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liked by amarajames, tatedoll, and 3,768 others

brinnleyforbes shlumped

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↳ brinnleyforbes i literally love u sm

beautychickee the perfect girl doesn't exis-
↳ brinnleyforbes yeah she's u πŸ€ͺ

username i don't look like that when i'm tired.

amarajames ur so hot
↳ brinnleyforbes i love u sm

evelynbatts beauty
↳ brinnleyforbes ily bae

kate_smith THE CUTEST
↳ brinnleyforbes stop ily

username where did she even come from?

username zach made you famous πŸ€ͺ

imzachherron can i have my hoodie back now?
↳ brinnleyforbes no❀️

Third Person

brinnley looked up to see zach still asleep lightly snoring with his arms still wrapped around her from when they were watching the movie. brinnley smiled as zach slept as his snores filled the room, it made her feel safe.

"didn't your mom ever tell you it's rude to stare" zach said in a raspy voice causing brinnley to jump slightly since she thought he was sleep.

"dude you scared me, i didn't know you were awake" brinnley said about to leave his grasp but stopped by zach who just wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"well i'm half awake, half sleep, but don't go yet i'm comfy" zach told her laying her back down.

"zach i have to make clara breakfast" brinnley told him.

zach shook his head, "clara is fifteen she is going to be sixteen in two months she can feed herself"

"no she can't actually" brinnley stated as zach opened one eye to look at her. "no i'm serious she can't cook, she has set water on fire before"

zach quickly opened the other eye to look at the girl. "are you serious? water?" zach asked causing brinnley to nod. "okay yeah go make her food"

zach let brinnley go and the girl got up from the bed, threw on some sweatpants over her sleep shorts and looked back at zach who was grabbing his phone.

"if you want i can make you some breakfast also, unless you have to go then it's fine" brinnley suggested.

zach smiled, "i don't have anywhere to be today so i'm okay with that" brinnley nodded and went downstairs to make some breakfast for everyone.

about an hour later brinnley had finished making breakfast, zach had come downstairs to talk to brinnley while she handed out the food to tell her about a text jack sent, and clara was sitting next to zach on the island doing homework and listening to zach's story.

"he really said i look like a five year old baby" zach said scoffing while brinnley set his and clara's plates of food in front of them.

"i mean you did say he looked like a shitty hairless cat mixed with a squirrel monkey" brinnley mentioned.

"and you know he has a fear of squirrel monkeys and doesn't feel safe around a hairless cat" clara reminded him while taking a bite of her pancake.

"yeah but i was joking" zach said folding his arms. "jack hurt my feelings"

"aw poor babyyy" clara teased causing zach to snatch a piece of her bacon off her plate. "hey! that's mine!"

"well it's mine now little girl" he said taking a bite of her bacon as she gasped.

"okay fine" clara said grabbing his biscuit off his plate, instantly licking it and then putting it back on his plate. "enjoy that"

"brinn your sister just licked my biscuit" zach said glaring at clara who's smile dropped leaving her mouth agape.

"well brinn your boyfriend ate my bacon" clara whined but caused zach and brinnley to both look at her then each other.

"you guys are so immature" brinnley said getting clara a new piece of bacon and giving zach a new biscuit. "and zach's not my boyfriend c"

"oh i just thought that since he spent the night like evan used to that y'all made it official" clara shrugged.

brinnley's eyes widened at the mention of evan as did clara's once she said it, but zach furrowed his eyebrows.

"who is evan?" he asked the two girls.

"oh i think you got this one right brinn? ok cool i'll be in my room with this amazing breakfast you made me bye love you" clara said grabbing her plate and running to her bedroom.

zach watched clara sprint away and then looked at brinnley and tilted his head. "is he like your boyfriend or something?"

brinnley raised her eyebrows at his statement. "dude that literally makes no sense, clara just called you my boyfriend so why would i have a whole other one"

zach shrugged, "i don't know brinn, i'm just wondering who evan is"

brinnley sighed, "evan is my ex boyfriend, we dated for two years but he moved last year and we couldn't do the whole long distance thing and broke up a couple of months ago"

zach slowly nodded, "oh i'm sorry to hear that"

"zach its not like he's dead you don't have to be sorry, it just didn't work out and i'm okay with that" brinnley said laughing.

zach rolled his eyes playfully, "this is why i cant be nice to you, you're a pain in the ass"

"okay whatever you say zachary" brinnley said causing zach to shove her jokingly.

"so am i ever going to get my hoodie back? or is it yours now?" zach asked the girl.

"oh it's mine now sorry not sorry" brinnley told him smiling brightly.

zach rolled his eyes, "you're lucky you're cute and that you look good in it or else i would've taken it"

"aw you think i'm cute" brinnley said smiling.

zach furrowed his eyebrows towards her. "that's not the first time i've called you cute though"

"instagram comments don't count mister" brinnley shrugged. "everyone calls everyone cute on there"

"okay but i mean it so i guess i'm not everyone" zach told her getting up from his chair, cleaning out his plate quickly so brinnley couldn't protest, and walking upstairs.

"where are you going?" brinnley asked.

"upstairs to annoy clara for a bit then the three of us are watching high school musical" zach told her causing her to laugh and shake her head.


yup yup
bye loves <3

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