(54) The End

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"She's been up there for more than an hour." Yeji's concerned voice echoed in the dark broom closet room.

"Shhh!" Chenle snapped. "She'll find us."

"Cowards. Why are we hiding from muggles instead of fighting them like others?" Renjun questioned.

Squeezed in between seven other people, Jaemin tried to reach the door but Mark's butt had gotten stuck in between the shelves and the door, making it impossible for him to leave.

"I swear standing in here feels like I'm working out." Jeno muttered as sweat beads had started to cover up his forehead. "Whose idea was it to hide in this exact closet? We could have chosen an empty classroom, secret passages, the freaking dorms."

"Well at least you don't have Mr.Giraffe towering over you." Renjun threw Jisung a glare.

"Oh c'mon someone help, my butt-"

"It's too hot."

"Stop trampling my expensive shoes."

"Ouch, my hair you stupid dumb-"

*Dolphin screech*

"Who farted?"


"Oh for goodness sake, stop!" Donghyuck whisper shouted. "We're creating a huge scene in here. Can't you people stay quiet?"

Jeno gulped. "Too late."

The door flew open and a group of muggles with swords and spears roared, but they stopped once they've noticed Mark's uncomfortable position.

"Kid you're blocking us." A man complained. "Should we cut you open so we can get the others?"

Mark screamed in terror, taking a huge risk to unglue himself off the closet before grabbing his wand defensively.

"Of course, we forgot magic exists." Renjun face palmed himself before pushing everyone aside. "What's the reason you're attacking us?"

"Your kind is a threat to us." A man with a huge beard spat bitterly. "You've started this war and we're here to end it."

"I don't understand." Jaemin spoke. "We're only students. We haven't done anything wrong to you."

The armored men laughed. "Of course, sweethearts. But your, whatever ministry it's called, murdered our Prime Minister. This means we're no longer under your protection and your have declared a war."

"The Ministry of Magic would never-" Jeno gasped. "Jaemin, your father."

"He's starting a war to wipe out his own kind." Jaemin gritted his teeth. "Move." His eyes darkened and his feet carried him towards the Astronomy tower.

Ivy froze. Although she tried to convince herself that wands cannot kill her, she didn't dare to move. She couldn't.

"Take him out." The man who held her hostage spoke. Another man, rather a young looking one, stepped out of the shadows and kneeled in front of Jungwoo, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face.

"Li, you're not a killer. You don't belong to him." Jungwoo whispered, resting his head on Liang's shoulder. His emotions turned jagged and his insides tight. He waited wide eyed, heart in his mouth as he desperately cried in his mind, and then came the hot tears again, falling thick and fast onto Liang's shirt.

Then he noticed the emerald bracelet wrapped around his wrist and he knew what was about to happen in the next few seconds would be against Liang's own will.

"I forgive you." Jungwoo looked up with a small smile, hands slowly reaching towards the bracelet to take it off. "This isn't your fault, Li."

He was too late, the blade had ripped through his heart and his body went limp.

"He betrayed us last minute." Mr.Na eyed Ivy. "Since you know the truth, I suppose I should do the same to you as well, Miss Zhong."

"You can't kill people like it's a hobby." Ivy whispered, wrapping her fingers around her wand tightly. "What are you doing to us? To this world?"

"Me?" He chuckled bitterly, watching Liang kneeling beside his deceased best friend as he clutched his hand tightly. "Chaos, that's all I want. Seeing people suffer makes me feel powerful."

She realised he was already too sick in his head. He was a Psychopath and calling him a person would be an insult to mankind.

"Stop whatever you're doing, father." Jaemin's voice echoed. Ivy bit her lower lip nervously, wishing that he was somewhere far away locked in a broom closet.

Their eyes met for a couple of seconds before Jaemin broke their stare, focusing his eyes back to his father's.

"My sweet little baby boy." The man's smile faded. "I've warned you to stay away from these troublemakers. Yet you never listen, just like your mother and brother."

Mr.Na pressed the wand into Ivy's neck as Jaemin took a few steps closer. Before anything could happen, Chenle, Jisung, Jeno, Mark, Renjun, Donghyuck and Yeji joined the Slytherin boy.

"Ah your little friends too." Mr.Na groaned. "Sweetie, put them to sleep will you?"

Everyone stared at the man, confused. Then came Pang with a wicked smile, holding her wand proudly. She stepped closer to whisper in Ivy's ear. "Watch me destroy your friends little by little."

"No..." she whispered. "Pang, this isn't you."

"Shut up, you slut." Pang glowered, the hardness in her face warping to something deeper and scarier. "You took everything from me. My friends and my boyfriend. You deserve absolutely nothing."

"Bold of you to assume we're your friends." Donghyuck rolled his eyes, grabbing her wrists and pinning them against the wall. He bewitched them into staying glued until the matter was settled. "I'm glad Jaemin broke up with you, you're just a two faced traitor."

"Go best friend!" Ivy cheered, forgetting that she was literally one step away from entering heaven...or hell.

Mr.Na had decided to end it once and for all. He prepared his wand with the deadliest spell, the one that killed Jaehyun. Just as he was about to use it on Ivy, someone had aimed their blade at his back.

The man didn't give up. He held his wand tighter, grunting in pain as Ivy ran to her friends' side.

"No!" Chenle gasped, his eyes catching the glimpse of Mr.Na's wand and the spell directed towards his sister. It was too late to pull her back unless-

Chenle moved to stand beside Ivy. It was now or never, the spell could now hit and kill both of them. It happened so fast, no one really had the time to react. Once the spell had reached the two, they were already gone, disappeared, leaving a thin line of smoke hanging in the air and a golden time turner necklace lying on the ground.


Thank you for your support. This is the end I hope you're satisfied my luvs ;)

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