girl meets the new world

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"The new worldโ€”" Mr. Matthews was interrupted Rory came into view of the classroom, being on the phone with all the family past two a.m., even though they where far away it has been the first time in a long where they had felt like an actual family, they where all catching up and Rory couldn't help but wanting to go back to Texas and be with her family.

Running late for her first class wasn't something she thought would happen after such a good night she had with her family "sorry, may I come in?" she was out of breath she ran through what felt like the whole school to get there, the dark circles around her eyes were more noticeable thanks to yesterday, which she did not regret.

she didn't have time to eat breakfast she could hear her stomach growling, but she paid it no mind "come on in" he gestured towards her place, Farkle's gaze lingered on her in worry which had completely vanished when she shot him a smile, and all was forgotten that until she let out a sigh as she sat down making him look at her.

"Are you okay?" Farkle asked with a timid smile,
"yeah" she gave him soft smile and adoring eyes that everyone but them could notice.

"People who lived their whole lives in a certain place, to travel a new land, new feelings and new opportunities, having no idea how to behave in this new society" Mr. Matthews continued as Lucas' and Riley's head shot up in horror.

While the other three where smiling and enjoying the show that was put in front of them, Rory was exhausted, but she still had the energy to tease Lucas.

"Lucas what did you tell him?" Riley whispered although she could be heard by all her classmates "nothing I am also uncomfortable" he responded frantically as a panicked expression took over both of their faces.

"Wait, Mr. Matthews doesn't know Riley kissed Lucas?" Farkle asked in a really hushed tone.

"'Course not" where chorused by Rory and Maya who were smiling at each other, Aurora always had energy to annoy Lucas in any form, this was one of those times.

"So everything he says is making them uncomfortable?".

"Uh-huh" they replied in unison.

"Should we take advantage of this?" he was also smiling now.

"It would be a waste if we didn't" Rory chuckled.

"How could we not?" Maya asked.

"I will begin" Farkle stood up in his seat "so, Mr. Matthews "tell me after you've had the courage of close your eyes and take the face of the new world in your trembling hands" Farkle was smiling big.

"What are you trying to say Farkle?" Mr. Matthews was beyond confused at this point.

"Are you supposed to be a couple next? or what?" Farkle went straight to the point, it seemed like he had forgotten he also took a big step that day in the subway.

"Huh?" now Mr. Matthews was scared of this outcome.


Riley and Lucas looked at Farkle in panic.

"Oh, you don't answer my question? perhaps dear friend miss Maya Penelope Hart could help me out" Farkle said making Aurora snort, as a girl teased her about it, Maya threw a glare at the girl then at Farkle.

"It came out, it just came out, it came out, it just came out" Farkle rambled, Maya went to glare at Aurora, but she had a better idea or so she thought.

"Rory, don't laugh what's your middle name?" Maya thought it was going to be a weird name, it wasn't.

"Anne" she smiled smugly "Aurora Anne Orlando-Green, nice meeting you Maya Penelope Hart" she smirked, Anne gave a nice ring to her name, she liked it, well except when her mom was mad, and she called her by her full name.

Maya shuddered with a exaggerated shiver "you are just like Lucas, I can't get to you".

Farkle turned to her, he liked her name, Minkus was going to give it a nice touch to it.

"Penelope?" Lucas asked in a teasing tone.

"Really huckleberry? you want to play with me right now?" she asked in an alarming tone.

"No" he quickly shook his head.

"Cause you've done enough, haven't you?" she mimicked a light kiss on the air.

"Maya" Riley warned.

"Mr. Matthews I think what Farkle is trying to say is once you've kissed the shores of this new world I bet your friends from the old world would want to hear about how the new world is and if you don't tell them, well that's just selfish" Maya explained more detailed it wasn't she was just getting in her friends nerves, she succeeded.

"What are you trying to say Penelope?" Mr. Matthews asked unsure and scared of the answer.

"Are you supposed to be a couple next or what?" Maya replied with the same question Farkle did, now Aurora knew this was going to end bad, she did not want to be a part of this, everything had to happen at its own pace, not rush into anything or else you screw up, you don't want that in any type of relationship.

