"Han Seojun!" yelled Suho, grabbing the attention of the other students. He grabbed Seojun's blazer and made him stand up.
"This bastard, really," said Seojun, smirking at Suho. The two had a staredown before Seojun removed Suho's hands and punched him. Suho stood up and raised his arm as if to hit him before getting stopped. They were sent to the school's office and things got quiet.
Chaeyoung stared at their retreating figures in shock.
Did that really just happen?
Chaeyoung walked back to her classroom seat just as she saw a bunch of other students leave.
Noticing her confused face, Sua turned to her and said, "They were here asking questions about you and Jugyeong because of what happened at lunch with Lee Suho and Han Seojun."
"Ah," replied Chaeyoung, nodding her head.
Classes had ended and everyone started heading home. Well, except for Chaeyoung, Seojun, and Suho. Chaeyoung had to head to the hospital for another check-up, while the latter two had detention. Suho was originally supposed to take her there but because of the fight he couldn't.
Good thing they got detention...easier to avoid Seojun at the hospital.
Chaeyoung laid in the hospital bed. IVs attached to her. Dr. Kim had found something when he was checking his results and wanted me to stay one night at the hospital so that he could monitor me.
She picked up her phone and dialed Suho's number.
"Hello?" he answered.
"It's Chaeyoung. Dr. Kim told me that I should stay for one night," she said, looking down at her lap.
"Should I come to the hospital?" he asked. Suho would've dropped whatever he was doing if Chaeyoung needed him.
"It's okay. It's just one night," she denied, shaking her head even though he couldn't see him. "Can you bring extra clothes tomorrow when you pick me up in the morning?"
"Yeah, let me know if anything happens," he replied, hanging up.
Chaeyoung put her phone down and leaned back. She tilted her head so that she was looking up at the ceiling.
"Why is my life like this?" she muttered to herself.
She jumped in her seat when heard the classroom door slam open. She turned her head and saw Seojun walking in to take his seat.
"Why is he so angry at the time," she whispered under her breath. "I should go try and cheer him up." With that, she stood up and marched to his seat.
"Hey, Han Seojun!" she greeted, sitting in the empty seat in front of his desk.
"What?" he said, lifting his head up. Chaeyoung looked at him and then suddenly smiled brightly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"What do you mean 'like that?'" she asked, slight pout forming.
"Like...that," he said, and gestured to my face.
"My face?" she said quietly before looking back at him. "Are you calling me ugly?"
"No, I'm asking you why you're smiling at me," he replied, leaning forward, "princess," he added.
Chaeyoung's face flushed at the nickname.
"I-I," she stuttered, making him smirk. "I promised to smile every time I see you, did I not?" she replied, leaning closer. Seojun backed up, stumbling over his words making her smile and lean back.
"Oh, the class is starting soon," she told him, getting up and back to her seat. Seojun stared at her, still a bit embarrassed from earlier.
"Jugyeong! We're still going to hang out after school right?" asked Chaeyoung. Jugyeong nodded.
"We're going to go to my house is that okay?"
Chaeyoung truly earns the title as the sunshine beauty of Saebom, thought Jugyeong, watching the girl beam at her.
School ended and the girls headed to Jugyeong's home.
"I'm home," she said, walking in. Chaeyoung followed the girl inside, eyes wandering the place.
"Oh? You brought the pretty noona from last time," pointed out Juyoung. "Hi pretty noona."
Chaeyoung smiled at the younger boy, making him pretend faint.
"Cute," she said.
Jugyeong pulled the girl up to her room and closed the door. An hour or two passed and Jugyeong went to go take her makeup off.
Chaeyoung waited outside the bathroom for her. Jugyeong got out and went to ask her mom for a mask. Chaeyoung waited upstairs but decided that her friend was taking too long.
"Jugyeong," she called out, walking towards Mrs. Im's shop. "Eh?" The scene in front of her was not what she expected at all. "Han Seojun?"
Seojun was there, taking pictures of Jugyeong laying down who had half a mud mask on.
"Chaeyoung! Save me from him," whined Jugyeong, running to her friend.
"Chaeyoung?" asked Seojun, turning to see the girl. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to hang out with Jugyeong, why else would I be here," she replied, smiling at him once again. Seojun put a hand over his chest, feeling his heart pound.
"Mom, we're going home," said Jugyeong.
"Do you want to make the neighbors faint in the middle of the night? Go and wash it off!" scolded Mrs. Im.
"Hi Mrs. Im," greeted Chaeyoung, smiling at the older lady.
"Oh, Chaeyoung, you were here?" she asked, smiling at the girl. Chaeyoung nodded.
"Hi, I'm Moon Chaeyoung," she greeted, looking at the other lady sitting next to Jugyeong's mom.
"Hello, I'm Seojunnie's mom," she replied, gesturing to Seojun who stood behind Chaeyoung. "You must be popular since you're so pretty. But if you're in the same class, you must be close with Seojun."
"I'd say we're friends," she said, smiling up at the taller boy, who returned the smile. The two mothers beside them gave each other knowing glances.
"You two should come over tomorrow. I can cook you guys something," offered Mrs. Im.
"I might not be able to tomorrow," said Chaeyoung, smile fading when she realized she had a last-minute appointment the next day.
"Why not? Are you going on a date or something?" asked Mrs. Im.
'There's nothing wrong with dating at their age. It would be nice if Seojun here had a girlfriend," hinted Mrs. Han, nudging her dear friend. "He's always riding his bike. Although he doesn't ride it these days."
"He rides it every day," said Jugyeong, emerging from the bathroom. "He rides it really fas-"
"Hey!" Seojun covered Jugyeong's mouth to prevent her from saying anything, making Chaeyoung laugh at them.
"She meant to say, so fast that he almost ran Jugyeong and I both over," finished Chaeyoung. Seojun dropped his hand from Jugyeong's face and sighed.
"How could you? You promised," exclaimed his mother.
"But how can I not when I have it? It's a waste of bus fare," Seojun excused, practically whining.
"Han Seojun, this is not going to work," scolded his mom. "Chaeyoung, let me ask you for a favor. Please don't let him ride his bike. If you see him riding it, let me know right away." Chaeyoung nodded.
"Mom, why would you ask her to do that?" asked Seojun, looking slightly pouty.
Cute, she thought.
"Why? So you can break your promise again?" Seojun said nothing. "You can do that for me right?"
"Of course, no more lives will be in danger from his horrific driving," agreed Chaeyoung, teasing him. Seojun nudged her with his shoulder making her stumble. She turned to look up at him, only to give him a teasing smile.
A few minutes later, Jugyeong and Chaeyoung had left her mother's store, only for Seojun to follow them out.
"Hey, you," said Seojun, making them stop. "I won't leave you alone if you tell my mom useless stuff."
"What if I don't want you to leave me alone?" asked Chaeyoung, making the other two present freeze at her words.
"What?" he said, wide-eyed.
"You heard me. Let's go Jugyeong." Chaeyoung linked arms with Jugyeong and walked away, leaving the flustered boy.
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