no. 3: Archer Vice

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(Picture of Chris)

The Next Morning
My alarm alerts me at 7:30 the next morning. I grumble, knowing this is my first day at Tampa Bay High School (TBHS for short.)

I stumble down the stairs, to be greeted by my mom, who has made breakfast.

"Morning, Hollis. You just missed your brother; your dad took him to school about 5 minutes ago. TBHS starts at...."

"8:30." I remind her.

"Then I'll take you at 8:15. Sit down and eat breakfast."

Breakfast was an omelet with hashbrowns and sausage links. It was pretty good, for my mom.

After breakfast, I go upstairs and pick out an outfit for today.

No dresses.
Nothing fancy.

I grabbed a t-shirt that had Tina from Bob's Burgers that read "Spirit Animal", my favorite pair of jeans, and some blue flannel piece over the shirt. I then do my makeup, brush my hair, and walk downstairs.

"Oh, Hollis!" Mom gets emotional. "My baby!"

Both of my parents were emotional, so to say.

As my mom made me do 1000 poses for pictures she'd obsessively post on Facebook, I thought:

I'd like to go to my bed right now.
30 Minutes Later

"Hollis, good luck, sweetie! Love you!" my mom says as she drives away.

I walk towards the school.
It felt like that one part from American Horror Story: Murder House where all those people were staring at Violet, and then Violet got all crazy and ripped the popular girl.

Except I ain't here to slap a hoe.

Since all the staring was creeping me out, I put in my earbuds. Blessedly, Nirvana's Drain You was playing. I sat down in a corner where I would think no one would see me.

...chew your meat for you, pass it back and forth, in a passionate kiss, from my mouth to yours
I like you....
With eyes so dilated
I've become your pupil

"You taught me everything without a poison apple? Damn, girl, I ain't your seventh dwarf." Someone interrupts my train of thought.

A cute guy is staring at me, his afro definitely noticeable.

"Was I singing?" I ask him.

"Yeah. You have a great voice." He tells me. "So, are you new? I don't think I've seen you around."

I faintly smile. "Yeah. Uh, hi, I'm Hollis Santiago."

"I'm Chris...Chris Archer."

"Hi, Chris. Nice hairdo."

"Thanks. I wasn't taking no time gelling it for shit. So, you enjoying Tampa?"

"I just arrived Saturday."

"Oh. Well, what do you have first hour?"

"AP English Lit with Mrs. Stout."

"Hey, I have her. C'mon, let me show you around."

So I follow Chris inside the school.

Aqua and royal blue were the school's colors, it was pretty nice.

"Yeah, so you take a left, than a right, and it's the second room- hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I need to go the front office first."

Chris shakes his head. "Duh. Oops. I'm so sorry."

He then turns around and goes straight down the hall to a open window that read "Front Office" respectfully.

There, I saw the hottest guy. Okay, his eyes were gorgeous and he had a booty like groceries. But he was a total douche to the poor secretary lady.

"Okay, look, lady. I asked for athletics, not PE."

"Mister Kiermaier. PE and Athletics are the same."

"No, they're not, ma'am. Whatever. I'll just talk to Mr. Roberts and see what he says."

I stare at Chris. "Kiermaier? Mr. Roberts?"

"Kiermaier is Kevin Kiermaier. All the girls go gaga for him. We're in baseball together. He's pretty nice, despite the douchepants attitude."

"What grade?"

"He's a junior. I forgot to ask, you're a junior too, right?"


"Oh yeah, and Mr. Roberts is the main counselor. Oh, no." Chris then stands up straight and nods towards some lady in a suit.

"That's our principal, Mrs. Stroker. Or otherwise known as the principal from Hell, or Satan's spawn."

"Oh, well isn't it Christopher Archer."

Mrs. Stroker gives me a smug look.

"Hi, I'm Hollis Santiago. Nice to meet you." I extend my hand to her.

Mrs. Stroker to me: "I don't shake hands. Anyways, can't wait to see you in assembly." Then she turns around and walks away.

"Damn," Chris tells me, "I think she's gotten worse."

What will assembly be like?
Keep reading!
Love y'all-

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