40. Story

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During the time Layla had found out that Scott had passed away she was moving into her new apartment. Luckily she had finished and had went with her brother to go the funeral. She came back two days after it and found herself sitting on Shane's couch. Andrew in front of her, and laying on her while she wrapped her legs around his waist. She was playing with his soft, ginger hair while the tv played in the background.

"Jack you still coming to mine tonight?" Layla chirped up.

"I can't, I'm going to Finns!" He sighed, "sorry Lay."

"It's fine, I might clean up the apartment." She spoke.

"Apartment? You moved out?" Andrew asked, fumbling with the cuff of his jacket.

"Yeah, you wanna come over? I'm still not use to being alone." She admitted awkwardly.

"Sure," he smiled, tilting his head back to look at her and she pressed her lips against his forehead.


"Holy shit," Andrew said in awe, "this is like Liza Koshy's apartment."

"I live in the same apartment block," she explained, walking up the stairs with him.

"It's so cool!" He said, giggling with excitement.

"Look at my room, I'm really proud of it!" She squealed excitedly, earning more fits of giggles from Andrew. She showed him her bedroom and he was in shock with how nice it was. They were standing in her kitchen, and she smirked making him furrow his brows.

"Now what?" He chuckled and she picked up her camera.

"Wanna make cookies? And film it?" She suggested, rummaging through her fridge and pulling out Halloween cookies.

"Sure, want me to film you?" He asked.

"No, I'll use my tripod and you're gonna be in it." She smiled, pulling out the camera form her long cupboard with a tripod.

After 20 minutes of setting up the camera they started the video.

"Hi guys, it's me...unfortunately." Layla waved, and laughed, "but to make this video somewhat entertaining I have...Andrew." She pulled him into the camera and he laughed at her.

"Hi I'm Andrew, I like food and filming." He beamed at the camera.

"So we were bored and were like...let's make cookies?" Layla shrugged and bursting into fits of laughter with Andrew.

They started putting the cookies together and answering random questions. Layla picked up the butter and asked Andrew to open it, he flicked up the knife and Layla gasped in shock.

"Andrew." She shrieked, causing him to place the knife on the counter top and fall to the floor laughing.

After 10 minutes of laughing, they went back to making cookies and finished them up. Layla sat on top of counter top while the cookies cooked. Andrew stood in front of her, and suddenly he pulled her over her shoulder.

"Andrew." She screamed, holding on tightly to her, "let me down."

"Never!" He cheered, walking around the kitchen.

"Please!" She begged, both fear and giggles in her voice.

"Fine, do I get a kiss?" He questioned.

"After this?" She scoffed, "no."

"I guess no ones being put down." He scoffed back.

"Fine, you get a kiss." She gave in and he sat her back on the counter.

He puckered his lips and she pressed hers on his, "That definitely wasn't good enough." And he pulled her closer, pressing his lip's on hers for longer.

"You are a dork." She chirped up.


Layla stretched her body as she slid into her bed. Minutes later Andrew arrive into the room, he was dressed in comfy clothes and he too slid into the bed. He enveloped her body, and she snuggles her head into his shoulder.

"Thank you." She mumbled, releasing a soft yawn.

"For what?" He questioned, kissing her forehead.

"For making me feel cared for." She said, half asleep.

"Anything for you." He whispered, letting her fall asleep.

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