Chaeyoung and Jugyeong were supposed to be delivering some papers to the office when they heard singing. They peaked into one of the music classrooms and saw some girls inside.
"Woah, she's really good at singing," Chaeyoung complimented and Jugyeong nodded in agreement. They paused for a moment, watching the girl sing by the piano. That was until three more girls came into view.
"Get out," said one, pushing the girl off the piano. One of the girls slapped the girl who was singing, making Chaeyoung and Jugyeong gasp.
They watched as they bullied the poor girl. Chaeyoung felt rage build up inside her as she saw them bully her.
"Hey," yelled Chaeyoung, walking into the room. "What do you think you're doing?" The younger girls watched her as she came up to them.
"Mind your own business," said the one who slapped the other girl.
"I'm afraid I can't," replied Chaeyoung, crossing her arms. "You girls crossed the line hitting her when she did nothing."
"Nothing? She stole the solo from me!" screeched the girl. "I'm doing her a favor by telling her to not do the solo so that everyone doesn't have to see her ugly face at the festival."
"She didn't steal anything. She earned it," replied Chaeyoung, stepping closer to the girl. "I think that she's doing you guys a favor by not telling anyone what you've been doing to her so that no one else has to see your hideous personality."
The girls glared at her, making Chaeyoung lean down to whisper into the "leader's" ear.
"I on the other hand won't be as nice. Now run along with your little friends before I have my friend, over there by the door," gestured Chaeyoung, "show the principal and maybe even everyone else at this school, the video she just took of everything happening right now." Chaeyoung stood up straight again watching the girl stutter over her words.
"Y-you're bluffing," she stuttered.
Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at her.
"Am I really?" asked Chaeyoung, looking over her shoulder to Jugyeong who coincidentally had her phone in her hand along with the forgotten papers they were supposed to deliver.
"L-let's go girls." The other girl stumbled over her words and walked past Chaeyoung and stopped by Jugyeong who was at the door. They turned to face Chaeyoung who gave them her signature smile and waved bye to them.
Jugyeong watched as Chaeyoung came back over to her right after the other girls left.
"Woah," she said. "What was so cool!"
Chaeyoung laughed. "Thanks. I was helping the girl out."
"You're amazing."
"What are you doing?" asked Chaeyoung. She had just come home from another check-up only to see Suho standing up awkwardly in front of the TV, playing a motorcycle VR game.
She watched as he sighed and the Lose screen came up. He took off the VR set and turned to her frustrated.
"Hey, don't blame me, I just got here," she said, already knowing what he would say. She walked into the kitchen getting a glass of water.
"What did Younghoon hyung say?" asked Suho, walking over to her.
"Same old, same old," she answered, looking down at her cup. "Nothing's changed since the last visit, they're still trying to find a cure, but nothing else is working. Oh and still the same meds."
The teenage girl was beginning to lose hope. All her life she's been told that. It seemed like they haven't made any progress with finding a cure. A high schooler shouldn't be worrying about whether she'll live another day or not.
She should be worrying about her future. But instead, she's thinking about if she'll even have one.
Suho had gone out again. It was already nighttime but Chaeyoung assumed it was to meet up with Jugyeong.
She laid on her bed, not even under the covers yet.
"I should take a shower," she muttered to herself. She lazily walked over to her bathroom, grabbing her pj's, a towel, and her phone.
Minutes later she got out of the shower and looked into the foggy mirror. As cliche as it sounds, she felt lost.
She didn't know what to do anymore. It felt like she was constantly living on edge, but she never really knew when she would finally take the jump.
It was the next morning and their class was in PE. As always, Chaeyoung was sitting down on the turf on the side.
She stared at Taehoon and Hyungyu in amusement. They were arguing about who would win at the basketball game.
"Seojun, you play a little, right?" asked Hyungyu, quite desperately since he had just learned that Suho was on Taehoon's team.
"What? Why? Do you think I'll be good?" questioned Seojun, already seeming like he was boasting. "I'm freaking amazing."
"Of course, you're freaking amazing. Then for this year's school festival shouldn't you play for our grade team and show off those freaking amazing skills?" asked Hyungyu.
"Well then, you should ask Moon Chaeyoung," said Seojun, turning his head to face the girl who sat on the ground a few feet away from him. "I'm only listening to what she says."
Seojun stood up, looking down at her on the ground.
"Moon Chae, want to see me play basketball?"
Chaeyoung shrugged. She could honestly care less about whether he plays basketball or not.
"I don't really care," she answered, shrugging her shoulders.
"Your wish is my command," he said as if he was doing her a favor. "I'm playing in the basketball game."
"Okay! Thank you!" shouted Hyungyu, bowing in Chaeyoung's direction. The other guys walked off doing their own thing.
Soojin, Sua, and Jugyeong walked over to Chaeyoung after witnessing the whole ordeal.
"Does he have a crush on you?" Sua asked. "He wouldn't act this way just because you took a photo of him riding his motorcycle."
"Whether he likes her or he's just teasing her, he's so childish," commented Soojin.
PE just ended and Seojun was quietly following Chaeyoung back to class.
"Why does this girl make me feel like I'm playing the lotto?" he asked himself. "She's totally different from what I expected." He stopped by the stairs, hearing his phone ringing.
"Hello? Yes, that's me," he answers. "What?! Towing?" He hung up and gave out a large sigh. "Look at this, Moon Chae. Hey, Moon Chaeyoung-ouch." He got hit in the head with one of the balls.
He turned around to see Suho.
"What's your deal?" he asked.
"You're on duty today," stated Suho.
"Childish bastard."
"Don't you want to go get your motorcycle?"
"Ah, so you're the one who reported it?" Seojun looked at Suho, already figuring that Suho was the one who did it seeing as he and Chaeyoung lived together. "You must have lost your mind."
"For your information, your key is with me," said Suho.
Seojun let out a huff of anger before kicking the basket of balls.
Jugyeong and Chaeyoung walked into the bathroom only to see the same girls bullying Gowoon again.
Chaeyoung grabbed a bucket of water and threw it onto them, making them scream.
"Are you crazy?! Why would you splash dirty mop water on me?" the 'leader' screeched at them.
"Because your mouth is so filthy, we figured we needed to wash it!" replied Jugyeong.
"Who do you think you are to speak to your classmate like that? Is looking pretty on the outside all that matters, even if your insides are filthy and disgusting?" questioned Chaeyoung.
"You're a grade 11? Who the hell are you throwing a fit?" asked the girl.
"Us? We're her sisters," said Chaeyoung, glaring at the girl.
Soojin and Sua entered the bathroom and that was all it took for Gowoon to run out of the bathroom. Jugyeong chased after her leaving Soojin, Sua, and Chaeyoung in the bathroom with the girls.
"Ugh, what a bitch," mumbled the girl.
"Huh? Bitch? Do I have to remind you about last time?" asked Chaeyoung, kicking the empty bucket on the floor to step closer.
The girl stayed silent.
"That's what I thought." Chaeyoung left the room to go find Jugyeong and Gowoon. But before she did, she nodded at Soojin who knew what to do.
"What's up with that crazy bitch?" asked the girl.
"Bitch?" said Soojin.
"And who're you?" she asked.
Soojin brought up her foot, doing a round-house kick, but barely skimming the girl's face. The girl stumbled back into her friends' arms in shock.
"Ah, I missed," said Soojin. "If I catch you like this again, I'll make those silicone fillers come out of your nose."
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