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a/n - please vote!

glancing at the homecoming poster outside the bathoom, i walk in to wash my hands, seeing kourtney stand here. "it's too big... to go... down!" i hear nini yell in frustration from inside the stall. i widen my eyes, and kourtney looks at me with a disgusted and concerned look. "top ten things i never wanna hear in a public bathroom," she says, walking towards the stall. "should i like... come back later?" i ask. kourtney looks under the stall. "what are you..." she gasps after pushing the door.

i walk closer, seeing nini standing beside the toilet. "i am flushing my homecoming dress down the toilet." nini admits. we all burst out laughing. "look, i know you're mad at ej, but there are healthier ways to move on!" kourtney says, laughing still. "this is not mad, this is empowered!" nini corrects, "i'm done with boys who think they can control me and exes who can't even handle being friends! i am done with boys. oh, hey y/n," she says, smiling at me. "hey neens," i respond. 

she turns back around to the toilet, using her foot to try and flush the dress, which obviously didn't work. "nini, you need help." kourtney says. i move out of the way as nini picks up her half dry dress, walking over to the sink and dropping it in there, water dripping as she walked. i walk over to the next sink, washing my hands. "no. you know what i need? like actually need? a girl's night!" she exclaims, looking at both of us. "uh, didn't we all do face masks and watch the bachelorette last night?" i ask. "no, i'm talking about a night on the town." "mhm, so it's like an anti-homecoming homecoming?" kourtney asks. nini nods, smiling. they high-five, and nini turns to me. "you in?" she asks. "no i wish i could, but i think i need to spend time with my dad. he's not doing the best," i say, frowning. "maybe nex-" nini cuts herself off as the toilet flushes. we all look at the locked stall. the door opens, showing miss jenn, "i'm in." i watch nini and kourtney's smile turn into a 'what the fuck?' face.

i shift my gaze from awkward nini and kourtney to smiling miss jenn multiple times, before clearing my throat. "okay... i'm gonna go out now," i say, walking up to nini and kourtney. "see you guys later," i say, hugging kourtney first. "see ya," she says. i move to nini, hugging her tight. "bye y/n," nini whispers, rubbing the back of my neck. i close my eyes, smelling the vanilla and coconut perfume nini must've sprayed on her neck that i secretly adored. "have fun, girls," i say, letting go and turning to miss jenn as i start to walk out. "see you, miss jenn," i say. "bye troy!" she exclaims. "we aren't in theater yet!" i yell as i push the door open.

nini's pov
i watch y/n walk out, the door closing. "steamy hug that was!" miss jenn exclaims. i scoff, shaking my head. "don't even try, miss jenn." "the neck rub and everything! ooh! if i were y/n, i would've fallen head over heels for you." "that's a little weird, but thanks..." i mumble, picking up my still soaked dress and wringing it out as much as possible.

y/n's pov
i open my door, walking in and seeing the lights off, all the curtains down in the living room. "dad," i chuckle, "i'm concerned." i look at him. he had 2 pillows stacked under his head, blanket on his body. "why aren't you at rehearsal?" he asks. "why aren't you at work?" i ask the question back. "i'm... taking a mental health day. "this is your fifth one in a row. that's like a mental health week." i walk around the living room, putting up all the blinds.

dad groans from the sunlight, pulling the blanket over his head, "ten more minutes then i'll get up." "hey!" i say, pulling the blanket off him. "mom's not coming back. this is the way it is now, okay?" i say, folding the blanket up. "no, it's not okay." dad sits up. "i don't like it either, but, i really can't look at you like this. you need to like, take a shower, rejoin civilization." i throw the blanket next to him. "we're in this together, think of it as a... father-daughter pact." i say, picking up the three boxes of pizza. "does this mean i need to make a dating profile?" he asks. i chuckle, "first, make your bed. baby steps, dad," i take everything to the kitchen.



fav vballer

hey y/n

are you coming to the

hey g :)

no i'm not, was meant to spend

time with my dad but
turns out he went to this bowling club
thing lol

oh that sucks :(

yeah, see you soon :)


i stare at myself in the troy wig, blue hoodie and green jacket over it. "nini's gonna hate me," i say, laughing to myself before walking out the the stage. "okay, people, let's do this!" i exclaim as i walk on stage. kourtney covers her mouth from laughing, and nini gasps. "oh my god, y/n!" she laughs. "what?" i ask, even though i know what she's laughing at. "i can't... there's so much to talk about!" i turn to carlos. "what's... what's funny?" i say, sweeping my hair to the side, laughing.

"good morning gina!" i say. she turns to me, laughing as we high five. "troy, you look... the best..." she says, facial features saying the opposite. "thank you, i try," i say, smiling. 

"1,2,3," big red counts down. we all jump at different times, kourtney running through the camera. "oh my gosh, i'm so sorry," she says. "1,2,3!" we jump again. everyone starts to complain. "you guys, this isn't that hard," carlos says, "you smile, you leave the earth, you land." "it's a little hard to smile when we don't even know the plan," i say. "i can't look at y/n, is that a problem?" nini adds. i sigh as everyone laughs. "okay, let's take a five," carlos says. "on five or after five?" i say, walking away as nini laughs.

after school, i walk into the bomb shelter, guitar case in hand. i place my bag on a chair, guitar next to it. "troy, stage right," carlos says after directing nini. i stand where he tells me to. the piano starts playing. "uh no, i'm sorry, at this point in the show, troy just sold me out to his teammates," nini says. "well she's got a point, what troy did was kinda unforgiving," ashlyn agrees, "respectfully carlos, i think the last thing anyone wants in this moment is four more versions of him." everyone starts to argue. "is it better if she just does a solo acoustic version?" i pitch in. "i agree with that," gina says over the loud ruckus. "okay guys, this is not a democracy!" carlos yells and everyone falls silent. "carlos, are you okay? 'cause it's not that deep, we can all come back when miss jenn gets here," nini says, walking up to carlos. "well she's not here, and i don't know if she's ever coming back," he says. "wait, what?" i say. "is this a joke?" ashlyn asks. "she's in deep trouble, you guys," carlos says, "they're saying that she lied on her job application and there's a school boarding meeting in less than 24 hours and she's probably gonna lose her job. i wasn't supposed to tell any of you, but i'm trying to do my best here." "i can't believe it," nini whispers, walking to sit next to seb on the piano.

everyone starts to argue again, and i turn to nini. "you know what? i need a minute," she says, picking up her bag and walking out. everybody starts to leave, except carlos, gina and i. then, carlos walks out too. "well that fell apart fast," gina says. "nothing fell apart, it's all gonna be okay," i say. "do you know something i don't know?" gina asks as we stand opposite. "she's miss jenn. she's unstoppable. the whole show's unstoppable." "but what if it does stop?" "let's not go there," i say, "it can't stop. we still have so much work to do." "yeah." i turn to my bag, picking it up. "hey uh, can i hear that acoustic song idea? sounded cool," she says. "you serious?" i ask. "i mean, we've got the time," gina says, smiling. 

nini's pov
after ej confessed all his lies to me, i hear y/n singing from the bomb shelter. "now i know you're not a fairy tale..." her back was faced towards me and as i smile, i lean into the room, seeing gina there.

"'cause now even i can tell, that i confused the feelings, with the truth," i turn around, walking away.


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