"Alright what's going on here guys?" He turned to Aurora for any type of explanation, but she was looking around not wanting to say anything in solidarity to Lucas letting out a whistle looking at everything but their teacher, Lucas nudged her arm, "yes, how can I help you?" Mr. Matthews gave her a bored look, which soon turned into squinted eyes to see if she would brake at some point which gave him no luck at all.

"Uh huh" he gave her suspicious look.
"Uh huh" she copied his facial expressions.

Until Riley spoke "Could we just please, for once, read from the book?" She grabbed her book to read the first page she opened "the boy and the girl had no idea of the changed they would soon be facing; everything was different including their own bodies...what the..."

Maya laughed "you're reading your health book" she pointed out.

"Word of warning page 73, I don't understand, it makes no sense, it looks impossible" Farkle pointed out.

"Riley what's going on here?" Now Cory was frantic of what was happening, he had no clue, he didn't like not knowing, but he also liked not knowing.

"Farkle kissed Rory's cheek and she returned it" Maya exclaimed

"You did?" Mr. Matthews said in surprise, looking at Rory in her desk, to see her with light blush in her cheeks and once again whistling looking at everything but the eyes of anyone in that classroom.

"I did, it was glorious" Farkle grinned

"Okay and where were you? while all of this, cheek kissing was going on?" now he was getting somewhere, getting answers

Riley remaining stoic on her seat, stressed "nowhere, with no one, doing' nothing with nobody" she replied frantically

their teacher turned to Lucas who had the same expression in his face, walking up to his desk, Lucas smiled sickly sweet, just when Mr. Matthews looked him in the eyes, he scrambled up in his seat out of the classroom almost bumping into a guy who running through the halls "hey, watch where you are going!".

"Sorry!!" he exclaimed back.

She was taken by Maya next to Riley where everyone was watching every move, feeling extremely uncomfortable, the kiss on the cheek, it was nothing new it confused her profusely, it wasn't the first time that happened, but it was the first anyone noticed and got the word out, thankfully her relationship status was not the one being studied.

"Everybody stop looking at me" Riley told the group of girls that where looking at her, they looked at Rory.

"I swear to god if someone asks me anything, you won't be able to see your yearbook picture not the new one or the old one" she grumbled as everyone turned their heads to Riley once again, Maya turned her in surprise with raised eyebrows "that goes for you too, you saw what I did to Lucas the other day" she grumbled, Maya turned around.

It didn't bother her that they wanted to know about her and Farkle, what bothered her was in the terms they were doing it, in all honesty she knew she had kissed his cheek before but what made her realize that something was different was that he kissed her first and if anyone asked her she wouldn't know what to say, they didn't speak about it but she knew something was different, at least she thought so.

"Tell us" Sara said in a sing-song voice

"I don't kiss and tell" now that was something Rory could agree with her

"Did you kiss?" the blonde next to Sara asked

"Yes" Riley responded, Rory rolled her eyes, so much for not kissing and telling they were going to tell her what to do.

"Tell, take your time" Sara responded.

"aren't you two some creepy classmates" Rory muttered; Maya chuckled at Rory's remark fist bumping her.

"Nothing happened. back me up Maya" Riley went for her best friend to get out of this one.

Maya turned around and made a kissing motion making the other girls laugh as much as Rory wanted to roll her eyes, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Rory?" Riley's last hope, she turned to see her deep in thought until she was nudged by Maya "can you repeat the question?" she asked.

"That was inaccurate" Riley said referring to Maya's explanation.

"Oh, the kiss" Rory made another motion of grabbing her own cheeks and made kissing noises squishing her cheeks "yeah that's pretty good" Riley chuckled pointing at Maya as Rory recreated the scene.

And not that far away, like five steps away, the guys were discussing the same thing.

"So what are guys now boyfriend and girlfriend, what are you?".

"I don't know do we have to be something?" Riley feared the next step, for obvious reasons.

"Well, you did kiss him" the girls answered.

"That doesn't mean they have to be something" Rory groaned with herself, no one heard thankfully, Maya did in some way she knew Rory was right, she normally is.

