WHAT they don't tell you in Disney movies is that princesses aren't always happy after their happily ever after. After accomplishing their dreams and the thing they strived for, they're left with a new mission: What to love next. They're left feeling lost because now that they have what they wanted, they don't have anything to focus on. They need to find a new mission.
Prairie Marshall was now facing that dilemma. She was stuck in a constant loop: Wake up, take care of her pets, work out, eat, drink, and sleep. She didn't have anything to really look forward to. Small gigs here and there, but nothing that'd top her experience that'd happened weeks before.
Prairie was missing the action, the lights, the crowds, the energy, and the band. She missed seeing Pauli's smile. She missed hearing Sarah and Ny Oh practicing. She missed Niji's dancing. She missed Mitch strumming on his guitar. She missed Elin's talks. She missed Harry.
She missed everything. She missed happiness.
It wasn't easy for Praire to open up to someone, but she opened up to Holly. Holly knew her friend struggled with depression, but never imagined her friend to spiral this way. Prairie was constantly tired and she didn't know why. She replaced meals with naps and replaced her time with Holly with a locked bedroom.
She isolated herself and fought constantly with thoughts on whether she was good enough or not. Yes, what a silly little thing to spiral over. She met Harry Styles, so why isn't she happy?
She was. She was ecstatic. She could hardly contain herself the next day after.
But then the thoughts flooded in, and most of us know how thoughts can lure you in.
What if that was your last gig? How can you ever top that? Will you ever move on in your career? What if the pictures aren't what anyone was expecting? Will you ever see the band again? Why are you thinking like this? Why aren't you happy? You should be happy.
And then she'd remember what her parents and sisters used to say.
You're being ungrateful, now you're gonna sit in your room and cry about it.
And that's what she did. Prairie didn't check her email or bother turning her laptop on at all. Instead, she simply existed.
She was existing, but no longer felt like she was living.
"Hon, wake up."
Prairie opened her eyes and looked at her friend, who stood in her doorway. Doc was under Prairie's arm. "I'm trying to sleep," Prairie murmured, burying her face in her pillow. "You gotta get up. You've got things to do and people to talk to. Prairie, how do you expect to see if people are trying to hire you if you don't check your email? Seriously, get up." Holly told her.
"I wanna sleep, Hols. Let me sleep."
"I've let you sleep for the past two weeks. Get up. Come on, let's see who's emailed you." Holly sighed, sitting down at her friend's workplace. She turned on the bright screen and began going through her emails.
"Dear Prairie-- Didn't think you'd hear from me again? I couldn't help but ask Jeffery for your email--" She began. Prairie sat up. "Seems to be we forgot to exchange numbers." Holly continued. Prairie sprinted to her desktop.
Dear Prairie,
Didn't think you'd hear from me again, hm? It's true, I couldn't help but ask Jeffery for your email. Seems to be we forgot to exchange numbers. I had to leave quickly, I hope you understand. I wasn't joking whenever I said I'd like the photograph, however. You did, genuinely, look angelic.
It's been fun having someone new to talk to. It's repetitive on the road. Ignore the fact that I've quite literally only been on tour for 5 days. Although I have time to walk around and see new things, I don't have the chance to make friends. You're the closest to a new friend that I got.
So, Ms. Marshall, if you reply; Remember to include the image. It'll be a document for our time together, eh? :)
Harry Styles.
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