𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥, 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘪𝘵.
He grunted as he fell onto his knees, a dangerous, feral glow in his eyes as he gripped his arm tighter, Luz standing behind him as she kept her distance, just in case. Slowly, she crept her way towards Georgia but made sure to not anger the weakened Emperor.
"You'll never make it out of here unless you stop the Draining Spell right now!" Luz demanded, her hands trying to pry the vines off of Georgia, who struggled tiredly against the restraints.
Belos looked back, trying to attack the human before a sharp grunt escaped, the pain in his body worsening. He glared, before his head lowered once more, hair falling out of place in his struggle.
"I said stop it!" Luz glared, doubt seeping in.
Slowly, the vines around her friend weakened as her eyes widened slightly before a low grumble rang out in the hall. The two girls looked around, Luz pulling Georgia up as they had seen Belos' skin turn green. He tore through his clothes as his body bubbled and enlarged.
Soon, he had begun to resemble that monster they had seen in his mind. It stood up, spindly limbs dangling as the two girls stumbled back, eyes widened in horror at the sight. Slowly, eyes opened across his back one by one as they had soon seen his mangled visage look back at them.
King groaned, his vision fuzzy as his hearing was muffled. He raised a hand to his face before spotting the other members of the group, muffled noises filling in.
"Oh, my head..." Gus complained, rubbing his head.
Amity sat on the floor, Evelyn holding her hands out to her as she tried to help the purple-haired witch up. Alador stood defensively, almost as though fighting something off as Hunter stood over Willow.
"Willow, are you okay?" He frowned. "Come on, I'll help you up."
King closed his eyes, but the moment he opened them again, he saw Alador fighting off his abomatons, their heads exploding as goo landed on the ground, more abomatons appearing little by little.
"Dad. Dad!" Amity exclaimed, running up to her father. "Dad, are you–"
"Take this," Alador handed Amity a remote, cutting her off.
"Dad, no–" Her frown grew. "We're not gonna leave you!"
Alador kissed her forehead gently as tears began to pool at the corners of her eyes. Willow soon ran up to Amity, Hunter following behind her as the plant witch grabbed her friend's shoulder, Alador fighting the other abomatons off.
"Amity, come on, we can't stay!" Willow cried out. "We have to go!"
Willow pulled Amity away, the abomination witch reluctantly leaving her father's side as Evelyn wished him luck, guiding the rest of the kids away. King watched as Gus approached him, kneeliwn as he looked at him in concern.
"King. King, are you okay?" Gus raised an eyebrow before King felt his eyes slowly shut.
When he next opened them, he saw Gus, the illusionist holding a worried expression as streams of yellow flowed upwards behind him. King blinked again as he felt his head being moved, and saw Hunter run over to the Head of Abomination magic with a worried look.
"Darius? Darius? Darius, wake up! Wake up!"
"I've already tried waking them up, the spell's working quickly... and efficiently," Kyle kneeled beside Hunter, placing a sorry hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Have you tried moving him away from the light?"
"It's tough, the sigil acts like a magnet, and the light keeps them in place. As long as the eclipse is carried out... they're stuck," Kyle muttered in regret.
Muffled screams were heard and King blinked again. He saw Amity and Willow run over to an unconscious Eda, the Owl Lady within the grip of an abomaton. Evelyn gasped, rushing from person to person as she tried to cast healing spells.
"Eda! I got her!" Willow cried as Amity pressed a button, releasing Eda from its hold as Willow caught her.
"She's not waking up!"
"We have to get to the Head," Amity replied, pointing at the Skull of the Titan. "Luz could be in trouble!"
Finally, he opened his eyes, seeing four other witches flying in front of him, a phoenix following one of them as he squinted, grunting slightly at the pain he felt in his head. He rubbed his skull, not noticing a crack as Gus carried him, flying along with the others.
"Okay! I-I know you're mad, but you can still fix things!" Luz cried out, smiling nervously up at the monster before her and Georgia.
The portal door lay behind them, glowing as the monster kept its gaze trained on the two teenagers, Luz trying to reason with it.
"Just stop the spell!"
The monster growled, swiping an arm at the two as they backed away. Its arm missed them as they dodged, hitting the platform where the portal door was instead. The light on the portal flickered dangerously as Luz's eyes widened in horror.
