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PRAIRIE wasn't one to believe in love at first sight. Maybe that was why she loved Disney movies. Perhaps that was her reason for wishing upon a star every night. She believed in hope. She believed in time. She believed in herself.

Growing up in a family of six was hard. Three siblings, all four years apart, with two parents who pretended to be in love for the sake of their children. Prairie was the second to youngest in her home, making her the automatic therapist. Ah yes, the endless talks with her older sisters. They never spoke of their personal lives, but rather talked to her about their other siblings or their parents. They'd talk nights on end about their parents-- the yelling, the arguing, and the eggshells they had to walk on to keep them at bay.

Prairie didn't mind these talks, however. It was the only time her siblings would hang out with her.

She grew up with this. The talks, the arguments, and the discussions of politics. Her parents were the opposite of her. They were homophobic and believed in their own perfect little world. This created a turned table. Prairie was now on the opposite side. Now, her parents walked on eggshells around their daughter, who was pansexual and open about her sexuality.

To say the least, Prairie didn't take any time to move out. When the clock hit midnight on her 18th birthday, she called her best friend and they planned to move her in.

Now, living with Holly Jacobs, Prairie understood what a healthy friendship was like. They'd stay up every night, laughing and crying. They shared music, movies, and their passions. They became one half of a whole.

Holly pursued modeling while Prairie took on the photographer role. It became her life. She found something she was good at and took advantage of it to its fullest. At 19, she began photography professionally. By 21, she was being invited to concerts to photograph for the artists.

Little did she know that her career would earn her a first-class ticket to the center of her a celebrity's heart

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