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(edited 17-8-2022)

THE BEVERS, THREE OF THE PEVENSIES AND SARAH were now making there way up onto a hill. they were nearing the frozen river. Sarah watched the view in astonishment. she may hadn't come here in the best circumstances, but that was, breathtaking.

"now, aslan's camp is near the stone table. just across the frozen river" Mr, beaver explained. "river?" Peter asked, Mrs. beaver softly patted his leg "oh, the river's been frozen solid for a hundred years." Peter sighed, looking in the distance he said "it's so far!"

"it's the world, dear. did you expect it to be small?" the six of them slowly walked down the hill. Susan leaned closer to Sarah and whispered, "smaller."

and, After what felt like an hour of walking they finally made it onto the river. the ice groaned under the weight of the four kids. "come on, humans! While we're still young." Peter slowly bended down, offering lucy a piggy back ride. "if he tells us to hurry one more time, i'm gonna turn him into a big, fluffy hat."

Sarah chuckled at Peter's joke, whom's smile grew bigger as he saw her laughing.the four started moving again, Susan a little in front of them. "it's beautiful" Sarah muttered, "see i told you! if you would've believed me sooner i could've took you!" Lucy said.

Sarah smiled, "i'm sorry lucy, i won't make that mistake twice"

"hurry up! come on!" Mr. beaver shouted. Sarah fought the urge to roll her eyes, "he is getting a little bossy"

"no! behind you! it's her!" mrs. beaver shouted.Β  Sarah quickly turned around, the white sleigh wasn't unnoticeable whilst nearing them. Lucy quickly slid of peter's back, and grabbed his and Sarah's hand.


Sarah ran as quickly her small feet could carry her. she quickly grew tired, she hadn't had this many exercise in all the years she spent on her grandparents farm. The trio quickly entered the woods behind Susan and the beavers. "inside! dive." mr. beaver motioned to a cave.


Sarah quickly dove down into a small cave. before she even sat Lucy and Peter quickly sat down on her left, and Susan on her right. their space was limited and scramped. all of them went very quiet as the beavers put their paws to their mouth.

Sarah watched the shadow in-front of her. it was a big shadow. you could catch a few things. you could definitely notice she had a big stomach and she had very long fluffy hair. from the position Sarah was sitting she looked alot like someone else.The shadow slowly moved forward, making Sarah's breath hitch in her throat. after a moment, Snow fell over the edge as the shadow moved back.

Sarah let out a huff and relaxed her tense body."maybe she's gone" Lucy whispered. The poor girl was snuggled into Peter's lap and held onto his jacket like her life depended on it.

well.. maybe it did.

"i suppose i'll go look" Peter spoke, slowly moving from his spot. "No!" mr. beaver and Sarah both hissed at the same time.

Peter sat back down in defeat.

"you're nothing to worth narnia dead." Mr. beaver said. he moved around the kids to the fresh air. Sarah's body was itching, yelling at her to do something. for her to play the hero, but she knew herself that she wasn't and when your in a life or death situation you shouldn't take stupid risks.

but what if this wasn't a stupid risk. was saving the life of the pevensies and the bevers worth more than her own?

yes. yes it was.

"well, neither are you, beaver." Mrs. beaver said, holding onto his hands. "she's right, i'll go" Sarah quietly spoke up. "what?" Susan hissed, "Sarah this is no time to play the hero!"

"when is it ever the right time? atleast i could say i died a heroic death" Sarah almost wanted to scream at Susan, Grab her shoulders and scream right in her face that she should shut up.

but she didn't. she slowly sucked in some air and shuffled past the beavers, ignoring their whispers of protest. Sarah grabbed ahold of the top of the cave and pulled herself up. Groaning as she lifted her leg, not used to this much strength needed.

Sarah quickly got up her feet and stared at the figure in-front of her, who looked at Sarah like she had bright pink hair.

This wasn't the witch, Sarah was sure of that. it was a male, he had long white hair and a beard and a dark red suit. he had a big belly and a smile that could warm up the whole room.

Father Christmas.

Sarah smiled, quickly turned around and popped her head down. Lucy let out a small schriek as her head popped up. "come on! it won't hurt any of you!" she grinned.

