โ˜พ Alternate Ending

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Chaeyoung winced, clutching her chest, and hunched over. Seojun rushed to grab her, steadying her, "Are you okay?"

Chaeyoung breathed out, she had been holding in the pain up until now. She nodded, sitting back up.

The two sat on a bench, in a bench that overlooked the city. She leaned her head on his shoulder. Seojun wrapped an arm around her, clutching her shoulder as if she would disappear forever if he let go.

"I love you," she said, making Seojun freeze.

"I love you too," he replied, looking at his girlfriend. She couldn't make eye contact with him. He kissed her forehead and they continued to stare at the city lights.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "for putting you through this." It hurt her. She knew that he was hurting because her time was almost up. She felt it creeping up on her, but she wanted to stay with him. Here, in his arms, where she felt safe and loved.

"Don't say that." He could feel tears building up in his eyes. He had been holding them back for so long. He grabbed his phone and called the ambulance.

"Jun," she started.

"No, they're on their way right now, okay?" he said, tears falling from his face. "You can wait for a bit right? For me? Please?"

Chaeyoung smiles softly, and slowly nods. She wanted to stay and fight longer. For him she would.

She could feel her eyelids getting heavier, but she fought to keep them open. And when she heard the distant sound of the ambulance she shakily reached up to touch Seojun's face.

He held her hand on his cheek as her fingers wiped his face from the tears.

"It'll be okay," she whispered, voice light and airy. "We'll be okay."


Beep. Beep. Beep. It was the only sound that could be heard in the room. Seojun was sitting by the bed, rubbing his girlfriend's hand as she lay peacefully on the hospital bed.

She had made it. She was alive and healthy.

His mind would replay the words of Dr. Kim. That they had found a donor last minute and had been looking for her.

"Hey, princess," he smiled, staring at his girlfriend who had woken from her sleep.

Chaeyoung smiled, "Hey, Jun."


Years Later

"Hurry up Seojun," called Chaeyoung, who was up ahead on the trail. The couple was hiking, something that Chaeyoung loved to do now that she was healthy.

Seojun smiled at her figure in the distance, eyes full of love.

"I'm coming," he replied, jogging to catch up to her. He captured her in a hug that had her giggling as they turned to the view.

The two became silent, appreciating the view and each other.

Seojun turned and looked down at the girl beside him. He couldn't imagine life without her anymore.

"I love you," he said. Chaeyoung smiled and turned to the boy. He always said this in the most random times.

"I love you too," she replied, wrapping her arms around and stared up at him.

Seojun leaned down and kissed her. Chaeyoung wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

They pulled away and she smiled brightly at him. Seojun's heart fluttered.

Even after all these years, she still had the same effect on him since high school.

And he loved it.

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