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"I'm gonna love you 'til
My lungs give out
I promise 'til death we part like in our vows"


Erick's POV

I woke up to small giggles. I reached out for my wife on the side of the bed but it was empty. I groaned and turned around to see her playing with our son instead.

"Good morning," I said lazily as I turned to face them both. "Good morning, amor," Adriana smiled as she played with Lucas on her lap.

"You should get up and shower, I already bathed Lucas," she told me and I groaned. I hid my face in the pillow. "Erick," Adriana whined.

"Five more minutes," I said, putting my hand up. She stayed quiet but I could hear her getting up. I kept my eyes shut and suddenly felt weight on my back.

I felt small hands and some crawling and I groaned. "Adri, get him off before I accidentally crush him," I said and she giggled.

She lifted him up and I turned around, laying on my back. She sat him on my stomach and he crawled over as I smiled.

I kissed the tip of his nose and laid him down on my chest. "I'll go make breakfast," Adriana said as she kissed my cheek and left the room.

"Papa needs to shower Lucas," I said to him in a baby voice. I put him back in his baby court and he laid down there, playing with his toys.

I quickly hopped into the shower, not taking too long since I have a whole baby out there waiting.

Once I was done, I got out of the bathroom and got dressed before picking Lucas up. "Let's go eat, baby," I said to him and he got excited, clapping his hands happily and I chuckled.

I walked downstairs and immediately smelled something good coming from the kitchen. I headed there and saw my wife and sister-in-law cooking it up.

"Ay look at you two," I teased. "Homegirl decided to cook up some mangu," Adriana said. "My brother-in-law's tasting my food for the first time, let's see what you think," Aurelia said to me as she served me a plate of mangu.

"Okay, let's see," I said as I picked up a spoon and tried it. "And?" Aurelia leaned onto the kitchen counter. "It's good," I said, nodding.

"See, I told you," Adriana shrugged as she took Lucas from my lap and put him on the baby chair as we all ate breakfast.

Dilara's POV

I sat at a small corner at Starbucks as Joel went to order our drinks. I took my sunglassed off and pulled my phone out of my bag.

I looked through Instagram and there were crap tons of posts about Sebastian and Tini. "No way," I muttered as I read a post that they broke up.

I quickly switched to Twitter and saw both of them posting the announcement. I sighed. I hope this won't ever have to happen to me.

"Here you go," Joel's voice makes my attention shift from my phone to him. He put our drinks on the table and sat down across from me.

"What were you looking at? You looked sad," my fiance asked me before taking a sip from his drink.

"Sebas and Tini broke up," I told him. "No way," he muttered and I nodded. "I don't know what'd happen to me if that happened to us," I mumbled.

"Hey," he reached for my hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Nothing's gonna happen to us. We're getting married in a couple months, everything will be alright," he said with a comforting smile.

I smiled at him and nodded. I've lived my happiest moments with him, I don't know if I can afford ever losing him.


let's pretend tini and aurelia ain't the same person just for this story please

also look at dilara, madly in love πŸ₯Ί

ps; lemme remind u this is a sequel therefore wtv drama or shit that will go down will be dropped rather quickly so don't be too surprised, well i mean be surprised but i think ya get my point. the first bomb might be right around the corner who knows

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