I got exactly two hours of sleep. Great right? Well it turns out that getting in a fight with a boy whom I've grown to like doesn't help.
Last night I decided to ghost Connor. From here on out, no texting. No snaps. In fact I blocked him on all socials.
All because I care about Louis, much more than him.
But all that isn't whats bothering me.
It's the silence inside this trailer. As Amara ties my hair back and does makeup, while Willow works on Louis. The two of them know that something is up. They know it.
But I still don't wanna tell them.
"So... what's going on with you two?" Willow awkwardly chuckles as she takes a comb to Louis' fluffy hair and begins to part it.
I noticed Louis' eyes this morning. The underneath was shaded in a light rose, and he looked exhausted. Perhaps I'm not the only one who didn't sleep much after the incident.
"Nothing," I shrug and look up while Amara applies some concealer on my under eyes.
The silence grows, the tension grows, everything gets worse.
"How gullible do you think we are y/n?" Amara laughs, and sets down her makeup tools, "It's not like we're gonna believe that."
I bite onto my tongue and take a slow, deep breath.
"Amara I've told you almost every detail of my life in this chair. Why would I leave something out?"
I notice an odd looked exchanged from Willow to Amara. Almost as if they gave each other a smirk and a wink.
It's nothing y/n don't overthink it.
"You sure it's nothing Louis?" Willow chuckles, now questioning the boy.
I squeeze my hands into tight fists in my lap and look at Louis through the corner of my eye.
He clenches his jaw and shakes his head as Willow finishes him up and hands him his costume.
"Like she said. Nothing is going on."
Then he walks past all of us, and I feel the wind he creates brush on my face. The door gently closes and the two girls immediately scurry closer to me.
"You can be honest with us," Amara whispers, "did something happen?"
The both of them were slightly hovered over me.
"For the last time, nothing happened."
I grunt, standing up from my chair and grabbing off that same rose costume from yesterday from the costume rack.
When I turn around the two of them are still staring at me.
"You guys. I mean it. We're fine."
And then I walk past them and go to the changing room. Now am I gonna make the same mistake I did last time? No. I'm not walking in on a shirtless Louis.
Especially not after our fight.
After just a minute or two of standing by the door, it opened. Louis looks to me for a split second, as our eyes lock and I bite hard down on the inside of my lip. My entire body tenses.
He quickly looks away, staring back down at the floor before walking away.
I walk inside and immediately close the door behind me, finally relaxing as I have my own privacy.
This is gonna be one long ass day.
"Is this how your living?" Louis asks me as he looks around on set while the scene begins.
"Did you just rent a room at the Ritz?" I ask with a real annoyed tone.
It would normally be fake, but now that I have to actually act with him, it's real.
"I afforded myself a shade more comfort than this," he chuckles quietly as I open a window.
"Well, the woman I boarded off assured me this was a fine room," I say with a perked up chin and Louis turns back to look at me.
We make eye contact, and he shoots a small smile. As much as I hate to admit it, the boy has it a lot harder here. While Tewksbury likes Enola, and her company, Enola claims to dislike him.
A lot easier for me to act out than him.
"The woman you boarded off lied."
He looks over at the undergarments laid carefully on a wooden pole to dry, and I turn my expression to more of an embarrassment.
I look from Louis, to the clothes, before hurrying over and hiding them from sight.
"I have but a single bed, so you'll have to sleep on the floor."
As the scene continues and Louis lays his coat on the edge of the bed, he looks down at papers, scattered across the sheets.
"You keep old newspapers?"
"Be careful with that. I haven't finished reading it yet," I reach for them, but he turns around and sits down.
Confusion fills me like a bucket. In the script, Enola is supposed to take the papers from him so he can't ruin them. But he... went off script? Looks like we're improvising now.
"Oh I'm in this one," he smiles, looking up at me as we remain less than a foot away from each other. It's so awkward. It's so incredibly awkward.
"So you are."
I walk past him, not sure how to improvise at all. I've seen so many incredible actors create whole scenes by themselves, completely going off script, but I've never done so.
However, Louis seems to notice I'm off. And soon enough he returns to original script.
"Why do you keep all these old newspapers, Enola Holmes?" He asks, setting it back down and finally reciting the line he was supposed to say.
I slowly turn around and yet again lock eyes with him.
I used to see a kind, loving soul in those eyes.
Now I just see a fight.
"My mother. I'm waiting for her to leave me a message. She hasn't yet-"
"Message?" Louis squints his eyes, "What-"
"She likes ciphers. Coded messages that need to be deciphered," I slightly smile as Louis looks back down at the newspaper.
I take a quiet breath so the microphone, which was hanging directly above my head, couldn't hear it.
"And why would she leave you a message?" Louis asks, looking at me as I sit down beside him, making sure our knees don't touch, or elbows.
"Because she left me," I sigh, looking down at the wooden floor.
"And I thought she meant for me to find her, but I'm not sure she did now."
I turn my position to face Louis, who looked back up at me.
That damn eye contact. It happened again.
And I couldn't look away.
"So I've left her a message and I'm hopeful of a reply," I say sharply.
Louis improvised stealing the newspapers from me, so I do back.
I grab the papers from his hand, snatching them away. And it wasn't scripted.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Harry give us a little smile, seemingly happy that we're making this scene our own. But he has no idea why.
Louis gives the the worlds tiniest smirk, noticing that I too, am trying to mess him up.
"I keep the newspapers to check," I recite.
The swirling feeling in my stomach builds up as Louis keeps his eyes on me. And an awkward moment approaches.
I purposely drop the papers to the floor, as listed in the script, and both of us reach down to grab them.
"I got it," I chuckle, picking them back up as Louis looks at me.
