no. 15: Patience

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Pic (from top left to bottom): Kevin Kiermaier, Richie Shaffer, Chris Archer

That Monday morning, I woke up with a different perspective on things.
I'm Kevin Kiermaier's girlfriend now.
How do I tell my parents?
I go downstairs, with my dad looking at me.
"Hello, Hollis."
"Morning, Dad. Is everything okay?"
"Oh yes, but please explain the 88 in Algebra."
I realized then that he was joking. My dad did this a lot.
"Congrats, baby girl." He hugged me. "You are adjusting to Tampa just fine." "I wasn't worried." I kissed my dad, grabbed a protein bar, and I was on my way.

I met the guys over at the Taco Mart for breakfast. The first table was filled with boys- well, Chris, Richie, Kevin, Evan, and Matt. The only girl with them was Liz, and she was sucking face with Evan.
Wait. What?
"Hey, guys!" I happily wave.
Chris returns the smile. "Hi!"
Kevin motions a seat towards him. "Sit with me, babe."
Did he just call me babe?
"Okay." I did as I was told.
I was sitting next to Richie, so I asked him:
"What's up with Liz and Evan?" They were now whispering sweet nothing to each other.
"They're dating now. You didn't know?"
"It's all over Instagram." Chris was doing something on his phone, I noticed.
My phone buzzed a few minutes later.

Reposted by @carch42 to @_hollis.santiago_

> @lizzyayers:
Gotta love him. @evanlongoria
The picture was of Liz kissing Evan's cheek.
"Whoa." I reply.
Liz and Evan had resumed sucking face when we got our tacos.
"Get a room!" Richie yelled.
"Fuck you, Shaffer." Liz smirked, and she and Evan moved to another table.
Kevin leans over and grabs a few tacos.
"Two bean and cheeses okay with you?" He asked me.
"Sure. What are you having?" I reply.
"The Taco To End All Tacos."
"What?" I ask as I eat my taco.
"Ya know, the Taco To End All Tacos. It's bacon, potato, bean and cheese. But I add chorizo, to really make it the taco to end all tacos."
I remember Grady talking about a taco like that one time.
"Kiermaier's Special!" The cashier yells, waving to Kevin.
"That's Guillermo, the owner." Kevin tells me. "He knows everyone by name, and their orders."
"There's also the Brick Layer." Chris raises his taco. "It's beans, chorizo, and rice. Pretty good, if you ask me."
"Looks good." I tell him.
"I'll trade ya for your other bean and cheese." Chris points at my taco.
We trade, and the taco run goes by quickly.

I walk into first hour with Chris and Richie (I learned he had first hour with me), noticing that Mrs. Stout's posters and stuff was gone. She had been absent, of course, but now she was gone.
"What the hell happened in here?" Richie says out loud.
A man walks towards us. "I'm Mr. Wilson, and I will be replacing Mrs. Stout until further notice."
I look at the man. His ID read Kurt Wilson, Seminole High School, 2012-2013.
"He used to work at Seminole High School...where's that?" I ask Chris.
"Seminole High? That's our rivals! Oh, heavens no! Back up...." He accidently bumps into none other than the principal from Hell- Mrs. Stroker.
"Excuse me, ma'am." Chris says politely.
"No time for that, Mister Archer. My office, now."

Chris' POV

As I walked behind Mrs. Stroker, I was in denial with myself.
What did I do?
How will I explain this to my parents?
We turn into the attendance office.
"Mornin', Arch." Jameis Winston salutes to me.
When we enter her office, my parents are there, and they look at me.
"Chris. Your parents need to talk to you." Mrs. Stroker leaves the room.
Wow, Mrs. Stroker. That's the nicest you've ever been like....ever.
Why were my parents here?

"Chris." Mom says. "You may be wondering why we're here."
"Yes." I take a breath. "Am I in trouble?"
"No." Dad replies. He takes out his phone and swipes at some application.
"Chris, we know." Mom replies.
"What?" I ask.
"Honey. You wonder why you don't look like us. Why you don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, like us."
"" I ask.
"Remember Debbie?" Dad asks, and shows me a picture on his phone.
Debbie, my older sister. She had left when I was nine. I had always wondered why.
"Debbie!" I say in shock. "Is she okay?"
"Chris, that's the thing." Mom says.
"What?" My heart starts to drop. Is Debbie dead?
" is she related to you, son?" Dad asks.
"Well, she's my older sister." I shrug. Duh!
"Sport, I regret to inform-"
"-Chris...honey, Debbie is actually your mother." Mom says, interrupting Dad.
Wait. What?
The room stays silent, and I felt sick to my stomach.
"What?" I ask shakily.
"Chris, you're adopted." Dad replies.
You're adopted.
I'm adopted.
I'm not an Archer.
"I'm-I'm adopted?" I ask.
"Yes." Mom hugs me. "You're not an Archer by blood."

An Hour Later
"Debbie and Hassan- your biological parents- wanted to take you away with them to Washington, DC, when you were two. But, Chris, we couldn't let that happen. So we did what was the best thing- we adopted you."
I sat in the car in utter silence. This last hour has made me feel uneasy.
"And Chloe?" I ask.
"Chloe is ours."
"No- does she know?"
"No, Chris." We turn into Chili's.
"What would my name have been?" I ask my parents.
"Well, you would've been Christopher Clark, but for our sake, you're Christopher Archer!" Dad exclaims.
"In our eyes, you needed to be an Archer. So we did. You were our little Archer."
I wanted to cry, but I needed to suck it up.
I was going to be eighteen next year, for God's sake.
But...why were we here?
"Mom? Dad? Why are we here?"
My mom looked at me forlornly.
"Chris... you're here to meet your biological father."
I absorb in the words as I slowly get out of the car.
I have no clue what will happen next.

This was an unexpected chapter with unexpected surprises! I think this was my favorite chapter to write so far, so I hope you enjoyed it!
So I was thinking about a "about me" section in this story....y'all can comment about what you want to know about me, and later on in this story, I will answer all your questions! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.

Teaser: It's the meeting that will have a lot on Chris' mind- the meeting with his biological father.

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