Sarah quickly turned back around, "hello sir!" she spoke. Lucy was the one first to catch up with her, she wore a huge smile and squeezed Sarah's hand. "merry christmas, sir." she said. The two girls walked towards him, "it certainly is, lucy, since you have arrived"

Susan and Peter walked behind the two, Sarah could hear Susan whisper "look, i've put up with a lot since i got here, but this⏀"

"we thought you were the witch." Peter interrupted her. Father christmas scrunched his face, "yes, yes, i'm sorry about that, but in my defense, i have been driving one of these longer than the witch"

"i thought there was no christmas in narnia" Susan spoke. Father christmas smiled, "no. not for a long time. but the hope you have brought, your majesties, is finally starting to weaken the witch's power. still, i dare say you could do with these" he reached back into his sleigh and pulled out a big brown sack. Lucy let out a small squeak of joy. "presents!"

Sarah moved closer to Peter, "see, i didn't die" she whispered. "you could've" He responded. Sarah grinned, "but i didn't"

Peter smiled at her stubbornness, "but you didn't"

"the juice of the fire-flower. one drop will cure any injury. and i thought i hope you never have to use it" Father christmas pulled out a flask and a small dagger. Lucy carefully grabbed ahold of them. "thank you, sir, but i think i could be brave enough."

Sarah smiled at the girls bravery. The small light in Lucy had grown bigger, and was about to bloom. "i'm sure you could. but battles are ugly affairs. Susan"

Susan stepped forward, and got handed a bow and a quiver of arrows. "trust in this bow and it will not easily miss."

Susan frowned, "what happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'" Father christmas let out a heartwarming, belly laugh. "though you don't seem to have making yourself heard" He pulled out an ivory horn, "blow on this horn and wherever you are, help will come"

"thanks" she mumbled, not expecting such a reaction from one of her sarcastic remarks.


at the mention of her name, She stepped forward, watching Father christmas as he pulled out a sword. "this may look like a sword, but it looks will fool you. it is the only kind ever made." He handed it to her. "if needed, you'll flick the sword, with all the power in your wrist."

then, Sarah carefully grabbed ahold of her sword. and flicked it forward. transforming it into a bow. Lucy softly gasped. Sarah smiled, "thank you sir."

"i see you have a kind heart, Sarah." he pulled out a quiver of arrows.

"thank you" she smiled, taking a step back. She placed the quiver on her back, tied the belt around her body and held her weapon in hand.

Peter stepped forward. Father christmas pulled out a bright silver shield and a sword in its scabbard. handing it to Peter.

He slowly drew the sword out.Β  Sarah stared in awe, although she didn't notice it before. Peter was a work of art to look at. she could notice the sparkle in his eyes and the way he held his sword very carefully.


"peter. the time to use these may be near at hand." Father christmas interrupted Sarah's thoughts.

"thank you sir."

"now, these are tools, not toys. bear them well and wisely. now, i must be off. winter is almost over, and things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years. long live aslan!" Father christmas climbed into his leight and grabbed ahold of the reins, "and merry christmas!"

"merry christmas!" Lucy shouted, waving as he left them behind.

"merry christmas, sir!"

"bye, sir!"

"see you next year!"

Lucy smirked as she turned around to the other three, "told you he was real." Susan rolled her eyes and Sarah smiled. "he said.." Peter started, "he said winters was almost over. you know what that means..."

"no more ice.." Sarah finished. Peter nodded, "no more ice."

The six of them stared at the river. it was quickly breaking into chunks and ice was floating away on the fast current. There was a frozen waterfall on their left. a Unfrozen river on their right.

quickly, Peter grabbed ahold of Lucy's hand, and starts making their way down the bank. Sarah followed closely behind, but they were both pulled back by Susan.

"we need to cross, now!" Peter yelled over the loud rushing of the river.

"don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked, a part of Sarah would hope they would say yes. but another part of her knew they weren't that quick, "i'm not that fast, dear!" mr. beaver answer. just like she thought.

"come on!"

"Wait!" Susan shouted. again, interrupting the others on their way down. "will you just think about this for a minute?" Sarah let out a laugh in disbelief, "we don't have, a minute"

Susan was taken aback by her answer, and slowly said "i'm just trying to be realistic."

"no!" peter had now joined the conversation. he grabbed Sarah arm and said. "you're trying to be smart. as usual." Peter pulled Sarah and Lucy down, towards the river. Susan doubted their decision. but when she heard the sounds of the wolves and looked at Sarah's outstretched hand, she decided it was better for her to follow them.

