no. 20: All You Are Is History

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There will be some sexual content. Just warning you now...

The phone rings.
"Hello?" I ask the caller.
"Babe." Michael says in a soft whisper.
"Hey." I say. "What's the sitch?"
"Really? Kim Possible?" He laughs.
I love that laugh.
"So, Hol? Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure." I'd do anything for him.
"Can you come over?"
It was 8:34 PM. My curfew was at 10:00. I could do it.
"Of course."

It was about 9:00 when I got to his house.
As usual, his mom wasn't there. So I just walked in. Mike didn't mind.
"Hello? Mike?" I ask.
"Just in time." Mike smirked at me. "Come upstairs."
I went upstairs.
Mike closes his door and kisses me.
"Sshh." he whispers in my ear. "No one has to know."
He throws me on the bed.
"Ha!" I laugh loudly.
He takes off my shirt.
"Whoa?" I question him.
He slides me upwards on the bed.
"You know you want this."
He unbuttons my jeans.
I don't want to lose it. I'm not ready.
He starts grinding on me.
This needs to stop.
And that's what I told Mike.
"Don't be worried. It doesn't hurt."
"I don't give a shit. You heard me. Please stop."
Mike kisses me. "Why?"
I rebutton my pants. "You son of a bitch." I turn around and grab the All Time Low shirt I was wearing.
"Don't put that shirt back on." Mike says as I put on my shirt. "Hollis, you know what's good for you."
"You know what's good?" I tell Mike. "This." I flip him the bird.
He forcefully grabs me. "You're not going anywhere."
I push myself out of his grip and turn towards him.
"Fuck you." I slap him.
I then turn around and leave the room.
"HOLLIS!" I hear him yell as I leave.
I run down the stairs and run out the front door.
I immediately fish my keys out of my purse and hop in my car.
I check the time as I back away.
9:20 PM.
What will I do now?


I wake up from the nightmare I had.
2:21 AM.
I put my hand to my head to stop my throbbing head.
I unlock my phone.
My voicemail pops up.
8:34 PM. Saturday, September 30.
8:34 PM. Tuesday, July 12.
It was the time that Mike gave me that call a year ago.
That's why.
I was going to do something I shouldn't do.
I was going to call him.

I was calling Mike, 2:25 in Tampa, 12:25 in Portland. This was over right now.
"Hollis. Finally." He answers.
"Not finally." I took a breath. "I'm sorry, Mike. You cannot do this anymore."
"Do what?" Mike asked innocently.
"Please leave me alone." I say.
"I can't."
"Yes, you can. It's called quit messing with me."
"You miss me, Santiago. Admit it." He says cryptically.
"Shut the fuck up. I'm actually happy with life. You've screwed up the best thing I had going for me so far. So, what else are you going to screw up for me, huh?"
Silence on the other line.
"What is so damn important, McLaughlin, that-"
"I still love you."
That didn't surprise me.
Of course.
"Well, I don't. So leave me the fuck alone."
"Fine. Is this goodbye?"
"Yes. Goodbye." And I hung up.
I was actually so done 1 year, 2 months, and 21 days ago.
You stupid.

Five Hours Later
I shuffle my feet.
For the first time in a while, I was scared. Nervous.
I go to our meeting spot.
Chris was talking to Joe Panik.
Evan and Liz were kissing.
Richie and Ben Zobrist were arguing about something that uninterested me.
And finally, there was Kevin.
Staring at me.
I slowly walk towards him.
"Hollis." He says in a deep voice.
"Look. I'm sorry if I caused the tick. I...uh...had a flashback."
Kevin's face softened.
"Let's go to the bleachers."

We walked towards the bleachers, where Jameis Winston was packing his equipment up.
"What's good, Kiermaier?" He throws up a peace sign.
"McDonald's." Kevin smirks at Winston.
"That's good. Breakfast all day and shit." Jameis showed us a greasy hashbrown.
"Gross." I pointed at it.
Jameis took a bite of the grease thing. "It's worth it, I'd tell you."
"Fuck you!" I yell.
Jameis waves and leaves.
"Finally." Kevin shakes his head. "I hate him."
"I heard that!" Jameis yells.
"Hollis...what was the flashback?"

"And I hung up on him forever." I say quietly.
"Hollis...I'm sorry I came to such conclusion." Kevin shakes his head. "You don't know this, but I've been hurt by many people. I just, well, though maybe you were taking advantage. That's what Nora did to me."

Nora was asleep in the car.
"Hm?" She mumbled.
"We're home."
She popped up from the seat, took a good look at me, and got out.
"See ya." She closes the door, and I drive away without a clue about what was going to happen.

Nora Gardner was my first love.
It took me a long time to make her say yes, but two years ago, she said yes.
But in those 4 months of dating, I was going to learn something.
And I learned that lesson the next day.
When I got to school, Nora was sucking some other guy's face.
What was going on?
I took action immediately.
"Nora?" I ask. Tim Beckham hops off of her.
(One of the reasons I hate Tim Beckham.)
"Kevin...I'm sorry!"
"You're stupid, Kiermaier. Can't you take a hint?" Tim shoves me and walks off.
I stare at Nora.
Nora puts on a sweatshirt.
"Can't you see?"
All the drop offs. The parent visits? It was all a lie. She lied.
"You used me, didn't you?"
She smirks.
"Hey, don't blame me. You fell for it. And? You're being made fun of for dating a slut. Try getting out of that!" She laughs and skips away.
It took three months for people to believe me.
But being used was the beginning of the problems yet to come.....


"Is Nora still here?" I ask Kevin.
"She goes to St. Petersburg Prep." Kevin shakes his head. "So she can get her shit together."
"Ah." I nod.
"But I don't care about her, Hollis."
I stay silent.
"I care about you. These last couple years for both of us. You've only been here two months, but I feel as if I've known you longer. Underneath it all, you get me. You understand me. And that's probably why I asked you out. Plus, you're pretty. That's always good."
"You're always good." I lean over and kiss him.
"You wanna go on a date after school?"
"I'd say."
"I'd take that as a yes."
"You win."

The "ex" scandal is over! It just took the action to get to the reaction....
Did you like the flashbacks?
And Kollis is back together, so it's all good!
The last few chapters may have been strange, excuse that, but it will get back to being lighthearted β™‘

Lots of love forever,
PS. Who has baseball withdrawal? I miss watching the Rays. Now, it's just basketball and football for the next few months ‒﹏‒

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