7. dynamic duets

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"My superpower is hugs!"

Superheroes had taken over Mckinley High School and Jake and Marley were stood at their locker discussing it when Katy bounced over to enthusiastically show them her costume.

She gave them quick spin, letting them look at her outfit. It was a loose, light pink leotard with a short shimmery silver skirt and pink knee high boots.

"What do you think?" Katy asked them with a smile.

"You look fabulous!" Marley beamed at her,

Jake looked skeptical though, giving her a playful frown, "I dunno sis, are you really a superhero without a cape?" He joked.

"In the words of the iconic Edna Mode, 'no cape!'" Katy laughed in reply,

"Do you have a name super Katy?" Marley asked her, with a smile.

"Yeah, I was thinking Sunshine Explosion, with my superpower being hugs." She shrugged, blushing a bit at her own thoughts.

"That's cute Sunshine Explosion." Jake chuckled,

Katy rolled her eyes playfully at Jake's hidden laughs, giving him a nod to let him tease her for exchange for letting her ride around on his scooter like a super vehicle.

"You two not getting on the superhero band wagon?" Katy asked them, curious.
Marley shook her head quickly, "a club where you have to wear full body spandex? not really my thing!" She told them shyly.

Giving Katy a quick look to tell her to back him up, Jake decided to take her advice and shoot his shot, "good, that means that you'll be free to hang out Friday night! You and me? What do you say?"

Marley bit her lip, looking down and shying away from Jake's eagerness, trying to stammer out an answer that wouldn't hurt his feeling too much.

Obviously watching the conversation, Ryder strutted over and put his arm around Marley, smirking at the Puckerman siblings.

"Marley's got plans on Friday dude." He said cockily, "the football team has an away game at Lawrence on Friday and I asked Marley to come and cheer us on."
Jake scowled slightly, trying not to show his disappointment and Marley tried her best to avoid his gaze, out of guilt.

Continuing to make Jake feel worse than he already did, Ryder couldn't stop himself from bragging in front of his rival and was quick to tell Jake what he did wrong, "you see Jake, it's funny. Girls don't like it when you make it seem like you're into them and then totally blow them off."

"You know what dude?" Jake retaliated, taking a step forward, "I don't remember asking for your opinion."

Marley sighed deeply as Ryder took his arm off her shoulder and took a step forward too, clenching his jaw as the guys continued to taunt each other.
"Guys please don't do this." She begged, embarrassed.

"It's really lame." Katy agreed, supporting Marley, who looked incredibly stressed out by the whole interaction, despite secretly wanting her brother to win the fight.

"Whoa! You think you're intimidating? What kinda name is Ryder Lynn anyway? Because it sounds like your parents named you after a cowgirl doll who comes with her own pony." Jake shot at him, smirking triumphantly as Katy snorted after failing to hold back her laughter, grateful for his sister's support.

"Look, man, I don't want any trouble. I know you're a badass, and you wanna know why i know you're such a badass? Because you ride a razor scooter, nothing says I'm a badass like a razor scooter!" Ryder taunted, hitting a nerve with Jake, who immediately shoved Ryder hard, starting the fight for real.

Katy tried to hold them back, for Marley's sake mainly, as the girls both shouted reasonings at the pair of angry guys until Finn ran over to eventually intervene, trying pull Ryder off of Jake and stopping the fight just as Marley was harshly elbowed in the chest by Ryder, by accident.

Taking their chances to show off their superhero traits, Becky and Tina ran over, both of them in full superhero costume.

"I persuade you to stop fighting!" Tina as Asian Persuasion said, waving her hands around strangely.

"Freeze bitches!" Becky shouted, pointing her bubble gun at the boys, who stopped fighting immediately just to stare at the pair, confused.

"Thanks Becky." Finn said awkwardly, letting the two eager superheroes walk away, satisfied with another successful mission completed, "all of you guys, glee club, twenty minutes." He announced, shaking his head exhausted, as he walked away, followed by a grumpy Ryder and an embarrassed Marley.

"You okay?" Katy asked, turning to Jake, who hit his head back onto the locker and sighed deeply.

"No." He admitted, opening up to his sister, "I completely embarrassed myself in front of Marley, I've blown my shot."

Pouting at him slightly, Katy gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "no you didn't, Ryder was being cocky, he annoyed you into that fight. It wasn't entirely your fault."

"Still lost my chance." Jake sighed, shrugging hopelessly.

"That wasn't your only chance, you'll have other ones I promise you," she told him comfortingly as he gave her a grateful smile, "well whatever happens I'm in your corner."

"Thank you Kat, and I'm in yours." Jake smiled in reply.

"My superpower's hugs, you want one?" Katy asked tentatively, not wanting to ruin her brother's badass reputation.

"Yeah." Jake grinned, opening his arms for a hug from his older sister, smiling to himself at how much better having a sister was than he thought it would be.


