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╔═══  -ˋˏ *.Β·:Β·.⟐.Β·:Β·.* ˎˊ-Β  ═══╗

"I get so lost inside your eyes..
Would you believe it?"

β•šβ•β•β•Β  -ˋˏ *.Β·:Β·.⟐.Β·:Β·.* ˎˊ-Β  ═══╝

βœΌγ€€ γ€€βœΌγ€€ γ€€βœΌγ€€ γ€€βœΌγ€€ γ€€βœΌγ€€ γ€€βœΌ

I sit at the picnic tables as I push colored beads onto string with all the young girls here.

They look to my pattern I choose and say "I want that pattern!"

One of the other girls says "I want it too."

My eyes widen and I slowly lift beads with my mind as I thread them through the braided string. Creating two other bracelets as I continue this one.

They giggle as they watch it be created above them. They point and talk about it with one another.

I lightly smile as I look down to the bracelet in my hands. Ikaris crosses his arms as he walks closer. He leans against the tree admiring us.

I grab all three friendship bracelets and tie each of them off and I say "Alright, let me see your arms."

They slide their arms towards me and I slide one on each of their wrists. They smile and Ikaris says "Very colorful."

I look up, just now realizing he was there. Dana spins quickly around seeing Ikaris. He smiles to her and she quickly stands on the wooden seat leaping towards him.

He pushes off the tree catching her and chuckling lightly. "You've gotta make sure I'm ready to catch you, Dana."

She nods and says "Lena says you always catch her."

I scoff and say "I did not say that, Dana."

Ikaris smiles amused and looks to me. "Hm?"

I roll my eyes and say "I said that Ikaris has strong instincts but that isn't always a good thing."

Zoey says "Then he can sweep you off your feet."

Dana says "Dance with Ikaris, Lena!"

I shake my head and say "You two are embarrassing me. Stop. Please."

Ikaris says "The beautiful and brave Lena is embarrassed? Afraid to dance with me?" Dana says "We made you a bracelet ikaris!"

He looks to Dana and says "Oh really?" Zoey grabs the bracelet from my hands and I say "hey!"

She giggles and jumps into Ikaris' arms too. He has his hands full with them.

Zoey slides it onto his wrist and he says "Matching bracelets for all of us? I like the blue and purple beads. And the green adds just enough of a pop to not wash out the other colors."

Dana says "It's Lena's pattern."

Ikaris looks to me and I say "And my bracelet, Zoey.. Dana."

They shrug and Ikaris says "I think it suits me well."

I sigh and say "You can keep it. Just don't say I never gave you anything okay?"

He smiles to me and says "Got it."

I hear Dana and Zoey's mother shout for them to come for supper and Ikaris says "Ah, dinner time guys."

Zoey says "Eat dinner with us ikaris!"

I smile at his mini fans

They have a small little obsession with Ikaris.

He sighs and says "I would but I have to get Lena home safely. Rain check on dinner though, okay?"

They nod and he sets them down. They quickly run ahead and push each other forward as they head towards the camp.

Ikaris says "Here you can have this back." He starts to slide the beaded bracelet off and I shake my head as I push it back on to his wrist.

My hand lingers on his arm and I look to meet his blue eyes.

I slowly slide my hand off saying "Zoey and Dana will make sure you still have it on the next time they see you. It's a guarantee."

He laughs and says "They're good kids."

I shrug and say "I guess. They are backstabbing brats sometimes."

He looks to me amused and he says "Lena...This is because they gave me the matching bracelet instead of you isn't it?"

I grumble and say "No.."

He nods and says "I'd say we could share it but I'm not great at sharing."

I bitterly say "And Sersi is good at sharing?"

He looks to me surprised and amused. He says "I don't know what she could possibly have to share. Maybe her skills?"

I scoff and say "You're a jerk."

I start to push the beads into the burlap bags and he says "I was joking Lena! I was meaning her powers."

"I'm sure you got an up close and personal look at aaalll of her skills."

He shakes his head and says "I actually didn't. Because I happen to be a gentleman."

I nod and say "How could I forget? You and Kingo have your rules. 3rd date if you don't get them in the sack you dump them."

He grabs my shoulder and I shrug it off. "Lena come on. Let's go take a walk. Leave the beads."

I sigh and say "Only if you tell Kingo to stay away from my friends. He's already slept with too many of them."

Ikaris nods and says "I'll tell him your friends are off limits."


He looks to me as we walk towards the forest. I look down at where I'm stepping and he says "I'm not like that y'know."

I shrug and say "We don't spend enough time together for me to dispute that claim."

He shakes his head and says "If I'm not with the team I'm fighting. That's so much time together."

I sigh and say "It doesn't matter Ikaris. I know how you feel about Sersi. I'm totally fine with you continuing that relationship."

"You are?"

I nod and say "I am. Definitely." my voice goes into a higher pitch at my response and I get lost in his eyes as we walk through the forest.

