Seojun and Jugyeong had decided to get a meal after their unexpected photoshoot.
"So, Jugyeong, how did, aish I can't believe I'm asking you this," he muttered under his breath, "how did you and Suho confess to each other?"
"Why do you ask?" asked Jugyeong, he wasn't really the type to ask these kinds of questions. She suddenly gasped, "Do you need help with confessing to someone? Who is it? Is it Chaeyoung?"
Seojun started sputtering, before he finally gave up and just nodded. "Yeah." Jugyeong squealed in excitement.
"I knew it! You two are so obvious sometimes!" she said.
"Okay, well then tell me what I should do!" he replied, shoving more tteokbokki in his mouth despite it already burning.
"Well, I think Chaeyoung would like it if you just told her your feelings straight up," she advised. "Chaeyoung doesn't care for super big announcements or having a big audience. As long as you put some kind of effort into it, I think she'll like it."
Seojun was silent, just taking in her words. Eventually they paid and stepped out of the restaurant.
"Oh it's raining," Jugyeong observed, putting her hand out from under the overhead. Neither of them had an umbrella so they decided to just try and get to the bus station as fast a possible.
The moment they stepped out into the rain they could feel the harsh droplets of water and started to walk faster towards the bus station across the street. As they made their way towards it they noticed bright red and blue lights, as well as a crowd of people.
Following his gut feeling that something was really wrong he pushed past the crowd of people and saw the most horrible sight he could've imagined.
It was Chaeyoung. She was unconscious on the ground, blood pooling from her head, her body scratched up. Jugyeong, who was behind him, also gasped at the sight of her best friend.
As soon as the paramedics started to put her body on the stretcher he dashed forward, calling her name as Jugyeong followed him.
"Chaeyoung!" he rushed over to her unconscious body, "what happened to you?" He was quickly stopped by paramedics from getting any closer.
"Do you know her?" one of the paramedics asked the clearly distraught boy and girl. They both nodded.
"We're her best friends," said Jugyeong. Seojun watched as they put the stretcher into the ambulance.
"You two can go in there with her to the hospital," said the paramedic, letting them sit inside the back of the ambulance since they had a relation to the patient. "Could you call any of her relatives?"
Jugyeong nodded and quickly dialed Suho. After informing him of the situation he agreed to meet them in the hospital and dialed his own father soon after.
After she got off the call with her boyfriend she glanced at Seojun who was gripping Chaeyoung's hand, with tears in his eyes. She put a hand on his shoulder as comfort as tears were streaming down her own face.
"She'll be okay right?" she asked him, just as distressed as him. He didn't reply, just silently prayed for her to make it out alive.
Soon, Seojun, Jugyeong, Suho, Soojin, and Juheon waited outside of the emergency room where Chaeyoung was currently getting surgery. Suho was holding Jugyeong and Seojun had his head down in his hands.
The sound of the doors opening caught the attention of everyone in the waiting room. They stood up to hear the news.
"The surgery was a success," said the surgeon. "She's currently being transferred to her room." Everyone let out a sigh of relief, Jugyeong bursting into tears of relief.
"But," the surgeon continued, making everyone freeze.
Dr. Kim made his way out of the room to talk to them too. He put his hand on his coworker's shoulder and nodded to dismiss him. He should be the one to tell them.
"About Chaeyoung's condition," he started, his pause making everyone more stressed and worried, "she's currently in a coma."
"What?" whispered Suho. "A coma?"
"Yes, as for how long, we're not sure. It can vary depending on the patient, sometimes it's just a few days, weeks, but because of her heart condition, we're not sure when she'll wake up," added Dr. Kim. Or if she will. Those words were left unsaid, but everyone was thinking it.
"Thank you Dr. Kim," said Juheon, shaking hands with the young doctor.
"Of course, you already know where her room is and if you need anything else, you have my contact," he said before taking off.
"Heart condition?" questioned Jugyeong. "What is he talking about? What heart condition?" She and Soojin hadn't heard anything about Chaeyoung having a heart condition, but why were they the only ones confused.
Seojun stormed off to Chaeyoung's room, wanting to see her there and alive with his own eyes. Leaving Suho and Juheon to explain Chaeyoung's condition to the clueless girls.
When Seojun finally made his way to her room he sat on the chair next to her bed. He grabbed her hand and finally let the tears fall from his face.
"You, why do you always get yourself into these situations," he said to her despite her being in a coma. "You never seem to look after yourself correctly." His voice breaking towards the end. He held her hand up to his forehead and rested his head on her head.
"I hate seeing the people I care about in this place."
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