Peter placed his foot on the ice, but quickly retreated as water spurted from under. "wait. maybe i should go first." Mr. beaver said. he slowly moved forward and patted the ice with his tail and feets. trying to find the strongest passage.

"you been sneaking second helping, haven't you" Mrs. beaver nervously spoke. Mr. beaver let out a nervous laugh, "well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last. especially with your cooking." Sarah followed the beaver, Peter still holding onto her coat.

"if mum knew what we were doing.." Susan mumbled, "mum's not here" Peter said, quickly shutting her up."oh, no!" Lucy whined, pointing upwards the river. the wolves were running across the top of the frozen waterfall to the other side of the river.

"run!" peter shouted. the four of them shuffled even quicker. but the wolves leaped in-front of them on the frozen river.

then, Sarah turned around. only to see that there were wolves nearing from the other side too. Mr. beaver hissed at them, trying to threaten them. but he was quickly pounced on and pinned to the ground.

"no!" mrs. beaver shouted, clinging onto Sarah's coat so she wouldn't slip away. Sarah grabbed ahold of her weapons handle. to scared to drew it. but to scared to let go.

"Peter!" Lucy shouted. Peter quickly drew his sword. and held it in front of him."put that down, boy. someone could get hurt." One of the wolves, probably the leader. spoke, his low grim voice echoing through the woods.

"don't worry about me! run him through!" mr.Β  beaver shouted. "leave now while you can, and your brother goes with you." them, Susan decided to join the conversation, "stop, peter! maybe we should listen to him!" She agreed.

Maugrim let out a chuckle, "smart girl."

Sarah looked at Peter, who looked terribly afraid and in a horrible panic. then she looked at Mrs. beaver, who slowly shook her head. as a sign to not join the conversation.

"don't listen to him! kill him! kill him now!" Mr. beaver shouted.

"oh, come on. this isn't your war. all my queen wants is for you to take your family and go."

Susan groaned loudly, "look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it!"

Not a single muscle wanted to stay quiet. Sarah wanted to scream, cry and laugh all at the same time. it felt like a dream, then a nightmare. it was too weird to even describe.

"no, peter! Narnia needs ya! gut him while you still have a chance!" mr, beaver groaned under the weight of the wolf. "what's it gonna be, Son of Adam? i won't wait forever. and neither will the river."

"Peter!" lucy shouted, Sarah followed lucy's horrified gaze just to see that the river was about to collapse."hold onto me!" he shouted, Sarah grabbed Susan's arm as she gripped onto Peter. lucy on the other side. Sarah took a deep breath as the waterfall plunged over her. it felt like she couldn't breath and like pieces of ice rammed themselves through her.

She slowly slipped away from Susan and the iceblok. She gasped for breath, but Susan Peter and Lucy were gone. And so was the iceblok.

Luckly, Sarah's grandparents had taught her to swim. she quickly made her way to shore. she held onto the ground as she looked around for the others.

she saw two hands lift themselves out of the water, and Sarah had quickly recognize Lucy's green flowered sleeves.she quickly swam her way towards her and pulled her up by her shoulders. Lifting the girl up onto the ground. Lucy loudly coughed the remains of water out of her lungs. "thank you" she smiled.

Sarah lifted herself onto the shore, "no biggie. let's find the rest"

"lucy, Sarah!" Susan's voice loudly echoed. Sarah chuckled, "i think i hear them." Lucy smiled and grabbed Sarah's hand, making their way to the others. "has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy asked. Peter looked liked he had seen a ghost, but as soon as he made eye contact with the both of them. it had looked like a burden had fallen of his shoulder.

Peter quickly wrapped his arms around Sarah, who let out a quick gasp in surprise, "you scared me so bad"

"i guess i have all the luck in the world then, for surviving whatever this is."

"and i'm glad you have."When Peter let go, Susan wrapped her arms around her. "i'm sorry" she mumbled into Sarah's wet coat. "it's okay" she patted her back, "i forgive you"

"don't worry, dear. your brother's got you well looked after." Mr. beaver smiled. "and i don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore." Sarah looked around, the trees were growing flowers and leaves and the bushes were growing fruit. it was like Winter going into summer. but really, really quickly.

"now, we must find aslan."

"and we will"

Alannah speaks

Another chapters out, sorry for not publishing. i had my exams and after that my friends wanted to have parties and stuff. even though i'm not that type of person. it was still nice for me to attend.

love you guys <3

Alannah's out

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