I remember reading this part in the script. And in italics, it says:
Tewksbury looks at Enola like he's falling in love.
"Don't look at me like that," I say as I turn my expression to a stern look and grab the last newspaper off the floor.
"I'm sorry," he says quietly.
"I don't want your pity Tewksbury," I stack the papers nicely together and place them behind us.
I also remember reading this part of the script in italics:
Tewksbury ignores the request, continuing to look at Enola with passion.
My heart beats faster just knowing that he's looking at me.
I turn to Louis, who just as I thought, was giving me a loving look.
"If you don't stop looking at me, Viscount Irritation, Marquess of Bothersome shire, I'll murder you myself."
Louis uncomfortably shifts his position, looking down at his shoes.
"People don't seem to want us, do they?" He asks quietly, and looking at me again.
I don't remember there being this much tension in the scene...
He looks back down, and I do too.
"Still," Louis looks up at the ceiling before looking back at me, "at least we've got each other."
Then the eye contact just grows unbearable. Lasting much longer than I had thought. Louis stares deeper and deeper into my eyes, as if they were a window to my soul.
And I couldn't look away.
"I'll make us some tea," I say with an awkward chuckle."
Me and Louis continue the scene as I "make tea" while we chat.
"They could have, and they didn't. Instead, they sent a murder."
I pause at the doorframe, where Louis was waiting with his arm pressed up against it.
Our eyes lock. For the fucking trillionth time.
And the butterflies won't stop.
But I'm angry with him. The control freak is not someone I should ever fall for. So I'm done with the eye contact.
No more.
"Why would anyone want me dead?" Louis asks in a smooth and gentle voice. He's been doing that a lot today.
"Countless reasons," I smile and chuckle at the same time as I walk past him.
"Your personality,"
Which has made me laugh more than I ever have before.
"Your ridiculous hair,"
Which is somehow always perfect and soft.
"Your silly smile,"
That I can't help but smile back at because its too adorable.
I need to shut these thoughts out of my head. I'm on set right now. Filming. It's not the time to be distracted by a perfectly stupid boy.
"Or possibly your land, your estate, your title, your seat. Same reasons they wanted your father dead. Greed does funny things to people Tewksbury."
Louis leans against the bed frame in this room with the two of his hands, "So now you're saying you think they killed my father?"
I finish setting the pot of the stove and turn back to look at him.
"I don't think. I know."
"No. No, none of this makes the slightest sense. My fathers death was caused by a botched burglary and- and it would have been easier to kill me before I ran away, rather than now."
"I entirely agree. I think they tried to."
I see Adeel, whom plays Lestrade, slowly appear from behind the door.
This is where the action part comes in to play.
"I found the branch that almost killed you. It had been cut."
And that's my cue.
I grab onto the "boiling" pot of water and throw it at Lestrade, causing him to yell in "pain."
Louis looks his way and the two of us continue the scene by running out of the set after Louis pushes him down again.
"Come back here!" Lestrade yells as Louis and I run up the stairs.
"Who's he?" Louis asks with his hands out in a shrug position.
We make it inside the room and slam the door.
"Move the chest! Move the chest!" I order, looking at the wooden chest that was beside Louis, who dragged it across the door.
"Open up Ms Posy, or should I say, Enola Holmes!" Adeel yells through the door.
Me and Louis both start pushing on the chest to keep the door closed, which fun fact, 'Lestrade' was actually pushing on the other side of it.
Meaning me and Louis were actually struggling to keep it closed.
My hand accidentally touches the top of Louis' for a split second and I immediately snatch it away, as we continue pushing hard on the chest.
"Inspector Lestrade, I need you to report that there has been an attempted murder. You're supposed to be on our side!" I call through the door.
"See that window over there?" I ask Louis, who turned to look at me for a second.
"It leads onto a roof. I need you to climb out and take off into nowhere."
Louis turns his expression to a worry toward Enola as he says, "And leave you?"
"I need to hold this door," I grunt while pushing harder onto the chest, for it was honestly getting exhausting to keep it open.
"But you have to get away too!" Louis begs to me, while continuing to push on the door. I feel the cameras on our faces.
"If he catches you, your life will be in danger, if he catches me, it's simply a life I do not want. Now go!" I look him in the eyes.
Louis lightly shakes his head and gives me a sorrowful look. It looked...
"I don't want to leave you, Enola."
A little too real to be acting.
We both continue pushing on the door.
"Go! Go!" I yell twice, as he remains holding eye contact with me, as if making sure he remembers exactly how 'Enola' looked.
And then he does. With a small nod, Louis leaves toward the door.
I look toward him one last time, creating yet again eye contact, but the next time I look over, he's gone.
And that's my cue to let Lestrade win.
He pushes open the door as I let out a long and loud "No!"
The door opens and Lestrade and the woman beside him win.
"He's worth more, but you give me greater pleasure."
I look at both their eyes with defeat and sadness, until it's finally over. Finally.
"Scene!" Harry announces.
Narrator POV
The scene ends, Louis walks back through the window since it wasn't real, but rather a mat laid a foot underneath.
"Wow!" Harry cheers while clapping at the two, "I think that's the best scene I've seen you do yet! I loved the improvisation! Very impressive."
Louis sighs from behind y/n, before walking past her and purposely bumping her left shoulder. Y/n furrows her brows until she sees him, and lets out a sigh with an eye roll.
It's funny to us readers and writers, to see such a relationship grow between two love birds. Going from enemies, to each other's closest friends.
Yet the two still claim to despise one another. Completely forgetting about the feelings they've grown, and admitting hatred towards the other.
Then again, the line between love and hate is pretty thin...
A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter and the little POV I threw in there at the end!
Thank you!!
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