hannah meloche as rylan emely frantzich
โ august 14, 2000 โ
INSTAGRAM: rylanmarais
SPAM: monicageller
"trixie sounds like a hookers name"
corbyn matthew besson as himself
โ november 25, 1998 โ
INSTAGRAM: corbynbesson
SPAM: chandlerbing
"Hey babโoh you're sleeping. Well, WAKE UP I BOUGHT NEW SNEAKERS"
karina rae as maeve patricia johnson
โ april 10, 1999 โ
INSTAGRAM: maevejohnson
SPAM: trixisforkids
"I never liked and I never will, simple as that."
jack robert avery as himself
โ july 1, 1999 โ
INSTAGRAM: jackaverymusic
SPAM: jackadoopoodle
"that was extremely stupid and dangerous and dumb. LETS DO IT AGAIN!!"
gabbie gonzalez as herself
โ september 6, 2001 โ
INSTAGRAM: gabbiegonzalez
SPAM: purplenurple
"sorry corbyn but in reality, she's actually my girlfriend, I mean I am the one who's living with her."
daniel james seavey as himself
โ april 2, 1999 โ
INSTAGRAM: seaveydaniel
SPAM: daniboygiraffo
"oh well then."
ellie thumann as quinn mendoza
โ feburary 28, 2000 โ
INSTAGRAM: mendozaquinn
SPAM: harleyquinn
"Awwwwww I love you. Just kidding I actually hate you."
zachary dean herron as himself
โ may 27, 2001 โ
INSTAGRAM: imzachherron
SPAM: zachattack
"Wait Im so confused right now."
sierra furtado as katelyn rosie brown
โ january 23, 1999 โ
INSTAGRAM: katiebrown
SPAM: theogblondie
"Actually gabbie shes my girlfriend, I lived with her for like a year."
jonah marais roth frantzich as himself
โ june 16, 1998 โ
INSTAGRAM: jonahmarais
SPAM: hoenahthepooh
"I hope you guys know that she lived with me and corbyn first."
tate dahl as herself
โ august 20, 1997 โ
INSTAGRAM: tatedahl
SPAM: barbiedoll
"You guys are seriously not arguing about this right?"
mikey murphy as aaron ellis
โ may 12, 1998 โ
INSTAGRAM: aaronellis
SPAM: ronnieronnie
"you're so cute oh my gosh."
christina marie harris as herself
โ june 3, 1999 โ
INSTAGRAM: beautychickee
SPAM: chickpea
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