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The two exploring the Forbidden Stacks searching for the diary as they passed by a sign that read 'Donations: Deadwardian Era -1600s-', mice scuttling away when they spotted the two.

The duo searched the bookshelves for what they could only assume what looked like a leather-bound journal, Luz slapping her hands over her mouth before a scream could escape as she saw a glowing hand place a book on its shelf.

Amity reached for a book but it crumbled into dust before the girl could place a finger on it, a small hum of surprise escaping her as her eyes widened. 

Luz then pulled a leather-bound book out, blowing the dust off it's cover, the leather ruined with age, as she saw the initials of 'Philip Wittebane' on the top right corner, the two girls squealing quietly in excitement before they shushed one another.

Luz then pulled the book's cover open, only to find a small mouse with a skull on its head, the creature chomping on some pages it held in its mouth as the pages were chewed on, the mouse looking up at Luz in fear, the girl gasping before she glared down at it.

"You little rat!" Luz snapped, forgetting to stay silent as Amity slapped her hands over her mouth.

Luz's words echoed throughout the room, the creatures of the library running away as a figure appeared from behind Luz and Amity, the two looking at one another wearily.

"Oh no..." Luz uttered before the creature behind them grew.

"Amity..." It growled.

"I'm just like, super disappointed in you, like, I can't even process these feelings right now." Malphas shook his hand, looking down at the two girls at the entrance of the library.

"Gosh, it's so hard for me to say this, but, like, you're fired."

The librarian drew a circle, Amity's staff card floating away as she looked down solemnly, Malphas turning away as the library doors slammed shut, the two girls not looking at one another. 

"Amity, I am soโ€“" Luz started before getting interrupted by Amity.

"Not right now, Luz." The girl clenched her fists. "Everything's changed since you came here. Being around you makes me do stupid things and I wish I didn't."

Amity faced the Latina, tears in her eyes before they widened, seeing that Luz herself had tears in her eyes, the girl sniffing as she wiped a tear away.

"It's okay, I uh..." Luz sniffled, facing Amity. "I-I do stupid things around you too, Amity."

Amity gasped, her eyes widening before clenching her fists once more.

"I think I need to go home..." The witch muttered, Luz's eyes widening as the two frowned, the human tempted to reach her arm out to hold Amity back, but decided against it. 

After all, everyone needed their own space.

Luz looked sadly at the girl before taking in a breathe, covering her face with her hands as she swept it across her face, pushing her hair back before speaking to herself in spanish.

"Nada funcionarรƒยก A menos que lo haga funcionar." Luz frowned in determination before storming her way to the library doors.


Gus' eyes widened as the beast crashed down, slamming its head into the ground, fire being emitted as Georgia and Gus dodged the flames, Georgia drawing a circle as she threw icicles at it.

"Alright, Gus." Georgia glanced at the boy from the side of her eye. "We're out of time, so until you have a better plan, we're going with mine."

The girl ran, shooting fire at the being as it shot its own flames, Gus being thrown around as Georgia pulled him up, hiding behind a pillar.

"I distract, you come up with another plan!"

The girl dashed out as Gus scrambled to hide behind another pillar, the boy glancing from the side as he saw the two fighting, clenching his fists.

"Uh, it will just be an illusion, but maybe I can scare him away."

Georgia grunted, throwing more fire towards the beast as Gus drew a giant circle, clouds coming out as a female version of the guardian appeared, Georgia's jaw dropping open in disbelief as Gus made the female flirt before it disappeared into clouds.

Gus looked away nervously as the guardian began to glitch, revealing an old illusionist the man smiling as Georgia jumped back in surprise slightly.

"This day can't get any wackier..." She muttered to herself before slowly walking her way to Gus.

"Oh-ho!" The elderly man smiled. "I am the keeper of the Looking Glass Graveyard!"

The man walked towards the two, Georgia and Gus grimacing as he hugged the two, Georgia taking note of the cobwebs that hung from his outfit as the two looking at him as though he were insane when he pulled away.

"And it has been a very long time since I've had a visitor!" The man looked at Gus. "And to think it'd be another illusionist!"

He hopped around, clapping in glee while chuckling.

"Though I don't remember them being so small..."

Gus then narrowed his eyes, Georgia stifling her laughter as he began glaring at the elderly man who then responded.

