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"DO WE HAVE TO GO?" Rudy whined as Venus fixed the buttons on his shirt. She gave him a look, causing him to stop whining.

"Yes, Rudy we have to go." She told him, and he sighed.


"and plus, I already met Rylan, she's the sweetest person I have literally ever met." Venus informed him and Madelyn walked out of the bathroom nodding her head.

"it's true, I don't know about that Daniel guy though." She spoke, grabbing some water.

"Corbyn said he was cool." Madison pointed out and Venus shrugged.

"Corbyn is also his best friend, we can't really take his word for it until we meet Daniel." Venus spoke, going back to finish her hair.

"that's true."

"Who's Corbyn?" Rudy questioned; his face scrunched up in confusion.

"Oh, Rylan's boyfriend. He's pretty sweet, but a complete nerd." Madelyn responded and Chase walked into the hotel room, plopping down right next to where Venus was straightening her hair.

"Oh yeah Definity a nerd."

"They're like made for each other it's fucking weird." Madison pointed out making Venus laugh.

After finishing getting ready, the group of six made their way downstairs and into the cars designated for them, making their way to the restaurant.

Over on the other side of New York, Corbyn Matthew Besson, Rylan Emely Frantzich, and Daniel James Seavey sat in Corbyn and Daniel's hotel room.

"Corbyn will you stop fidgeting with the bracelets and hand them to me!" Rylan snapped at her boyfriend, almost burning her shoulder with the curling iron in the process.

"yeesh, sorry." He spoke before handing it to her.

"Daniel you better be dressed!" She yelled to the boy who was outside the bathroom where Corbyn was watching Rylan get ready. Daniels eyes widened as he looked up from his phone and glanced at the bathroom door with a scared expression.

"Uh yeah I-I'm looking for my shoes." He stuttered out hoping she bought it, before getting out of the bed. He started texting his girl friend and didn't notice how quick the time passed. Their relationship was feeling strained lately, but he still cared for her, so he just wanted to work it out.

"Corbyn go make sure he's ready." Rylan told Corbyn and he groaned.

"I don't want to." He pouted causing her to raise her eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Are you seriously still upset over the whole coffee shop thing?" She questioned to the situation that happened earlier in the day and he just crossed his arms, his lips puckering out in an angry pout.

"uh yeah!" he spoke as if it was obvious, "and now I have to let you go somewhere with Daniel alone!" he whispered the last part.

"Oh my gosh here we go again." She rolled her eyes. Rylan loved Corbyn with all her heart, but she hated when he brought this up.

"oh really I'm the bad guy now?" he questioned and she just scoffed.

"Stop acting like such a brat Corbyn, we've been over this four times today." She told him and he glared at her through the mirror of the bathroom.

"It doesn't make it any less okay."

"Corbyn." She warned and he just rolled his eyes, shooting his girlfriend a dirty look before getting up.

"I'm gonna leave before this," he gestured in between them, "turns into an argument." He told her before opening the door to the bathroom.

"this already is an argument." She rolled her eyes once again. Corbyn walked out of the bathroom, checking on Daniel, who was still in the sweatpants he changed into after he showered. After closing the door, Corbyn smirked before stifling his laughter.

"Oh, dude she's gonna kill you." He told his best friend and Daniel struggled to iron his shirt.

"I know you don't have to remind me!" Daniel hissed, unplugging the iron and putting on the button up.

Corbyn tossed him a pair of jeans before walking to the suitcase to find shoes for him. Daniel put everything on as Corbyn gave him on of his pair of sneakers to bother for the night.

"You mess them up, I murder you." Corbyn warned him as Daniel pulled on the sneakers/

"you and you're shoes." Daniel muttered and Corbyn laughed before plopping himself down on his bed and grabbing his phone.

"Are you decent?" Rylan spoke behind the bathroom door, questioning to make sure she would be able to leave.

"No actually he's naked you should come right on out." Corbyn sarcastically stated, not looking up from his phone. Daniel shot him a glare, not understanding what had him so hostile towards Rylan.

"I'm dressed rye." He told her and she walked out the room with her hands over her eyes just in case. Being the clumsy person she was, she tripped over the air and almost fell. Daniel caught her in time, steadying her. Corbyn looked up from his phone with a glare, as he watched Rylan thank him.

"Perfect," She spoke, straightening out the buttons on his shirt.

