☾ 15

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Chaeyoung sat in the karaoke room the guys had pulled her into. Her hands lay in her lap, completely still. Sungyoung had stolen her phone and called Seojun.

"Oh, Han Seojun. You answered your girlfriend's call right away. Han Seojun, I'm waiting for you. Come right away. I miss you" he said, sneaking a look at the terrified girl he sat next to.

He stood up and leaned against the table, facing her while his minions partied behind him.

"Until your boyfriend is here, what do you want to do? Huh?" asked Sungyoung. Chaeyoung looked away from him, refusing to meet his eyes.

"I don't have a boyfriend," she answered.

"I see, you don't," he scoffed, before his friend grabbed him to join the rest. Chaeyoung's eyes slowly went to her unattended phone and snatched it while they weren't looking.

She quickly facetimed Jugyeong who would hopefully pick up and see where she was. She put it slightly behind her back so that only the phone's camera was showing towards the boys.

"Hey, loosen up," said Sungyoung, walking back over to the girl. He wrapped his arm around the girl and sat next to her. Chaeyoung tensed up.

"Now that I look at you, you aren't so bad looking," he said. Chaeyoung immediately felt like throwing up when the words came out of his mouth. Seojun, where are you?

As if they had heard her cry, Suho came bursting through the door. The delinquents stopped dancing and singing. Suho looked around the room before spotting the girl in the back.

"What? Why isn't the jerk I called here?" asked Sungyoung.

"Chaeyoung," said Suho.

"Suho?" she said.

"Ah, ah, that's the guy that followed us last time!" exclaimed Sungyoung, removing his arm from around Chaeyoung as he stood up. Chaeyoung noticed and tried to get up and move over to Suho and the door, but Sungyoung stopped her and grabbed her wrist.

His grip tightened the more she tried to remove it.

"Ah, ow, let me go!" she shouted, desperately trying to get away from him. She could already feel a bruise starting to form as he gripped her harder and pulled her back to the couch. That was the last straw for Suho. He leaped onto the table and tackled Sungyoung onto the couch. Chaeyoung felt her wrist start to throb as she held it closer to her. It was turning red.

Suho punched the delinquent while his minions tried to stop him. One of the guys put Chaeyoung into a hold grabbing her. Chaeyoung tried hard to try and escape once again and help Suho but the guy continued to shove her around. Seconds later, Seojun walked through the door.

"Hey!" he yelled. He looked around the room and saw Chaeyoung struggling. Immediately he went into action. The other delinquents tried attacking him but he just pushed through to the guy who held Chaeyoung.

Once he pulled the guy off of Chaeyoung and beat him up. Chaeyoung stumbled back into the wall and slid down so that she was sitting. She could feel her heart start beating rapidly and she cradled her head. Everything was a blur around her as she tried to calm herself. She hadn't even noticed that Jugyeong, Sua, Soojin, and Taehoon had gotten there too.

Seojun punched another guy and looked around the room. Where is she? Where is she? he thought.

Finally, his eyes landed on Chaeyoung who sat in a corner of the room with her head in her hands, clearly having a silent panic attack. He ran over to her and kneeled down.

"Chaeyoung," he said. "Chaeyoung, calm down. I'm right here. Just breathe." He held her close and he felt her arms slowly wrap around him. Her head in his shoulder as he patted it.

"Shh...slow down you're breathing," he said. "Follow my lead." He eventually felt her shaking slow down and eventually just heard her quiet sniffles. He looked around the room, still seeing the others fighting. I should get her out of here, he thought.

Seojun made eye contact with Suho as he carried the girl. Suho nodded to him before Seojun brought the girl just outside the room.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked softly, setting her back down. Chaeyoung silently lifted her wrist up which was now clearly bruised. He cursed under his breath.

Seojun picked her up again, startling the girl.

"I-I can walk," she said, just barely over a whisper.

"Oh, yeah," he said, setting her down with a slight blush. He looked away from her face. They walked to a convenience store nearby and he bought her an ice pack.

"Here," he said, handing it to her.

"Oh, thank you," she said. She gave him a small smile and she put it on her wrist.

"It's no problem." Silence consumed them once again.

"Well, I'll get going then," he said, quickly getting up and walking away.

"Oh, okay. Thank you again!" she replied, sending him a smile that made his heart go crazy.

Chaeyoung looked down at the blank paper in front of her. She, Seojun, Suho, Jugyeong, Sua, Soojin, and Taehoon was in the counseling room, tasked with writing an apology letter for the fight they had.

She giggled seeing Seojun write "I'm sorry" in big letters and putting his head down next to her. She then saw Suho and Soojin, who looked as if they were writing an essay.

"Are you two Han Seok Bong?" asked Taehoon. "What great calligraphers you are! Why don't you just get the proper ink and brush? At this rate, when will you write 10 pages?"

"I'm sorry guys, it's my fault," said Chaeyoung, feeling bad that she had brought them all into this.

"Why are you sorry?" asked Soojin. "Hey, Han Seojun, you should apologize to Chaeyoung." Seojun slowly sat up and looked at Soojin, then at Chaeyoung. "These people bothered her because they thought she was your girlfriend."

"Well, she looks healthy.." he trailed off, then seeing Chaeyoung's bruised wrist. Chaeyoung noticed his stare and slowly tried pulling up her sleeve to hide the bruise. "Besides, they don't have a reason to bother you anymore, so don't worry."

The others looked at him unamused.

"Did you look for them and fight again?" asked Chaeyoung, turning to face him.

"What fight?" he replied. "They're not at a level to fight with me." He leaned in closer to her face. "If I met them, then it would probably be to crush them."

Chaeyoung watched as he put his head back down to sleep. She subconsciously brought up her hand close to his head to touch his hair but stopped herself.

Aish, what am I doing? she thought.

"Hey!" shouted Seojun in the middle of the hallway. Chaeyoung looked up from her phone, just now realizing Seojun.

"What?" she asked.

"Do...that," he replied.

"Do what?" she questioned, tilting her head.

Cute, he thought. "That...' roar!'" he said.

"What?" she said, starting to walk before she abruptly turned and said "Roar! Roar!"

"Woah, I'm scared that this will show up in my dreams," he said. So cute, he thought.

She pouted at him.

"You asked me to do it though," she said, giving him a look.

"That's because.." he trailed off.

"Because what?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said, walking off, flustered from everything that just happened.

"What the heck.." she said, watching his retreating form.

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