We're just about to start. The producers are setting up the cameras, making sure the green screen is in set, and I'm just chilling as I watch everyone do their final touch ups.
Meanwhile, Louis is trying to fit in a travel bag.
He honestly didn't look very bad in his wig. I know he hates it, but it wasn't horrible.
And speaking of Louis, we haven't said a single word to each other since what happened this morning.
And now I get to stare him dead in the eye and act.
God my stomach shrivels up just thinking about it.
And boy am I mad at Willow and Amara. How could they assume that me and Louis, out of all people, have feelings for each other?
We don't like each other. And we both know it.
Suddenly two hands drop on my shoulders and I look away from the set, and turn back to see Harry.
"You ready for today?" He asks, as I look back out at the green screen and see people setting up a large fan.
Oh so ready.
"Yeah! Yeah I'm all good," I nod as the man takes his hands off my shoulders and grabs the clipboard out from under his arm.
"Good! I'm excited to see how you and Louis work together on set!"
That makes for the two of us.
"Yeah me too," I give a half smile.
The man starts walking away, as we are just about to start the scene.
"Just take a deep breath," I whisper to myself.
"Pretend you've never met him before. He's Tewksbury. Not Louis."
I crack some of my knuckles, and take those first few steps onto the set.
"Camera's ready?"
"Sound check?"
"Everything good?"
I step up onto the 'train' and wait for my cue.
"Alright... three, two, one, action!"
Here goes nothing.
I arrive at Enola and Tewksbury's carriage, and keep a blank face while I sit myself down and take off my coat, then begin to roll up the sleeves of my shirt.
That's when there's a small thud.
I change my expression to a slightly confused face and look around in the carriage.
And then there's a small sneeze.
Any second now.
The bag starts to ruffle around. I start to get a more worried face in my eyes.
And boom. Out comes Louis. Cutting a small slit through the bag and then emerging his hand through the fabric.
It looks ridiculous.
Don't laugh y/n your on set.
Next thing I know, he "falls" down. In reality the camera man paused the camera for a second so he could safely get down and then hop back in his bag.
I guess that's the hard part about acting. The magic of cinema is spoiled a bit.
These are the set of lines I know best, since they were used in the audition.
Louis looks up at me and sits up from the ground.
"Hello," he begins.
I continue wearing my concerned expression.
"Please get out of this carriage."
The boy gives a small smile and shakes his head while he tucks away the knife he had used to cut the bag.
"I can't. I'm in hiding," he sits up and heads toward the seat directly across from me.
"Bit of a to-do. Bribed a porter to put me in this and get me onboard."
He takes a short breath and then looks at me straight in the eye.
Thank god the camera's weren't on me yet, because a small smile crossed my lips.
"Very daring," he grins back.
Getting back into character, I look at "Tewksbury" as if he were a psychopath.
"Get out of this carriage right now."
There was a slight pause between the both of us, and I can see the stage crew out of the corner of my eye. Cameras on our faces. Producers watching every move.
"You're a... strange-looking gentleman," Louis says, eyeing me up and down as he sits back.
"You think you look normal?" I reply.
"You're not a boy at all."
"I might be a boy."
"Who are you?"
"What are you?"
"I'm Viscount Tewksbury the Marquess of Basilwether."
He holds out a hand to me- er my character, and I just throw him a judgmental glare.
"You're a nincompoop."
The boy looks down and slowly drops his hand.
"I'll have you know, I have just undertaken a particularly darling escape-"
"You have not escaped," I cut him off and lean forward, "There is a man in a brown bowler hat currently on this train searching for you, and once he finds you, he will think I helped hide you, and I will be endangered by this. Therefore I ask you to get out of this carriage."
I stare at the boy. Dead in his chocolate brown eyes. There is a long pause between us. I feel that flutter in my stomach again. He looks at me back.
"Slow down child! You sound so flustered!"
"Don't run away just because you're too ashamed to say you like him."
Don't think about it y/n
"You remind me of my uncle," Louis breaks the moment that I wish could have gone for longer, "I've left him at the station. He's bossy too. Left them all: my mother, my grandmother, but I'm fine."
He picks up the travel bag and places it on a shelf beside me, "I'm free."
I make sure that my face looks unfazed as I stare up at him.
"Good. Get out of the carriage then."
Louis looks down at me and then over at the door that leads out of the carriage.
"A man in a brown bowler hat?" He asks, once more making sudden eye contact with me.
He then takes a breath and heads over to the door, sliding it open and looking both ways.
"It'll be fine..." he exhales, "It'll be fine."
And then he steps through the door, as I take a sigh of relief and sit back in my chair.
I sit in silence for only around ten seconds before Louis has to come back in to finish the rest of the scene.
And that's what he does.
"He's coming," Louis says in a panicked tone as he comes back inside the carriage.
"Of course," I reply while looking at the camera.
The boy pants while growing that worried look in his eyes. I simply stay unbothered as I pick up my coat.
"He's checking every carriage."
Damn he's really good at this whole acting thing.
"You have to help me. He didn't see me,"
"Of course he did. Therefore I say good day to you Viscount Tewksbury Marquess of Basilwether."
I say while standing up and placing our faces closer to each other as I look him up and down.
And then I leave. Walking over to the door of the carriage and looking back at him.
"You really do remind me of my uncle. You have that same stare."