"Stop messing with it." He whined.

"No, it's semi-causal, not a frat party." She told him, buttoning up one button to make him look less frat boyish. Daniel chuckled at her as she pulled her hands away and grabbed her purse.

"I'll see you later tonight. Please stop being grumpy." She walked over to Corbyn, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. "I love you."

"yeah." He grumbled, and she just sighed before walking away, Daniel following after her.

"rudy stop you're going to dirty your shirt!" Venus scolded as he gulped down his soda messily. He stopped momentarily to look at her before putting down the drink with a sigh.

"whipped." Chase coughed, causing rudy to slap him.

"Hey be nice!" Madelyn scolded and Rudy's eyes widened before gesturing to Chase.

"But he justโ€”" he stopped whining when she sent him a pointed look.

"Oh, look it's Rylan!" Madison grinned as she watched the pair walked into the restaurant. Rylan looked around before spotting Venus and the rest. She grinned before grabbing Daniel's wrist and pulling him towards the table.

"Jesus Christ woman, you look gorgeous!" Venus bloated as she got a good look at Rylan.

"Have you seen yourself?" She questioned before hugging her. "Oh, lordy you three are so pretty." She pouted before hugging the other two girls.

"it's like we don't exist." Jonathan whispered to the other two boys, and they nodded. Daniel stood awkwardly behind Rylan, not exactly knowing what to do.

"Oh heyyy it's the hot one!" Rudy noticed Daniel, moving to give him a bro hug.

"Hey man." Daniel greeted with a laugh.

"You must be Daniel!" Madelyn grinned, pulling the boy for a hug. He was surprised at first, but hugged her back and giving Madison a hug right after. "I'm Madelyn, that's Madison, Rudy, Jonathan, Chase, andโ€”"

"I'm venus." She introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm Daniel," He grinned back, "b-but you already knew that." He grew nervous. He wasn't really good with meeting so many people at once.

"come on let's eat." Rudy spoke in a deep voice, sitting down causing Venus to roll her eyes.

They all spoke as the waiter came and took their orders. Daniel's nerves soon began to fade away as he got more comfortable with the group. The boys were goofs, and the girls talked with Rylan about literally anything and everything.

"So how did you guys even write the song?" Venus asked and Rylan wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin to ensure she had nothing there.

"Daniel was the only person home when I got the offer and we kind of just wrote it." She explained.

"Imagine being that talented." Chase dramatically sighed and Rudy raised his eyebrow.

"I don't have to imagine." He ran a hand through hair with a smug look on his face.

"Bitch, what are you talking about? You sound like a dying cow when you sing." Venus scoffed and he glared at her, before sticking his tongue out.

"Don't be rude V."

"Don't be annoying." She shot back and Rylan raised her eyebrow.

"Are they dating?" She whispered over to Madelyn and she nodded slightly.

"Practically." Madelyn whispered back.

"we're not dating." Rudy and Venus spoke at the same time. Daniel and Rylan glanced at each other at the same time with raised eyebrows, not buying it.

As the group continued to speak, Daniel's phone buzzed in his pocket. He looked down and sigh, seeing yet another text from his girlfriend. Rylan set her hand on his arm when she noticed him tense up.

"Hey you okay?" She asked him quietly as the other six spoke while simotaneously eating. He looked at her before pocketing her phone.

"I don't know, things with Quinn have been rocky." He closed his eyes momentarily, trying to regain his composure.

"No relationship is perfect Daniel," She reminded him and mentally scoffed. It did not help when it came from the person with the world's most perfect relationship. "Look at me and Corbyn, he's being grumpy for no reason, but I still love him, and he still loves me, I'm just giving him time to cool off before talking to hm." She explained and he released some of the tension in him.

"yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course, I'm right, I'm Rylan." She sassed, trying to lighten his mood. Daniel playfully rolled his eyes, but he couldn't contain the smile.

"yeah whatever."


hi my beautiful losers ๐Ÿ˜™

sorry these chapters have been short and boring I'm just trying to set the bases of this books ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

corbyn needs to stop being so mf jealous

And Rylan and Daniels friendship is one you guys aren't ready for ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ

I start school in two days I'm scared

I'm not crying I'm not crying

I'm currently watching criminal minds

Spencer Reid is hot

n e wayz

I love you guys and stay safe ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

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