After his first very unsuccessful lesson as 'Mr Schue', Finn decided to change his tactics and paraded into the choir room in an extremely tight, blue and yellow superhero costume.

"Oh dear god." Katy muttered to Brittany, stifling her laughter as Brittany covered her own eyes.

"So, I get it, my first idea was pretty bad." Finn said,

"Worse than funk." Artie shook his head, almost seeming scarred by the idea.
"Worse than night of neglect." Tina added, shuddering at the reminder of the god awful event.

"And that was a bad idea." Katy commented, quickly explaining to Marley, Unique and Jake who all looked very confused.

"So..." Finn continued, "I decided to try something new, dynamic duets!" He announced, pointing at the whiteboard enthusiastically and was delighted that the room was nodding back at him, somewhat approvingly.

"This is gonna be a lot more fun!" Katy beamed, excitedly.

"Yeah! And it focuses on something you guys actually enjoy, superheroes!" Finn explained.

Growing nervous instantly at the mention of superheroes, Marley nervously raised her hand, "wait so we all have to wear costumes?" She asked with a shy expression.

"And who exactly are you supposed to be?" Artie asked deferring Marley's question to Finn's costume, "the bulge who makes gym socks disappear?"

"Please don't melt us with your bulge." Brittany pleaded, peaking though her fingers to look up at Finn, who quickly looked down at his yellow shorts, and back up to the glee club, nervously.

"Well I am the almighty treble clef, uniter of glee clubs!" Finn explained enthusiastically.

"Jesus is the only real almighty superhero." Kitty said unimpressed, after being allowed into glee club after her performance in grease.

"Amen!" Joe smiled at her, but was met with Kitty's hand in his face.

"Nobody asked you." She commented, rolling her eyes.

"Come on guys, let's hear him out." Katy said immediately coming to the support of Finn.

"Look at the avengers," Finn explained after taking a deep sigh, "individually, they all have amazing powers but as a team, they can't be stopped. Right now, we're a bunch of individuals with great powers and talents, but not a team. Some of you even have mortal enemies in this very room, allowing the dark side to turn us against each other when we should be focusing on the Warblers."

Finn flashed his eyes between Ryder and Jake, who both were avoiding eye contact with each other at all costs before Blaine diverted his attention to himself.

"Nightbird is handling the missing trophy." He announced,

"Great! Thank you Nightbird!" Finn smiled at him, gratefully, "now Jake will pair up with Ryder and Marley will join Kitty to perform our duets whilst the rest of us will start preparing an epic fight against the forces of evil at sectionals!"

The glee club whooped and cheered for Finn's much better idea, hopping up and leaving Finn feeling pretty proud of how his second lesson as the glee coach had gone, especially in comparison to the first.

"You did good dude." Katy beamed at her new best friend, "that idea was like a million times better." She gave him a quick pat on the back before jumping onto the back of Jake's scooter to let him scooter her to class.


Jake and Ryder were first to perform their duets, singing 'superman' and wearing suits, bowler hats and glasses to look like Clark Kent.

Finn looked pretty proud of himself and his idea to bring the group together, one feud at a time however it turned sour pretty quickly.

Both boys were very obviously fighting for Marley's attention and were happy to push each other around to get it. Katy was sat next to Marley and could feel the awkwardness in the air as she was pulled around to look and smile at each of them to prove that she liked them more.

After Ryder and Jake slid down onto their knees in front of Marley's chair, Katy had to move her chair closer to Sugar's in fear of being squashed in the heat of the feud and they both watched in worried amusement over where this was going to go eventually.

It all happened all of a sudden, when one of the guys pushed the other a bit too hard and they started to fight, definitely more real than the first fight Katy had witnessed them have.

"Finn do something!" Sugar screamed at Finn, who was stood dumbfounded and completely unsure of what to do as Jake pushed Ryder to the floor and the fight got worse and worse.

"I'm gonna have to go in like I did at nationals." Katy muttered, clicking her fingers and preparing to jump in between the fight in a bid to break it up.

Just as she jumped, a pair of strong arms went around her waist, holding her back. She looked over her shoulder to see Sam,

"No way I'm letting you go in there. You'll get hurt." He said, pulling her back so she was almost cuddled up to his chest.

"At least let me get Marley outta there." She fought back, looking over to where Marley was stood on the other side of the room, looking terrified and guilty as the guys started a fight over her.

Sam nodded, both of their eyes widening as Ryder slammed Jake into the music stands, quickly running over to break up the fight himself as Finn ran over in pursuit and Katy ran over to make sure Marley was not completely traumatised.

"What is wrong with both of you?" Katy scolded them, in a tone that made her sound like a mom.

"Full nelson! Full nelson!" Sam chanted as he dragged Ryder out of the room in a full nelson, "not so tough now are you?"

"Um dismissed." Finn declared as he dragged Jake out, leaving the choir room, shocked.

After a moment of silence, Katy put her arm over Marley's shoulder, leading her to sit down with the rest of the glee club and started to pick up the music stands that had been knocked to the floor.