"The door!" She cried out. "Watch the door!"
"I really don't think he can hear you, Luz!" Georgia hissed, pulling Luz along as the two tried to escape the being.
Belos swiped his arm at the two again, now on all fours as Luz grabbed Georgia's hand, pulling an invisibility glyph out. She slammed the spell on her chest as the two turned invisible, Belos perking up as his head snapped around, looking for the two girls.
He growled before two small images stood in front of the large double doors, the human waving her arms at the beast.
"Over here!"
The thing snapped its head around, Luz pushing the doors open as Georgia followed after her, the two running. The creature continued to follow behind them, an idea popping into Georgia's mind.
"Luz, I can try to transform but there's no guarantee that it might happen!" Georgia looked over to Luz, seeing Belos near them.
"Well, any idea sounds like a good idea right about now!" Luz cried out, Georgia nodding.
The half-witch took in a deep breath, shutting her eyes as she ran before a glow engulfed her, a blue wolf now standing in her place as she pulled the human onto her back by biting on the back of Luz's jacket, tossing her on.
The winged wolf continued to run ahead, eyes darting for exits before spotting a hole in the roof. She spread her wings, running ahead as Luz clung on tighter. The human looked down before noticing the small shadow below the group, a smile growing as she realised that they had a chance of escaping.
That was until Georgia felt something tug on her tail, her eyes widening in horror as she spotted Belos' hand wrapped around it. He yanked on the demon's tail, dragging the two girls down as Georgia slammed into the ground.
Luz stood up weakly, her friend morphing back into her witch form as Luz helped her out, the two sweating in exhaustion. Luz slung Georgia's arm over her shoulder, looking around as she noticed that the large beast had gone missing.
Her eyes widened as she heard a low grumbling behind them, Georgia looking behind in fear as she slapped a hand over her mouth, to hold in her fearful scream.
"We don't belong here," Belos rasped at Luz, the Latina glaring at him.
"I'm not like you!"
Belos cried out in frustration, lurching towards Luz as Georgia dashed in front of her, pulling out an oracle shield. The two girls braced for impact, expecting something to hit them, waiting for a 'thud'.
But nothing happened.
Instead, a loud rumble was heard, Belos collapsing onto the ground as vines were wrapped around him entirely. The duo's eyes widened as they saw their friends standing behind Belos, Willow's hands attached to the vines as she smiled, the others looking at Belos in horror.
Amity stood behind Willow, her hands ready as Hunter stood beside her, holding his staff in case of emergency. Xen smiled in relief, seeing that Georgia was okay and rushed to her, ready to check their best friend's injuries.
"We're here to help!" Willow grinned.
"Did you really think we wouldn't follow you two?," Amity shrugged with a smile.
"Yeah, girl. Get with it," Gus added on with a teasing smile, carrying King.
"You guys are literally the coolest!" Luz cheered, Georgia lowering her shield as she smiled at the group, Xen hugging her tight.
A growl interrupted the moment as Belos pulled against the restraints, the two witches beside Luz pulling away as they glared.
Georgia raised her shield once more and Belos moved rigidly against the vines, Willow running closer towards him with more vines as the current ones around Belos were tied from under the bridge.
"We have to get him to stop the Draining Spell, but he's all berserk mad!" Luz exclaimed, backing away behind Georgia's shield, Xen pulling Luz behind them.
Willow used more vines, holding the corrupt Emperor back as he continued to fight back, the bridge soon trembling and cracking under the force.
Chunks of rock began to crumble from the ceiling, Georgia stumbled while the rocks fell, her shield faltering as Amity's eyes widened. The purple-haired witch rushed in to defend the human as Georgia regained her balance.
"Luz!" Amity cried out, her abomination goo covering her and Luz as Amity gripped Luz's head protectively.
Gus frowned, running away from the monster as he placed King down on the side, worrying for the smaller demon as King frowned back at him.
"Buddy, it's about to get real scary," Gus placed King on the ground. "You stay here."
"But, I can help!" King objected, gripping the crack on his skull as he tried to ignore the pain.
The ground shook once more, shocking King as he landed on his rear. Belos began to stand up again, the vines snapping while the monster shook his head, roaring in resistance.