I step on something squishy and roll my ankle.

Ikaris reaches to grab me but I only end up pulling his arm down with me.

He indefinitely lands on top of me, causing me to groan from impact. Our foreheads smack together and we immediately rub the spot they hit.

I grumble and Ikaris says "Are you alright?"

I nod and say "I rolled my ankle."

He slowly trails his eyes down to my lips. I wet my lips slightly as I pull my hand out of the foliage beside me

I meet his eyes and he smiles. I arch an eyebrow and say "You're still crushing me."


We lean into each other and I feel something on my leg. What the hell.

I turn my cheek to look just as Ikaris closes his eyes. He kisses my cheek and he pulls away for a moment when I say "What the hell is that?"

He sighs and says "I was gonna kiss you. I'm sorry Lena alright? I know.."

I say "Do you feel that? What the hell is that-?"

Ikaris looks to me confused as I look down

I scream as I see it slither towards me. I push Ikaris off me sliding and pulling my body away from the massive snake.

Ikaris immediately shoots beams of cosmic light at the snake killing it.

I shake my head as I push the hair out of my face. I huff a sigh of relief as Ikaris starts to loudly laugh.

I roll my eyes at his laughing as he stands up. But quickly after I crack under the sound of his laugh and start laughing with him

He says "You're something else Lena."

I look to him unamused and he says "In a good way."

I sigh and say "I hate snakes. It was squishy and not squishy at the same time as I stepped on it. I could've died."

He laughs hysterically again and I say "It isn't funny."

He laughs softly but quickly saying "For an eternal that fights deviants you're afraid of snakes?"

I glare at him and say "Like there's nothing you're afraid of."

He nods and says "Yeah. Nothing."

I scoff and say "We'll good for you mr.perfect."

He extends a hand to me and pulls me to my feet. "You can walk on it right?"

He motions to my ankle and I look down and say "Ikaris I can.." he interrupts me pulling me to his side and looping his arm behind my back.

He flies us up and I say "That is so unnecessary. I still have to clean up those beads and.."

He interrupts me saying "I saw you as we were walking into the forest. You were cleaning it up as we walked. You wouldn't have fallen if you didn't get distracted by that."

No buddy. I got distracted by your blue eyes and hot ass face

I nod and say "Fine. You caught me."

He says "You need to relax and go with the flow, Ena."

I wrinkle my nose and say "Being organized and planned out is the safe choice."

He smiles and says "Sometimes its better to go with the not so safe choice."

I chew on the inside of my cheek and say "hm? And that's your life's motto? Go with the dangerous choice?"

"No. Go with the not so safe choice, sometimes."

I look to him and say "I can fly on my own you know."

"Yes. I know. But wouldn't want you to get distracted and to hit a cloud or a bird."

I grumble and say "That was one time!"

He smiles and says "Yeah for each occurrences."

I frown and say "Race you to the arctic?"

He looks to me and says "You're gonna injure yourself."

"Don't worry. I have it all covered."

I lightly push him off me and gain my balance in the air. I say "Ready?"

"Lena this isn't a good idea."

I look to him and say "But we're taking the long way."

"That's pointless. And a waste of time."

I look to him and say "Winner gets whatever they want from the other for a full day."

"Hm I mean.."

"Readygetsetgo!" I shout

He flies off in the long direction and I smile as I take the shortcut.

God men are so gullible.

I land on the ice and look to the sky as a few seconds later Ikaris lands.

"That's not possible!"

I shrug and say "Did I ever tell you my hidden power is teleporting?"

He shakes his head and says "You took the shorter route."

I nod and say "Maybe."

He says "Wowww. That's so not fair." I smile and lean into him. Pressing my chin to his shoulder and looking up to him. He looks down to me and I say snarkily "That was me being not so safe."

He scoffs as I tap his chest mockingly but mindlessly. He says "And you're using my words against me now."

I nod and say "You bet, blue eyes. So, firstly I get to have you as my personal maid and caregiver starting now until this time tomorrow."

He shakes his head and says "That's not happening

I pat his cheek and say "Carry me home, dear?"

He looks to me annoyed and I pinch his cheek tauntingly. He swiftly and irritatedly sweeps me off my feet taking me home.

I smile to him and say "I could get used to this."


I laugh and say "Address me as Goddess, blue eyes."

He looks to me surprised and says "Wow, throwing around the title I see."

I nod and say "You bet."

He sighs and says "We'll be home in a few minutes, Ena."

I smile up at him as he prefers to use his nickname for me instead.

"Your ankle still hurt?"

I shrug and say "Not really. Just grossed out that a snake was crawling up our legs."

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haley speaks!

I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this story! I like writing this fluff and sappy crap haha. Sersi's jealousy will be shown next chapter along with Ikaris basically doing anything asked of him.

Q&A: favorite tv show?

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