over her shoulder to see a boy stuck in a bush, her gaze returning once the girl had shoved a box of crackers in her hands, running towards the boy as she called out a 'bye!'.
Next thing she saw was the two flying away on a staff, the boy being blonde as he picked leaves off of his face, Eda missing the sight of his mask as she turned around to head inside, shrugging the situation off completely.
Georgia sighed, pulling her phone out as she had checked her messages, flipping over to a certain contact, her eyes lingering at the small text near the bottom of her last message.
The girl sighed in relief before tucking her phone away, the boy in the back glaring holes at the back of her head.
"Mind explaining to me what that was about?"
"I uh... had to quickly drop off something." She shrugged, looking at the boy from the corner of her eye, the Guard unconvinced while he raised a brow underneath the golden mask of his, the girl huffing at his stare slightly.
"Look it was a one time thing."
"I get it, I get it... errand girl." He raised his hands in surrender while smiling at the nickname, Georgia perking up before smiling wryly.
"That was so unoriginal."
The two laughed slightly before it died down, the Guard noticing that they were still airborne, heading away from the girl's house.
"Hey, wait, where are we going?"
"To meet up with a few friends, yet... one of them may recognise you if you speak so uh... play mute."
"How will we communicate then?"
The girl looked down in thought before her eyes lit up, drawing a bright purple circle, two bracelets falling in her hand, both having the same gem as she handed one to him, the boy putting it on.
"I've seen a couple of these before, and since we both use Oracle magic, it should be easy to use." The girl shrugged as she landed nearby. "Telepathic communication should work with these, as long as the gems remain in a good condition."
The girl walked towards the market, the Guard testing the jewellery out as he repeated 'hello' out through it, Georgia hitting his arm as he let out a soft 'ow!'.
"Shut it, Errand boy. Try to be useful and look for Luz the human."
"Oh, her. This should be interesting." The Guard smirked, Georgia keeping her staff as she groaned at the boy.
"Just remember to shut up, or things will go wrong." She crossed her arms before walking passed the stalls before noticing the familiar mint green of her childhood friend's hair.
"Amity!" She called out, the golden-eyed girl snapping her head towards the mention of her name while Georgia ran forwards, grabbing the boy's wrist, the boy yelping as he was dragged along.
Georgia had dropped the boy's hand once she had come in close contact with the other witch, the two girls hugging before Georgia laid her eyes on Luz, the brunette hugging the Latina once Amity had let go.
"Hey! How are you guys?" The girl grinned, The Guard looking around the market as he had never gotten a good look at it.
Sure, he had walked through a couple of times for patrol but he had never really taken in the sights and sounds around him, drowning himself in the surroundings.
"...I hope you don't mind if I brought a friend along!" Georgia smiled nervously as he felt her hand being placed on his shoulder, looking at the group.
"What's with the mask replica?" Luz shrugged, uneasy as the mask reminded her of jerk people called 'The Golden Guard'.
"Oh, uh..." Georgia looked at the mask with wide eyes before snapping her head to her friends.
"He's a big fan of The Golden Guard, he just loves the power the kid holds. I'm just trying to prove to him that uh... The Golden Guard's not as great as everyone says he is."
The girl smiled, hiding back a wince as she felt someone pinch her arm, the girl kicking his shin as he flinched slightly.
"He feels very uncomfortable to show his face in front of new people." She waved a hand as he pretended to wave shyly, no one noticing the faint glow of the gem on her wrist.
"Well, hello there stranger!" Luz smiled holding her hand out as the male shook her hand, Luz waiting for a name before she whispered to Georgia.
"Can he speak?"
"Oh no... he's unfortunately mute." The girl whispered back to the two girls, Amity shaking his hand as Georgia created an alias for the boy.
"His name is Erik Brighton." The girl smiled, scratching the back of her neck as Amity glanced at her suspiciously, the boy nodding along to the name.
Once introductions were over, Georgia had looked at the two girls before realising they were missing a pair from the group.
"Hey, where are Willow and Gus?"
"Oh..." Amity realised as she looked at her phone. "They said they had things to do, so I guess it's just the four of us."
"Yeah... that's fine." Georgia smiled before shooting her mum a text, letting the woman know that she was occupied for the day.
"So, what do we do now?"
"Well... I have a couple ideas in mind, but how about we go mess around in some shops before chilling in the park?" Amity suggested, the Latina smiling while Georgia grinned, the Guard shrugging as he saw her eyes light up.
