18. Story

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I woke up the next day, and Andrew was no where to be seen. I went on my with my usual everyday routine and put on mom jeans and a striped crop top, slipping my shoes on. I entered into the sitting room, my bag pad on my back and my phone in my hand.

"I'm ready!" I yawned, walking into the kitchen and placing my phone on the kitchen table and going to fridge.

Everyone was on the couch, being filmed by Andrew. The topic of conversation was the trip to the Queen Mary. I picked up a can of red bull and cracked open the pull tab. I sat down on the couch and and listened as they talked more. They were it fighting over who had more expensive equipment and I sighed loudly.

"Shut up fighting and go on!" I shouted ending the fighting. Andrews laughter, and the others, filled the air.

They stopped filming and suddenly my phone rang, I hopped off the couch and collected it from the kitchen, pressing the answer button to an unusual number and placing it on speaker.

"Hello, who am I speaking too?" I asked awkwardly as the others watching closely.

"Lay? It's Timmy!" His deep voice echoes through the phone.

"O-Oh hey, what's up?" I gulped nervously, fiddling with my top.

"I wanted to see how you were? I herd about that ginger guy you like-." He began only to be interrupted by me.

"Let's not talk about that Timmy, thanks for checking up on me but I really gotta go." I rambled.

"Okay sweet cheeks, text me whenever." He said seductively.

"S-sure?" I spoke, sounding more like a question and hanging up the phone instantly.

"I-I'm sorry about that guys." I sighed, stuffing my phone into my pocket and making my way back to the couch.

"Timmy? Is he really still trying you?" Ryland scoffed in disgust.

I nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, "I don't wanna talk to him, after he- after what he did." I choked out, wiping away the tear that fell from my eye.

"It's okay Laybug!" Garrett cooed, pulling me into a hug.

"Layla, I'll talk about it after I promise!" Shane added, "but for now we should get going."

Everyone agreed and Andrew pulled out the camera, it was it a messy experience. I was waiting to be seated on someone's lap and suddenly Garrett forgot his phone and Andrew was told I follow after him.

"You like Andrew?" Shane gasped.

"Kinda? I mean I got really hurt when he was with that other girl." Layla commented, fiddling with her thumbs.

"I'm sorry Lay, but I'm not sure if you should be with him." Shanes sympathy filled voice spoke.

"What?!" I raised my voice.

"I'm sorry lay." He sighed and I scoffed in annoyance.

After a minute they came back and they both took their seat.

"Where do I sit?" I asked, still outside the car.

"Sit on Andrews lap," Garrett rushed me and looked to Andrew for an answer.

"Uh sure," he nodded, and planted myself on his legs.

"Sorry if I break your legs." I giggled.

"You're not heavy, don't be silly!" He chucked, wrapping his arms around me so I wouldn't fall.

"Thank you." I smiled softly, placing my hands over his.

"Of course." He whispered And with that, the door slammed shut and we started on our journey.

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