"Don't give me that face! An illusionist has always kept watch over the Galderstones. We gain no powers from them, so we're the least likely to use them from evil. Probably..."

"Well," Gus interrupted. "We got to get out of here! Now!"

"So..." Bria interrupted. "The Big Bad Guardian is just another useless illusionist!"

The girl chuckled, Gavin and Angmar walking towards the two.

"Today just keeps getting better."

The two boys drew circles, an abomination appearing as it held Gus and the guardian together, Georgia narrowly dodging it as a vine wrapped around the two, Bria smiling wickedly as Georgia snarled, drawing a circle as ice appeared, being thrown at the two boys.

It wasn't long before the two boys had dodged the attack, Angmar growing a plant as it wrapped around Georgia, the girl hissing as the thorns scratched her legs.

"And my arm was just healing..." She muttered.

Bria snickered as she walked towards the girl.

"Too bad, so sad, Georgie." She walked away smirking. "Have fun going nowhere!"

Bria then climbed her way up a rocky surface, pulling a Galderstone from the pile as the rest fell, the girl letting out a small 'whoop' as the three boys scattered to pick the items up.

Mattholomule held a stone in his hand, looking at in realisation as guilt poured over his system.

"Huh..." He muttered before the stone was violently pulled away by Angmar, the orange boy smirking.

"Hey!" Mattholomule yelled out as Bria smiled down at him. 

"We're playing by Gladus rules, Matty. You can have anything you want," She crossed her legs, smirking. "If you're strong enough to take it."

The three then laughed down at the boy, Mattholomule frowning in hurt as he looked back at Gus, seeing that the boy had given up, Georgia still struggling as her wound began to sting, the bandages becoming a light red.

Mattholomule walked to the three as Gus looked up, Georgia huffing at the boy.

"Hey..." Mattholomule greeted, looking away. 

"Here to rub victory in our faces?" Georgia looked away, frustrated.

"N-No, I..." Mattholomule took in a deep breathe. "I-I didn't know she was gonna do this."

"I don't think you've been around her enough." Georgia replied, her eyes tearing up at the memory of her and Bria, the girl trying to push the pain away.

"Matty!" A voice interrupted, the boy recognising it as Bria's. "We need to you hold our stuff!"

"This is exactly how it was at Glandus!" Mattholomule crossed his arms, looking at Bria's direction. 

"Always, Bria's stooge."

"Better a stooge than a clown." Gus frowned. "Bria was right, illusions are nothing but high-def party tricks."

"Gus..." Georgia frowned at the boy.

"Yeah..." Mattholomule muttered before drawing a bright yellow circle, a saw made of rock appearing from the ground as he broke it off.

"I used to think that too, but then I met some dork who used his powers to save me from a man-eating detention pit."

Mattholomule sawed away at vines, Gus and the elderly witch free as the boy moved to saw Georgia out of the plants, the girl gripping her upper arm, smiling slightly at the boy, the two males rubbing their arms as they were now free.

"All I'm saying is, if a dumb illusion can save a jerk like me, maybe it's not as useless as you think."

Gus then smiled. 

"Thanks Mattholomule." He then held a fist up. "It's time to teach these jerks a lesson."

"I'm in." Georgia stepped up, smiling as she wiped some tears away. "Someone needs to put Bria in her place."

"I agree!" The old man grinned. "I'll call the hounds!"

"Woah." Mattholomule deadpanned.

"With all due respect, sir." Gus crossed his arms. "I'd like to try something a little more creative."

"Sounds fun." Georgia grinned. "I'd like to join in on the illusion magic as well, if that's okay."

Gus smiled at Georgia.

"How's your illusion magic?"

"About your standard."

"Well," He grinned. "welcome aboard."


Bria grunted as she tossed a Galderstone to Gavin, the boy catching it as he threw it back, Angmar catching it mid-air as he crashed into a statue, its upper-half crumbling off as they laughed, a butterfly catching Angmar's attention as he stared at it in awe.


"Maybe we can sell the small ones to the Emperor's Coven and keep the rest for ourselves." Bria smirked at her plan, the girl pointing in an unknown direction. 

"Angmar! Start collecting! Angmar?"

The girl halted when she had no response, glancing at the orange boy's direction.

"Hey! Get back here!"