"She's not really sure what it all means yet" Maya replied, Rory thanked for someone with some common sense.

"You guys are meant to be together, like me and Yogi" Yogi jumped in her arms, her carrying him.

"Will Lucas and I have what they have?" Riley asked as her gaze followed the couple

"Boy, I hope not" Maya replied "but you know what Riles they do have a point" Rory groaned in her head

"I mean you like him; he likes you, there was a kiss" Maya pointed out

Rory started banging her head softly on the nearest wall

"I will not act under peer pressureโ€”" Riley said making Rory stop in her tracks surprised by her answer "unless you think I should" Roy continued her motions with a groan

all the sudden Rory was squished in between students with Farkle by her side

"What are you?" Darby asked,
"What are we?" Riley repeated as she looked at the Texan boy,
"are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" Lucas had no idea what he was doing, no one knew what they were doing.

"Are we?" Riley was timid about his answer.

"I don't know, you wanna?" Lucas hesitated

"I don't know, you think maybe?" Riley also hesitated

"Oh god" Rory whined placing her head on Farkle's shoulder, who smiled lightly at the gesture.


"Are they weird or adorable?"
"No, me and yogi are weird, they are adorable".

"What just happened?" Riley asked, no one really knowing the answer "Do I have my first boyfriend?" she continued, not taking her eyes off Lucas.

"I don't know what just happened?" Farkle smiled.

"I don't know but I can't wait to see what happens next" Rory grinned as she replied not noticing the look she was receiving from Farkle.

Farkle got in one knee looking at Rory with a ring in a velvety box, she was wide eyed, definitely not what she had expected, Maya looking at the ring with more intent and responding the question when it wasn't thrown at her "I do".

Rory was a little relieved but at the same time she was a little disappointed that Maya said yes just because of the ring all she knows, ring or no ring she would have said yes, everything she had been thinking of was thrown out the window when Farkle was in front of her, so much for not rushing into things.

she had nothing to do, Maya and Farkle where practically engaged, Riley and Lucas where boyfriend and girlfriend, where did she stand, she had no idea, so she sat on the floor as everyone watched the new couple blocking most of the stairway.

"Okay here we are" Riley broke the uncomfortable silence that was suffocating Riley and Lucas "what do we do now?".

"You go on a date after school" one of the kids behind them answered, of course they were going to do what they are told, they are a couple now just because they told them to.

"You sit there and look at each other all stupid, like this" Darby demonstrated with Yogi.

"Stop nobody is telling us what to do, we're not you, you're you, we're us, we do what we do" Lucas quickly shot down everything that was said to do, Rory finally got strength to look at them.

"Yeah, we do what we do" Riley agreed.

"And our mightiest cowboy what do you do?" Rory let free a little of her accent as she asked with a smirk growing on her face when she heard Riley ask the same question.

On their way out of the building Lucas and Riley were holding hands stretched as much as they could, Rory was laughing at the mess they got themselves into "now don't forget to leave space for Jesus" she teased Lucas as she walked the way from her friends, now Farkle and Maya were engaged.

They went on a date, her mom had a free day, having a mom and daughter day, getting a call from her brother laughing along with everybody their dad got a good job, a good paid job, while she was enjoying her day with her mom she was completely missing Maya flashing her ring to everyone, Lucas and Riley being awkward which Lucas was thankful for, he knew he wasn't going to hear the end of it, and Farkle was wondering where did Rory go.

Apparently Riley and Lucas decided to stay as friends that was how Rory found out, Riley making a statement on the stairs, as she grabbed the books out of her locker.

"โ€”nobody is moving too fast here" Riley finished just as Maya and Farkle passed by her locker with a suit and a wedding dress, Rory sighed and chuckled lightly at the irony, she was still wracking her brain on how on earth things got out of hand while she wasn't with them, making her way to the classroom the day passed by, she found herself with her friends at Topanga's laughing.

somehow her mind kept spinning on Maya and Farkle who were still 'engaged' and Maya flashing her ring at any given opportunity, making Rory's hope of talking to Farkle about their situation completely impossible especially since Maya was one of the halfs he claimed to love since the first day Farkle and Rory met.

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