"Sounds good to me!" Luz grinned, pulling her phone out as she looked at Amity. "Anyone up for a group photo?"
The group nodded as they all smiled, soon walking off to carry out what they had planned.
Never in his life, did the Golden Guard ever expect to hang out with his targets and have fun, yet there he was, holding hands with Georgia as they ran from the authorities, glad that the guards didn't have enough time to see the mask on his face, his red eyes glancing at the girl who now stood in front of him.
Why was he having so much fun? This wasn't part of the plan, he still had duties to complete, yet he couldn't help but enjoy the small taste of freedom he had received as they hid behind a wall, the ringing in his ear lingering as it faded away, his alias being called out multiple times as he snapped to the source, catching himself staring at her golden eyes.
"Erik! You good?"
The boy nodded before glancing at the bracelet. Right. She had given a bracelet to her enemy. What was she up to?
The questions began to swirl around in his head before he had focused on one, clearing his mind of the rest before using his Oracle magic to speak to the girl.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
His voice rang out through her head as she glanced back at the boy, who gestured at the necklace as she nodded.
"Everyone deserves a second chance, even you. It's still hard to trust you, but I think we're getting there. Would it make you more comfortable if I said we were frenemies?"
His eyes widened as he glanced at her before nodding slowly. He could deal with that.
She smiled back at him before punching his arm, grinning as she did so.
"Then frenemies we are."
"Georgia! Erik!" Luz waved an arm, catching the duo's attention as they turned to the two girls on a bench, the trees shading the pathway of the park that they had now stood in front of.
"Over here!"
Georgia smiled, pulling his hand as he allowed her to drag him along, not minding the contact. In fact, he had strangely enjoyed it slightly, although he would never admit it out loud.
The two then joined on the bench, the four sitting together as they relaxed themselves from the chaos they had previously gotten into, the four beginning to laugh, the longer they had looked at one another.
"Hey Erik!" Luz looked at the boy, his head snapping up as he looked at the Latina.
"Amity and I... we weren't exactly trusting of you at first, but... welcome to the club!" The Latina smiled widely, slight guilt slicing through Georgia and the Guard at the thought of fooling them.
'They were genuinely nice,' the Guard thought to himself. 'Unlike what the Emperor had described them to be.'
"Feel free to join us whenever you like!" Luz smiled, Amity nodding as she smiled softly at Luz.
Georgia then nudged the Guards arm, pointing at the two before grabbing his hand as she stood up.
"Hey um, I am getting kind of hungry so uh... Erik and I have decided to get some snacks, yeah?" Georgia grinned, raising a brow at Amity's now red face as she called out a 'bye', pulling the boy along as they walked through the park.
"Hey," The Guard called out, once they were out of ear shot. "I never asked, why the name Erik Brighton?"
"Oh that's easy!" Georgia grinned, dropping his hand as she listed the reasons off while counting her fingers.
"First off, it had the same initials as Errand Boyโ"
"Second, what's wrong with the name Erik? It's suave." She joked, nudging his shoulder. "Bet you get a lot of asks out considering that you have flowing blonde locks."
"Har har." He rolled his eyes before running a hand through his hair. Is that what she really thought of it?
"I actually don't. Believe or not."
Georgia's eyes widened as she smirked playfully. "I see. It seems like the task master has overloaded you, huh."
"You could say." He shrugged, then placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "But usually yes."
She smiled softly at him, before punching his shoulder. "Well enjoy this while it lasts!"
Her laughter filled his ears as he too had begun to laugh, finding the sound contagious. The laughter had soon died down as the duo had returned, seeing that the Latina and witch were now holding hands, Georgia silently sneaking a shot in as she pretended to look solemn.
"Stores ran out of food, how are you both?"
Amity and Luz immediately retracted hands, both blushing and stuttering as they blurted out half finished sentences, Georgia chuckling before she took them both by the hand.
"Come on! Let's go find more stalls together."
With that, the three left, leaving the Guard to his thoughts once more.
Maybe he would enjoy it while it lasted.
mah brain is dying from school work ahhhhh
Note 1: No image today, i was lazy to draw slkdjfsdlkjf
Note 2: This chapter was trash!! i was led by mah gut, and im too tired out from school life and fam to type anymore TvT
Hope y'all have a great day / night!!
- sam
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