The boy chased after the bug, the creature chuckling as it winked, leading Angmar into the mist as the boy blindly followed.

"Wait! Come back! What species are you?"

"Ugh whatever," Bria groaned, unsettled by the mist. "I never really liked him anyway. Looks like you're my second-in-command, Gav."

The girl's smile dropped when she saw Gavin staring into the fog, seeing a figure in the mist.


"Gavin," The man who looked very much Gavin appeared, besides the fact that he had a gigantic moustache.

"I just want you to know that I'm proud of you." The man smiled. "Now, how about we get some ice-cream, son?"

Gavin gasped, rushing over. 

"That sounds great, Pops!" He smiled, before halting. "Wait, when did you grow a moustache?"

"Hey, don't blow this chance!" The man replied before placing an arm over Gavin's shoulder, the two walking into the mist.

Bria glared, not buying the mind tricks as she hissed out into the atmosphere.

"Come out, illusionists!" She placed her hands on her hips. "I'm not dumb enough to fall for these tricks!"

Her surroundings soon turned black, red eyes snapping open around her as she yelped before calming herself, smiling as she realised that they couldn't hurt her. A dark figure suddenly ran passed her, Bria glaring as she drew a bright orange circle, unsure where to hit it until a figure ran behind her, the girl slamming her fist into the ground behind her.

A pillar appeared, the void along with eyes disappearing, Bria smiling triumphantly.

"That's right! Who's strong now?! I never needed those losers anyway."

The girl tucked the Galderstones into a large sack, swinging the sack over her shoulders as she grunted.

"More for me."

What the girl didn't notice was a light blue fog trailing after her, the girl looking back suspiciously before a statue's head faced her, it's eyes glowing red as a dark substance leaked out from it's eyes and mouth, the rest doing the same as the one who's upper half was broken, crawled towards her.

Bria smirked, dropping the sack as she picked a Galderstone up, the girl chuckling. 

"Cute." She grinned, drawing a circle before it faded, the girl looking at it confusion before she drew another, that failing as well.

"Why isn't my magic working?!" She glanced at her hands, horrified.

Her hands then began to turn into stone, crumbling away as they blew in the wind, Bria crying out in horror as her surroundings turned a bright red, the eyes returning.

A statue then crawled its way towards her, Bria backing away in panic.

"What's going on?" She then tried to calm herself. "No, no. This is all just an illusion. It can't actually hurt me, it can't even touch me!"

The girl was proven wrong as the statue gripped her leg, the girl gasping in horror as it looked up, it being Bria's face as the substance leaked out Bria running away as she screamed 'cursed' out.

"Cursed! This place is cursed!"

The illusion then was blown away, the statue crawling revealed to be Gus as he groaned.

"Man, that took a lot of concentration."

The red atmosphere then disappeared as it revealed a lot of pillars, the statues broken as Georgia hopped down from one, walking over to Gus.

"Good job Gus, Titan, it felt good getting a scare out of her." She chuckled, picking up the Galderstone.

"Thanks for the help, Georgia." He smiled. "Couldn't have done it without you."

"Anytime." She smiled back.

"By the way, where did you get the red eyes idea from? It was really creepy." Gus smiled, Georgia looking away.

"Well, I was with a friend the other day, and I'm not sure why but, it was fuzzy, but I thought I saw red eyes, and it couldn't be my friend's since," She sighed. "Since he's... shy to show his face... I think I did it subconsciously."

Gus nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, if you ever need help finding this person, Luz, Willow, Amity and I have your back."

Georgia smiled back.

"Thanks, Gus."

"Laying an illusion over the whole graveyard," The old man smiled, him and Mattholomule walking towards the two.

"To make it seem like the stones weren't working? Very clever! Keep honing your powers of observation, child," The man smiled. "And there's no limit to what you'll be able to do!"

"There are... some limits." Gus responded wearily. "I wish I could repair all the damage they did."

"Um..." Mattholomule interrupted the silence. "Maybe I can help."

"I'm willing to pitch in as well." Georgia smiled tiredly.

"Maybe you should take a rest." Gus chuckled nervously.

"Pssh, at least let me do one statue." She sighed.

"Ugh, fine."

Soon, all the statues were in place, albeit some of them were... strangely arranged, but the damage was undone, the guardian smiling.