I roll my eyes and close the door, walking out.
And this is when the scene takes a turn.
I feel my nerves bubble up as I walk down the aisle and bump shoulders with "Linthorn."
My characters walking slows down and I make sure I look more concerned about Tewksbury, until I turn to the camera and hold up a finger.
And then I walk back to the carriage.
And I see him.
As Linthorn tries to shove Tewksbury off the train, my character quickly goes inside and grabs the club that was placed on the seat.
It's a lot harder to act with a green screen, because he's not being thrown off a train. Hell if he even fell he'd fall around two feet onto a green screen.
I look at the camera with that same panicked look, and then 'hit' Linthorn in the back of the head.
While he falls off the floor, I step forward and reach for Louis.
I hold tightly onto his arm, my other hand placed on the door. And then I yank him inside last second.
It gets harder and harder to focus as we run down the hallway of the 'train' and Louis recites his lines.
"Who was that? He was trying to kill me!" Louis yells.
"I'm not ready to die on a train."
I look straight forward with an annoyed and scared look to my face.
"I'm not ready to die at all and I wasn't going to before I met you!"
The two of us continue the scene as the cameras follow us around set and we approach the exit.
"Where are we going?"
"I don't know yet! Let me think."
We pause at a carriage filled with the actors that got cast as extras. Me and Louis look around at them all, and I notice a face.
That one girl at the audition. Mocking me for thinking I'd get Enola. She was an extra. Sitting in the furthest seat and giving me a glare.
Boy was I trying hard not to smirk at her.
"Terribly sorry," Louis says, reminding me that we're still on set.
Once we make it to the door that leads out we both pause and I feel Louis' hand brush mine. It sends strong butterflies through my stomach.
Shit y/n come on. Focus.
I shake them away and continue acting.
"Is this truly the best way to come?" Tewksbury asks as my character looks around.
"Can you think of a better way?"
We both stare down at the "fast moving" train even though in reality it was sitting completely still.
The fan was running across my skin as I step across the gap that separates the two train carts, and I grabbed onto a handle, taking a deep breath.
Louis followed after me, until the both of us were yelling over the loud noise of the wind.
"Do you trust me?" I yell.
Louis looks at me, still holding still against the wall of the train cart.
"No!" He yells back.
I look away and face outside. Almost over. The scenes almost over.
"If we time is correctly, we can leave him stranded."
"Time what correctly?"
Almost over.
"Listen Tewksbury, we have two choices!"
"And which one involves me not dying?"
I bite my tongue as the ending approaches, and then slide my hand into his, feeling his soft skin and warmth, and hold firmly.
"This one!" I yell, pulling him off the train and onto the green screen set, filled with face props like rocks and grass.
I grasp onto one of the rocks and pant. My hat fell off and my hair was in my face, neither of which was supposed to happen, but I play along.
Louis was beside me, grunting like hell and dusting off his clothes. I turn around and look at him with awe.
"You do make an awful lot of noise, don't you?" I ask as he continues brushing down his cream suit.
"Well it turns out, being thrown off a train, hurts considerably more than you'd think," He replies, as I look back out at the "bridge" that the train has crossed.
"And I've lost a button."
"Scene!" Harry calls out.
I immediately sigh in relief and fall back on the mat that lay on the green screen.
"Excellent job you two!" He cheers again.
I look at Louis from the corner of my eye, slightly embarrassed still as I realized he was looking at me back.
He then sighs and stands up, holding out a hand to help me.
I bite the inside of my cheeks and reluctantly slide my hand into his, once more holding tightly as he pulled me up.
But once I was up, I stumbled forward a bit, falling toward Louis as he hold out his arms and wraps them around me. I awkwardly look up at him, the two of us practically in a hug, and then took a step back and cleared my throat.
"Good job today Louis," I say, avoiding any more eye contact.
"Good job to you too..." he replies.
There was an awkward moment of silence between us while I tugged on the sleeves of my long sleeve shirt.
"Well I- I'm gonna go-"
"No yeah me too..."
"Okay well... see you later then?" I say, as the camera people started taking down their things.
"Y-Yeah," he shrugs, and turns around to start walking to our designer's trailer. I follow by him, and the two of us uncomfortably walk without saying a word.
The back of his hand brushes mine for a split second and he quickly pulls it away.
"No it's okay..."
He lets out a breath and shrugs, pushing the door that leads outside open, and allowing me to step through first.
"We can't be like this."
"Like what?"
"Like... awkward around each other. You're my co-star. We see each other every single day. We have to get along y/n, no matter how hard it is."
I clench my jaw and continue walking as we arrive at the trailer park.
"I agree..." was all I managed to speak.
"Alright then," he pauses which makes me pause too. Then the boy holds out a hand for me to grab, "Shake on it. From here on out we have to at least pretend to like each other."
I sigh and stare at the hand in front of me. Soft, warm, delicate, his hand is truly perf-
Why the hell do I think his hand is-
Never mind.
"Deal," I finally agree, holding onto his hand and shaking it a few times. The boy smirks a bit and nods.
"Right then. My trailer, tonight at five. We're gonna practice together."
"Wait wha-"
"Be there!" He smiles, continuing to walk away, and leaving me stranded in the center of all the trailers.
A/N: Hellooo!! I'm craving Doritos rn idk why. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter!! Make sure to vote and comment ;)
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