Published on 8th November, 8:51 am
โฐโถ Stood Up
"It's supposed to be 'Lily and I'. You said 'me and Lily'."
โ THE NEXT day, the marauders were huddled together eating breakfast when Rin approached them.
"Rin!" He swallowed his food immediately and turned. "What can I do for you?" He asked expectantly.
She took a deep breath. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry."
"Yeah. You were a prat that day, James. But I was an even bigger prat by not accepting your apology when it should've been you who I should have apologised to for yelling at you so much. So, what do you say?"
James' face stayed blank for a moment then he grinned. "Alright."
Rin smiled. "Move over. I'm starving"
"Ugh!" Lily made a face. "Only a month and a half into the new school year and teachers are already piling on work!"
Dorcas and Rin stopped and stared at her in surprise.
"I just can't believe you, Lily Evans said that!"
"Oh, you two are gits!"
"No, seriously! I mean it!"
"Hello, ladies."
The three girls turned and were met with Leonard.
"Hey, babe."
"What are you doing here? Don't you have class?"
"I do, but I wanted to ask you to meet me at the astronomy tower after curfew around half past 11 tonight."
He smirked, kissed Rin, bid her goodbye and walked off.
"Oh. My. Merlin!" Dorcas squealed. "We have to get you ready for tonight! Be at the dorm around ten so me and Lily can work our magic on you!"
"It's Lily and I."
"It's supposed to be 'Lily and I'. You said 'me and Lily.'"
"Oh, shut up!"
"Where is my red lipstick?!" Rin screeched frantically, rummaging through her drawers for it.
"Maybe switch it for something else? You're always wearing red lipstick! Maybe you should wear another shade tonight!"
"Aha!" Rin finally found the lipstick and smeared it on her lips. "There. Now I'm ready."
Rin descended down the stairs, receiving multiple thumbs-ups from her friends.
She walked past James and Sirius playing a game of wizard chess on her way out.
"Hey, Rin." James smiled, turning away from his game. "Where are you going?"
"I'm not going anywhere!" Rin answered a little too quickly, making Sirius snort.
"Sure. Then why are you all 'dressed up'?"
"I think I'm hardly dressed up." She scoffed, looking down at her Blue sweater and dark jeans
"Well yes, but you've curled your hair and put on perfume."
It clicked in James' mind. "You're going to meet-"
"Fine! Yes, I am going to meet my boyfriend! James, just... please don't follow me... don't ruin tonight... I forgave you the first time, but maybe not again."
James nodded reluctantly and Rin flashed him a beaming smile, kissed his cheek, ruffled Sirius' hair (Lots of screeches in reply), and skipped out.
Not even hour later, the common room was deserted, only Sirius flipping through a muggle cars magazine. He was just about to go up when the portrait door swung open, a teary Rin coming in.
Sirius was beside her in a moment, gently guiding her to the sofa, asking her what happened.
"He didn't show up." She puffed out after calming down.
"Leonard. He didn't show up. I waited for almost an hour, but he didn't come!"
"Oh no, I heard you the first time. I was just expressing my anger. How dare he! I can't imagine why he would stand up such an amazing girl. Maybe he just fell asleep?" His eyes widened when more tears started streaming down her face. "Oh crap. Um, you're crying. Er- a joke! Uh, what do you call two Quidditch players who share a dorm?"
"What?" Rin asked.
Rin cracked a smile at the cheesy joke, but it soon fell. "You're not gonna tell James, are you?"
"Oh, Rin, I mean. . . "
"Please, Sirius? I know James is going to overreact over something small like this! Besides, it's just like you said! Maybe he just fell asleep! Nothing else."
". . .Fine."
"Thank you."
"Now wipe your face. You're mascara's bleeding."
"Just ignore him, Rin. He stood you up." Dorcas whispered to her, as they continued walking to the great hall.
"Ignore him!" Dorcas whispered harshly, seeing Rin hesitate.
"Why're you ignoring me?"
Dorcas just stared at him for a few seconds. "Are you dumb? You know what, I'm just gonna go. Yell if you need me to karate him."
"What's karatay?"
Rin faced Leonard.
"Nesrin, why are you ignoring me?"
"Why am I ignoring you?! Oh, I don't know, Leonard! Maybe cause you stood me up last night?! Because I had to wait for you all alone in the freezing cold for over almost an hour?!"
"I just fell asleep! Merlin, no need to overreact! You understand though, right?"
". . .Right. Of course. I'm sorry for overreacting."
Leonard flashed her a smile. "It's alright babe, just don't do it again!"
"You can go out with me the next Hogsmead visit. I have to buy some keeper gloves anyway."
Leonard threw his arm around Rin and steered her into the great hall.
What even is this chapter?
Oh, and I got the joke from Google.
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