"Thank you for defending the Looking Glass Graveyard, witchlings." He smiled. "Perhaps it's time, I hid this place for good."

Gus' eyes opened wide.

"But there's so much history here!"

"What if we came back on the weekend to help build your defenses?" Mattholomule added, Georgia holding a finger up.

"I can get more tips from the books in the library?"

The man placed a finger on his chin, thinking before smiling at his decision. 

"I would like that very much. You're all welcome to come back whenever you please!"

The man shot the trio finger guns before walking off, smiling as they waved.

"He is definitely a ghost." Mattholomule smiled to himself.

"So, does this mean, we're like, friends now?" Gus questioned, the boy's eyes widening as he walked away.

"I... don't know."

The two then continued to tease each other, playfully shoving one another as Georgia chuckled, trailing behind.



Edric hummed, checking himself in the mirror as Emira sat on the floor, combing her sisters hair as Amity looked down wearily, frowning to herself.

"Ever since Luz came here, things have just gotten... confusing." She ranted. "I'm thinking things I've never thought before, I'm feeling things that I never used to feel!"

"Is that so bad?" Emira smiled softly. "You weren't happy before. Ed, don't pick. You'll make it worse."

"Too late!" Edric called out as Emira frowned, Amity sighing as she looked away sadly.

"Hey," Emira frowned. "Your roots are growing out, do you wanna dye your hair again?"

Em smiled holding a vial of green liquid as Amity picked up a tuft of her hair thinking before she decided.

After a few hours of styling, dying and cutting Amity glanced at her siblings, the two inspecting the new hairdo.

"So, how's it look?" Amity glanced at Edric as the boy placed a hand on his chin before placing them on his hips, the boy smiling.

"It looks like you're about to get in big trouble with Mum."

Emira slapped the boy's stomach before inputting her opinion, ignoring Edric's 'ow'.

"I think it look's great." She smiled softly. "But yeah, maybe don't tell her I helped."

A knock was then heard from the door, the three turning their heads as Amity walked towards the door, opening it to reveal Luz, who's eyes were shut tight as she held her hands out, Amity's library card in hand.

"I'm so sorry about everything, I'd understand if you never want to see me again, uhโ€“"

Luz opened her eyes, seeing Amity's new hair cut, glancing at the witch's now-lilac hair.

"It's... different..."

"Oh yeah," Amity shrugged, rubbing the nape of her neck. "Mum always liked it green. I thought I could use a change."

The girl then blushed, pulling the library card from Luz's hand as the girl gawked in awe at the new haircut.

"Uhhh, how'd you get this back?" Amity noticed Luz's various scars. "And, what happened?"

"Well!" Luz grinned nervously. "To get Malphas to hire you again, I had to go through some trials. And categorise some man-eating books, and... tame something called a paper dragon... that guy was not fun." 

"Oh, hey guys!" Luz called out, spotting Edric and Emira, waving at the two as Emira waved back, the two noticing Amity's stare as they disappeared around the corner, the girl sighing as she shut the door.

"Well, looks like you made a new friend." Amity looked down to see a small mouse clinging onto Luz's leg, the girl looking down as she glared at the creature.

"You're the one that ate the diary!" Luz hissed, the mouse hopping off as she pounced after it, clutching the rodent in her grasp.

"I hate you."

"Wait," Amity chuckled, pulling Luz up. "This is an Echo Mouse. It consumes knowledge through writing and can play back anything it eats."

Amity held the mouse in her hands, Luz glancing at her in curiosity.

"We dealt with them a lot at work. Watch." Amity smiled before stroking the mouse's head, the creature glowing before it began to project a little film, the two girls watching it in curiosity.

"My journey through the Demon Realm is far from over." It played. "But today, I humbly donate my journal to the ages. Entry one, May 21st... I think. My name is Philip Wittebane, and I found myself in a world so horrid, yet so fantastic, few minds could have dreamt it.

"If only those at home could see what I have, and perhaps they shall, for the more I learn about this realm, the more I am certain I can harness its strange powers to return home. Today, I begin recording my journey to create a portal back to the Human Realm."

The film then ended, Luz smiling at the mouse as she took it from Amity's palm.

"Thank you, little mouse. I hope you and I can become good friends."

Amity glanced at Luz as the wind blew through her hair, pulling her staff card out as she touched its burnt edge, smiling softly.


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