Before he could do anything else, a gigantic abomination hand slammed itself into his head, forcing him down while ice froze over it, holding him in place. Luz stood beside Amity, the human holding an ice glyph as they tried their best.
Georgia pulled out more oracle ghosts to tie him down as Xen cast two spells, two large serpents appeared as the creatures tied themselves across the cracking bridge, binding Belos to it.
Willow grunted, holding onto the vines as Hunter's eyes widened, spotting a large piece of rock about to land on the plant witch. He teleported despite the searing pain on his right hand, spinning his staff as it knocked the rock away, glowing yellow lines creeping up his arm.
"Gus!" Willow called out as Belos roared once more, the illusionist running to her side.
"On my way!"
King held his arm out, trying to stop the illusionist from leaving before the ground shook again. King lost his balance, being lifted from the ground as he collapsed, then was sent tumbling down the stairs from the impact.
He frowned, getting up before looking up in confusion, seeing that he was now elsewhere.
"Huh?" He whispered.
He looked up, seeing the beasts break free from their bonds, ice chunks flying through the air as he got up again, oracle ghosts flying around his head. The serpents hissed as they wrapped themselves around his arms, trying to hold him down. Belos crashed into the doorway from the impact of breaking free, Hunter, Willow and Gust ran back to avoid the rocks.
King watched the display in worry for his friends, his eyes widening as an unfamiliar voice spoke up behind him.
"It's pointless..." Her voice muttered.
He turned around, seeing Kikimora in her abomatron. Yellow lines covered her face as she was slumped over the edge of her seat, the abomatron deactivated.
"Belos can't stop the spell any more than they can," She muttered. "Only the Collector has that power."
"Who... is the Collector?" King questioned.
He knew that trusting Kikimora was a dangerous idea... but what other choice did he have? He took a step closer, hearing Kikimora's weak voice respond.
"Neither witch nor demon," She rasped. "A child from the stars. Belos only talked to him when he thought no one was around, but I was always listening. Belos was afraid of him."
"An opportunity!" King's eyes widened at the realisation before they furrowed once more. "Take me to him!"
"If that means kicking the Emperor's butt..." The abomatron stood up, a wicked snarl in Kikimora's tone.
Amity frowned, creating an abomination lasso before slinging it at Belos, Gus gritting his teeth behind her in annoyance.
She snagged the beast's hand, dragging him to the ground as Georgia pulled out more Oracle ghosts as they held him down. Gus rushed over to Belos, pulling the small mirror-like pendant from his necklace as he held it in front of the Beast.
"Georgia! Can Oracle magic enhance a spell?" Gus questioned, the Oracle witch grunting as she hummed.
"I think so? It depends on the spell!" She responded. "What spell are you gonna cast?"
"One that might go through his memories. It'll put him out for a long time if this spell's boosted!"
"Sounds good to me!"
Georgia held one hand out, using her magic to use the ghosts to keep Belos down, walking over to Gus as she nodded, ready to cast another spell.
"All right, Belos," Gus frowned at the Emperor. "Time to calm down a little!"
Gus' eyes glowed a bright blue as double rings appeared around the little mirror. Georgia cast an oracle spell as a purple ring appeared in her hands, the girl shutting her eyes in concentration as the blue rings in Gus' hands glowed brighter.
Belos' eyes began to glow a bright blue as he ripped himself away from the abomination goo, the ghosts breaking away as Georgia put all her concentration into helping Gus. The beast's back hit the wall as it cracked, Willow's vines wrapping around it as Luz cast a plant glyph to support her.
Belos gripped his head as memories flooded through his mind. He cried out as a few particularly painful memories flooded in, rushing toward the two teens. Georgia gasped, breaking from the spell as she shoved Gus out of the way, trying to move him aside as she ran.
Yellow streaks dashed past as Hunter picked her up, dropping her on the ground as she looked at Gus in worry.
"Gus!" She cried out, kneeling beside him before pulling his arm around her shoulders, getting him to safety.
The illusionist landed on the ground next to Hunter with a 'thud', the blue glow fading from his eyes, the spell wearing off. Georgia kneeled behind Hunter as she checked up on her illusionist friend, not realising the beast was coming towards them.
"Hunter, why are you hurting me? I only wanted to help you!" Belos cried out, his face morphing into the familiar visage Hunter recognised.
