You and Noah were expecting your second child. Your son, Jonathan was only three years old and begged Noah to have a sibling. Of course, Noah would never say no to his boy.
One thing led to another and boom, you were pregnant. When you told Noah that you had another baby on the way, he ran around the house like a little child. He hugged you tightly and cried full of happiness.
Now you both had to break the news to your baby boy. "Hey buddy, what are you doing?", Noah asked. "I'm drawing, daddy." Noah sat down next to his three-year-old. "What are you drawing?", he asked. "My biggest wish, so Santa knows what to get me." "What is your biggest wish?" "I can't tell you daddy. Otherwise the wish won't come true." "Please.", Noah pouted. "Okay daddy. I want a sister...or a brother. Whatever Santa has."
You were smiling in the kitchen. You were finishing dinner and you knew something, Noah didn't know. You were in your second trimester already and you knew the gender already. "Boys, dinner is ready.", you yelled, "Jonathan, please clean up the table."
"Okay Mommy.", both boys yelled. Noah was smiling in your direction and walked over to you. "Are you ready to tell him?" You nodded. You knew your son wanted a play buddy and now he was going to become one. "What did the doctor say the baby was due?", Noah asked. "Sometime in December."
Your son was already sitting at the table when Noah took the plates to the table. "Jonathan, mommy and I have to tell you something." "What is it daddy?" "You know, when a man and a woman love each otherβ" you dropped the fork. "Noah, no." "What daddy was trying to tell you is, that you won't be playing alone anymore." "Why?" "Because your little sister and your little brother will join you." His mouth was wide open.
"Wait what? A girl and a boy? No way. You're having twins?", Noah asked. You nodded. He immediately jumped up from his seat and hugged you again. He couldn't kiss you in front of your son. "Jonathan, are you alright?"
All of sudden, the little boy broke out in tears. You immediately walked over to him and hugged him. "Aren't you happy?" "No, I am. I am so happy that i have to cry.", he said. You and Noah had to chuckle.
You all finished the dinner in peace and then you ended up on the couch, watching the Lion King.
(A/N: whoops I am slow with updating. Anyways, enjoy this new One Shot. I hope you all like this. β‘)
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