Published on 27th December, 2020, 10:01 am, IST
ยนโด The First Note
"It seems like our dear Nesrin here has gotten a secret admirer!"
โ CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS were over in a blink, and then the New Year had come, it also being over in a flash.
It was Lily's birthday in January, the girl had turned seventeen.
She had spent the evening after classes with Bertram and her friends, cutting cakes and eating other foods and sweets. And to end it all off with a bang, she finished the night by being able to drink firewhiskey with her dorm mates.
(I mean, she had drunk it before, but it was much more fun now that it was legal.)
Though all of them regretted their decision to become drunk the next morning, they never seemed to learn from their experience.
January had simply just melted into March, it was as if February had never existed. The teachers piled homework over the students, the exams being only a few months away.
It was a week into March when Nesrin got her first note.
The girls had been getting ready to sleep that night when an owl appeared at the dorm window, tapping its beak against it.
"It's addressed to you, Rin," Said Dorcas, reading the name printed on the envelope, "And- Oh, look! The bird's carrying a rose!" She untied it from the owl's leg.
Nesrin snatched the objects from Dorcas, slitting the envelope open.
Hey Rin,
Are you a snitch? Because I've been chasing you my whole life!
Rin's eyes widened, blushing as she read the note, bringing up the flower to her nose to hide it.
"What does it say? And why are you blushing?" Lily said excitedly, Dorcas and her peering over her shoulder as they read it.
They giggled, smirking at Rin.
"My, my!" Dorcas smirked, snatching the paper out of her hands. "It seems like our dear Nesrin here has gotten a secret admirer!"
"No, I haven't!" Rin yelled, making a grab for the letter, but Dorcas throwing it to Lily at the last second.
"Give it here!"
This went on for a few moments, Lily and Dorcas throwing the paper to each other, running around the room, making sure Nesrin couldn't get it until-
"Aw, that's not fair!"
"Do you have any idea who it might be?" Lily asked interestedly, examining the writing on the parchment. "I mean, we could have found out by the handwriting, but the lettering seems to be printed, not written."
"I'm just as curious as you are- if not more- about who this anonymous person is, but it's getting late. And I'd like to not be late for my classes tomorrow."
The girls agreed, and the lights were turned off, all of them laying in their beds.
Though only two of them fell asleep.
Nesrin lay on her bed, facing up the ceiling, staring into the darkness, thinking about the note.
Her lips twitched when she remembered to words on the note, the funny pick-up line.
'Don't secret admirers usually send long romantic poems or. . . beautiful quotes from famous books or writers to their receivers?'
'And the rose,' She thought to herself, reaching for the delicate flower which lay on her bedside table.
She touched its petals, her fingers stroking it.
As clichรฉ as it may be for a girl, Nesrin's favourite flowers were roses.
She loved its crimson, blood-coloured petals and its heavenly scent.
The stem adorned with sharp, prickly thorns was unique in its own way too. It was as if the flower was protecting itself from the harsh, merciless, cruel humans, hurting anyone who tried plucking it from its family.
She smoothed her fingers over the stem, realising that it didn't have any thorns.
The roses are absolutely gorgeous.
She giggled, snuggling into her pillow. She felt special that someone sent this to her. She was excited to see what would happen from now on.
'But I mustn't get my hopes up,' She said to herself, 'This person might not send another one.'
She finally closed her eyes and fell into a blissful slumber.
The next few chapters are going to be short like this one,
as I want there to be more
chapters before the actual
'running around in secret without James knowing' stuff.
I know this chapter is short, and I had planned to write a rather long chapter after my exams, but we had to go to my family's house for Christmas,
I wrote this from there.
See you at the next update! :)
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