Hunter halted in horror, slowly shaking his head as a cold swear covered him. Georgia stood up, feeling his fear as she stood beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder in concern, pulling her oracle blade out.
"You're... you're lying!" Hunter flinched, gripping his staff tight in his hands as he kept his hand over his weakened right arm.
Belos' eyes widened in horror as he spotted a red bird by his 'nephew's side, his face turning back into the beasts as he cried out a name that wasn't Hunter's.
He stood up to his full height, roaring once more as Georgia watched his movements nervously, pulling her shield out along with her dagger, and stepping in front of the blonde boy.
"And he calls me a beast," She mutters.
Kikimora guided King down a long hallway, a long set of stairs behind them as piles of bones, skulls, and cracked golden guard masks lay on the ground sadly.
King walked by the skulls, a fearful frown on his face as he clutched his hands tight. A strange bug crawled out from an empty eye socket and into the eyeholes of a broken mask, King halting in horror.
"What is this place?" He questioned, looking up at Kikimora.
"Where the failures end up," She muttered, letting King walk ahead as they stood before a circular lunar-themed disc bundled in cloth.
Piles of skulls and masks surrounded it as the bundle was hooked on a piece of wood that was jutting out from the ground. King hesitantly walked towards the glass, Kikimora in her place, in case she needed to run.
Looking around one last time to see if anyone tried to stop him, King let out a shaky breath before placing his hand on the disc. With a quiet 'clink', the disc began to glow and King's eyes widened, a black silhouette appearing from the dark.
"Leave me alone!" He grumbled. "I don't associate with fibbers!"
The figure blew a raspberry before opening his eye. He kept his other eye closed while looking around in confusion, seeing a robotic-like structure in front of them. Did that thing summon them? It couldn't be!
"Wait... I know someone's there. I can feel it!" He exclaimed. "But why can't I see you?"
King frowned before noticing a soft glow from under him. He looked down at his collar to see the glowing pendant, his eyes widening.
He pulled his collar off, and the glowing stopped, King now visible in the Collector's view. He put his collar in one hand as he saw the Collector's eyes widen, the silhouette gasping.
"You look like that bully that put me in here! No way..." Collector exclaimed with a smile. "Are you his little Titan baby?"
The Collector morphed into a silhouette of the Titan on the ground, King watching his actions in silence.
"I've always wanted to play with you!" Collector cheered. "But your dumb Pops hid you. Hey, do you like hide-and-seek? I'll hide first!"
The Collector soon zipped away from the ground ready to go hide before King held his hand out, stopping the silhouette from going missing.
"Wait, wait!" King cried out. "Mr Collector! Please, we need you to stop this Draining Spell."
"Mister?" Collector looked at King in disgust. "You are so boring."
Collector rested his head on his hand, swinging his legs back and forth as he sprawled himself across the fallen pillar. King looked around, thinking of ways to get the silhouettes intrigue before his eyes widened, an idea popping into his mind.
"Well, you know what's better than hide-and-seek?" King exclaimed, acting out his plan. "A game called 'The,' uh, 'The Owl House.'"
"Ooh," Collector opened one eye in curiosity. "How do you play?"
"Oh it's so fun!" King nodded at Collector. "Like, the most fun! And I could show you if you want. We're gonna need a lot of players. Like, a whole island's worth of players, but uh... awhh... awe shucks..."
King looked away, pretending to be disappointed as the Collector frowned, his shadow enveloping the broken masks that were strewn across the floor in front of King.
"What's wrong?" He pouted, his voice echoing from each appearance.
"Well, gee," King rubbed the back of his neck. "Everyone's gonna perish from this ding-dang Draining Spell. Guess we can't play that awesome game after all. Man, it was fun though..."
King walked off in disappointment, the Collector's silhouette soon reaching out to stop him as he held his hands up.
"Wait!" Collector cried out. "If you're a Titan, you can let me out! I can stop the spell. And we could play together!"
The Collector smiled, stars flying around his head as King's eyes widened to his agreement, once again acting to help his friends.
"Golly!" He exclaimed. "You'd do that?"
"Wait, you're not tricking me into doing your chores like Philip, are you?" Collector raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
"I would never!" King frowned, placing his hand over his heart. "Pinky-swear."
Collector looked at King's pinky with widened eyes, a grin grew
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