announcement ‼️(not a chapter)

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hey its the author here! nvm you probably already knew that

I have alot of things to say but first...

*drumroll* 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁


thank you so so much for all of the support this book has gotten. honestly I never thought anyone would read this book because I thought it was cringy, but you guys actually like it??? its baffling but still tysm ❤😗

next announcement 🥁🥁🥁

I would like to tell you guys something very important

this book is (most likely) ending at 100 official chapters (filler ones like this don't count so dont worry your pretty little heads)

so far we have 25 official chapters which means about 75 to go

this is not an official announcement because I don't know if I'll change my mind or what will happen but its just a speculation

if you have any questions please comment and I will answer

speaking of comments, I love reading your comments on this book, in my opinion some of the comments are funnier than the book itself and I really appreciate them.


anyways thank you and I love you guys ❤

byeeeee 😗✌‼️

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