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by haleyboook


|Β  SΒ  UΒ  MΒ  MΒ  AΒ  RΒ  YΒ  |

Lena is the infamous telekinetic eternal, with a complicated relationship status. She feels the romantic chemistry with Ikaris at first sight. The two of them fit together like two perfectly matched puzzle pieces. Well, here's the kicker, Sersi seems to have feelings for Ikaris too. When a classic love triangle becomes too much for Lena to handle she takes a step back from Ikaris.

Her feelings go unrequited for centuries as they love each other in the shadows and share stolen glances and affection at any given chance. What happens when the group eternals wish to stop the emergence and look to find Lena to assist them? Will the now single Ikaris get the long awaited love he desperately pined for?

Will Lena always just be the one that got away?

Will their love only ever be a tragic love story?

(warning: i love sersi so much, she's amazing in the movie but she's sorta gonna be viewed as the backstabbing best friend in this book)


| C A S T |

Lena played by Adelaide Kane

'the true love'

"I always did love you dearly. I in fact, still do. You tend to be very good at getting me to love you. Centuries apart and you still make me feel like the only woman in the room."

"Hey blue eyes, care for a dance?"


Ikaris played by Richard Madden

'the dream'

"My beautiful Lena. You've finally joined us. To what do we owe the pleasure of your wonderful company?"

"You deserve better Lena. But... we really could've been something great... right?"


All other marvel characters will be as shown in the movie eternals. All actors and actresses as their respectable characters!

Some characters will be introduced later!

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