no. 27: Talking In Your Sleep

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After school, Kevin came towards my locker angrily.
"Hollis, I don't want you talking to Chris anymore."
Oh shit. Kevin is having another of his ticks.
"Kevin, calm down-"
"No. You're going to leave him alone. End of story."
"Chris has a little crush. He'll get over it, I swear." I look at Kevin.
"Little crush? Does wacking off at the thought of you count as a little crush?"
"It's normal, Kev, all guys do it."
"Just don't talk to Chris, okay?" He stomps off.
How? Chris is my friend. Sure, he has a crush on me, but he's still my friend....right?

I walk towards the exit to see Chris. He was still in his gym clothes and had a black eye.
Kevin must've given that to him.
But the worst thought was talking to him.
Should I, or shouldn't I?
"Don't talk to him, okay?"
However, Chris had helped me through a lot.
I walk over there anyway.
He looks at me forlornly.
"You probably shouldn't be talking to me."
"Why not?" I look at him. "You're one of my best friends."
Chris stared at his phone, sighs, and turns it off.
"Shit. My mom can't pick me up."
"You need a ride?" I ask Chris.

Chris hops in my car.
"I'm sorry, Hollis. I just messed this all up."
"No, you didn't." I tell him as I start the car. "But, have you really, uh, felt yourself to the thought of me?"
Chris nodded. "Yes."
"Just to let you know, I'm not angry about that either." I change the radio station. "It's normal to feel like that."
"Well, there's something about Kevin." Chris says.
"What?" I ask.
What are you talking about?
Chris stays silent.
"Tell me, Archer. Please."
"Has he ever mentioned Nora? Nora Gardner?"
I vaguely remember Kevin talking about a Nora.
"Isn't that his ex?" I ask Chris.
"Yes." He replies. "She's returning to TBHS on Wednesday."
Say what?
Okay, so I had my problems with the White Trash Hoes (aka Jenna, Lainie, and the other one), but Kevin's insane ex?
This can't be real.
"And I believe Kevin still has feelings for her."
The words sunk in my stomach.
"How will she react to me?"
"Well," Chris stared at me, "let's go to my house and continue this conversation."

We walk into the Archers' house with no problem whatsoever.
Mr. Archer greeted us from his laptop again, and we went upstairs.
Chris got himself settled on his swivel chair, as I got settled on his bed.
"What were you saying?" He asked me.
"How would Nora react to me?"
"Honestly...she'd hate you. I mean, you don't fuck around with her."
"Kevin's been acting odd lately." I muster. "I don't think baseball season is this month."
"It starts late February." Chris informed me.
"I'm scared. If she really is coming back....and Kevin's acting weird..."
Tears come to my eyes as I realize the conclusion I was going to.
"Hollis." Chris comes over to console me.
I find myself burying my tear-soaked face in his shirt.
"We'll figure it out." Chris whispered. "I bet we're overthinking it, and-"
Before he could finish, I kissed him.
The kiss only lasted a second, as I pull away.
"Shit. Shit, I'm sorry." I shake my head. "I'm taken, and I just kissed another guy....what the hell was I thinking?"
Chris hugs me. "It just happened. One time. It was the heat of the moment, and it was a mistake. This will be our little secret."
"Promise?" I ask him.
"Promise." He assured me.

Yes, it was a short chapter, but it sure got the story across....
Hollis kissed Chris!
Now, I wouldn't have thought of this originally, but everything is tying back together!
Get ready, the next chapter is going to be crazy!

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