"Well. That went well." She said sarcastically.


Katy was in the choir room helping Finn with choreography for sectionals on the little scale model of the glee club. It was going pretty well despite the urge from both of them to just play with their characters. Blaine came into the choir room, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants in a nervous fashion just as Katy and Finn we're practicing their next pose from the model.

"Hey Nightbird!" Katy smiled at him, though expecting to see him in his superhero costume.

"Dude! I was just about to text you, how's operation rescue recovery going?" Finn questioned, grinning at him.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you guys about." Blaine told them quietly, leaning up against the piano, ready to explain his feelings, "Well when I went back to Dalton, all those blazers and singing with the Warblers again..."

Finn and Katy looked at each other, eyes wide as they stopped Blaine mid sentence to make sure they'd heard him correctly.

"Wait, wait, wait! you sang with the Warblers?"

"It sort of just happened." Blaine said sheepishly, looking at his feet, "they embraced me like I was a long lost brother. It was like in X-men 2 when Pyro left the X-men to join Magento's brotherhood, it-it just left right, I belong with the Warblers."

Katy was instantly heartbroken by what Blaine was saying and desperately tried to change his mind, "I'll embrace you like a long lost brother, look, my superpower is hugs."

She ran over and threw her arms around Blaine, hugging him tightly as Finn tried his best to stay calm and persuade him to stay at mckinley.

"I'll miss this." Blaine sighed into her shoulder.

"You don't have to miss it. We'll make Mckinley where you belong." Finn said persuasively, pouting as Blaine and Katy broke the hug.

Knowing Blaine better than anyone else at Mckinley, Katy sighed quietly, realising what this was all about, "Blaine this is about Kurt, isn't it?" She asked tentatively.

Throwing his hands up in the air, Blaine finally cracked, looking around the choir room with a strained look as the whole room screamed Kurt at him, "everything in this room reminds me of him. We were a dynamic duo in here, Kurt was my anchor and no that he's gone I just-I feel like I'm floating."

"Then you need a team, a group of people to gel." Katy said sympathetically taking Blaine's hand and squeezing it.

"Yes! Absolutely, we need gel! And you're the biggest part of that!" Finn agreed.

"You have a lot of gel dude." Katy added in a whisper, trying to hide her sadness.

"Im sorry guys, but the Warblers are my birthright and my destiny," Blaine insisted, taking his hand out of Katy and heading towards the door.

"Is there anything that I can do to make you stay?" Katy asked desperately, keeping calm through her sadness, "Hugs, sleepovers, we could sing something together, with Sam as well."

Blaine shook his head, his throat completely closed up as he tried to push the lump he had in it down, adamant not to show how much his heart was breaking at leaving the school and the people he loved.

"Well keep in touch okay? You're my best friend, and I don't want to imagine senior year without you but if this is truly going to make you more happy than we could at McKinley then so be it." She managed to smile at him, reassuringly.

"Thank you for being my best friend." Blaine managed to choke out eventually before turning around slowly and leaving the choir room forever.

Katy sighed, taking out her high pony and running her hands through her hair in frustration, turning back to Finn who quickly pulled her into a hug, both of them shocked by their newest loss to the glee club.

After breaking away from Finn, Katy picked up hers and Blaine's figurines and moved them closer together and wrapping her little wooden arms around his and then moved Sam's over to put his arms over the two of them, in a large group hug.

"I don't think little Katy, Sam and Blaine fancy performing today." She said quietly, pouting sadly at Finn who nodded, looking sad himself.

"You gonna be okay?" He asked her, worriedly.

"I'll be okay." Katy smiled, "but I don't think the school will be, Sam's left as president." She added with a small giggle, imagining the school under control of her boyfriend.

"You won't let the school go to chaos, you're First Lady according to Sam." Finn replied, shrugging his shoulders at the idea.

"Im more worried about how Sam's gonna take this." She sighed, "Blaine's his best friend as well as mine."

"He'll be okay, just like you will be, you both have me and the whole glee club, okay?" Finn told her, moving some more figures to join in with Blamaty's hug so it was a giant glee club group hug, making Katy smile as she saw in a model in front of her how many people really loved her.


Making his decision to transfer to Dalton for real, Blaine was clearing out his locker when Sam crashed into him, panting worriedly.

"Dude this is all part of some sort of master plan, right?" Sam blurted out, all at once, devastated, "you're going back to the Warblers to gather intel so we can kick their asses at sectionals."

"Sam don't." Blaine snapped, not wanting to face his best friend's sadness, "I feel awful enough as it is. Did you see Katy's face? So damn upset."

"Stop okay? Leave Katy alone, she's upset at the thought of loosing her best friend. You've been beating yourself up for weeks since you and Kurt broke up. But going back to Dalton? You told Finn it was because you feel more at home there, but me and Katy know you better than that. If you ask us, it's another way to punish

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