โ˜พ 16

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"Oh? You guys are here?" asked Chaeyoung, walking back from the cafe's bathroom. She and Suho had been waiting for the rest of their friends to study.

Sua nodded at her with a bright smile as always. Chaeyoung sat down in her seat next to Suho as the group settled down and started their studying.

"Oh right. When we finish the exam, shall we go to the baseball stadium?" asked Sua, leaning over to the girl's side of the table. "Hyeong Jin Oppa has a game that day."

"I can't because of private tutoring," said Soojin.

"I can't, I have an appointment," answered Chaeyoung.

"Okay, I went last time and it was fun," replied Jugyeong, making Sua happy that at least one of them was able to come.

"But it's a secret from Hoon, okay?" said Sua. Taehoon popped out from the corner, he had previously stepped away to the bathroom.


"Bye!" said Chaeyoung as she and Suho walked away. It was late at night and they had to start heading home.

"Do you need me to accompany you to the hospital after exams?" asked Suho.

"No, it's okay," she answered. Silence overtook them. "You want to go follow Jugyeong to the game right?"

Suho gave her a shocked face. She smiled, giving him a knowing look.

"I'll be fine on my own," she added, giving him a tight smile. I always am.


Groups of students were littered around the campus as per usual. Chaeyoung had her bright smile on her face as she walked towards the school building. However, that smile dimmed the moment she had seen Jugyeong and Seojun teasing each other. She quickly looked away and continued to smile her way to class but it seemed more forced than before.

Why? Why do I feel so weird seeing those two together? They're friends too...


The dark-haired girl walked on the familiar path to the hospital. She checked in at the front and headed into Dr. Kim's office.

"Younghoon Oppa," greeted Chaeyoung, walking into the room.

"Chaeyoung-ah," he said. The next few hours were normal, running some regular check-up tests and other blood tests.

"Chae," started Younghoon, looking at the files which held the updated results on them. "I'm sorry to say, but it's worse than last time. They've slowly been getting worse every time, but this is the past month Chaeyoung. I'm trying, Chase, believe me, I have. The easiest and probably quickest way to cure it is to find a heart donor..but you know it's not that easy too."

Chaeyoung felt tears slide down her face at the news. She knew, of course, that she wasn't getting better. And probably won't be any time soon. But she wanted to. She wanted to live and live a normal life. But she might not..ever. She might be stuck in a hospital for the rest of her life, or even in the next few months until she dies.

Younghoon watched her. He felt his heart ache at seeing her cry. He looked away from her, feeling tears of his own starting to pool around the corners of his eyes. He eventually said that she was able to leave and was about to leave the room himself but her broken voice stopped him.

"Please don't tell him..." she said. "Please don't tell Suho....or Seojun...or anyone who says they know me. I don't want them to carry the burden of knowing. I don't want them to worry," she said weakly, looking up into his eyes.

"You need to tell someone Chaeyoung," he said, meeting her eyes.

"Not yet. I can't.." 

Hi you guys!!

I'm backkkkk. But not fully back. I will probably be giving a LOT more slower updates than the usual 1 update a week. I do have finals soon and a bunch of schoolwork, so please understand. Also if there's anything you guys would like to see in future chapters just let me know! Thank you guys!!

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