"WHERE ARE WE GOING?" Daniel asked as he drove, looking over to the girl who had a permeant frown on her face. Daniel had tried getting Rylan to talk about it, but she just ignored it.
"I just texted Venus, she's in the pool outside of her hotel, let's go there," Rylan spoke and Daniel nodded.
"Pull up the GPS on your phone." He told her, and Rylan did that before handing him the phone. "Hey, rye?" Daniel spoke softly, as he noticed that they were ten minutes away from the address. When she didn't respond, he just continued talking. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"You know, not really." She shook her head, but Daniel continued to push it.
"I don't really blame him, rye, he's just scared." Daniel tried to reassure her, but Rylan shook her head.
"No, he isn't scared, he's jealous," Rylan told him, "And I hate it when Corbyn is Jealous. He only ever thinks about himself and doesn't think that what he's saying can hurt others." She scoffed, her eyes narrowing.
"Rylan, he's just insecure."
"I'm insecure, you're insecure, the whole fucking world is insecure, but you don't see us saying stud like that." Rylan spat out. Daniel inhaled a breath of shock. Yeah sure, Rylan was using curse words more often, but it still surprised him.
"Rye," Daniel paused, taking a hand off of the wheel and putting her shoulder. "Corbyn loves you. He literally loves you so much that it sickens the rest of us. He just doesn't want to lose you." He told her and Rylan sighed.
"Can we just not talk about this? I don't feel like crying." She shook her head and Daniel nodded. The rest of the car ride was silent, but Daniel could hear her sniffle every once and a while. The darkness of the night prevented him from seeing her, but he knew she was holding back tears.
Daniel knew that he had no feelings towards Rylan anymore, they had faded over time. Especially now that he had the newfound crush on a certain actor, he knew that the feelings he once held for his best friend's girlfriend were completely gone. So that is why he decided to grab her hand. Not in a romantic way, but in a comforting way. He was the only one in the car and the only one who witnessed the argument firsthand, so he knew she was beyond upset.
When they got to the hotel, they met Chase and Austin there, seeing them buying drinks at the bar. Rylan smiled lightly at them before excusing herself to the bathroom so she could make it look like she wasn't crying. Daniel pursed his lips as he watched her walk away, worried for the girl's mental health.
"what's up with her?" Austin asked and Daniel shrugged lightly.
"She's just upset. Come on let's go get her out of the bathroom and upstairs. I just want to pretend this night hasn't even happened.
"That's intense." Chase raised his eyebrow.
"Well, it's true." Daniel let out a sigh before waiting for Rylan outside the bathroom. When Rylan walked out, she had a smile on her face, big enough to fool the two boys. Daniel knew her better than that though, knowing that she was just containing the mental breakdown.
"Hello, boys, I am in a dying need of water, so take me to the pool," Rylan spoke, pushing her bag back up her shoulder.
"You're not going to drink the pool water, are you?" Austin asked with a teasing smile on his face.
"The fact that you think that low of me hurts Austin." She shook her head, before following them out of the back of the hotel. The moment Venus spotting Daniel and Rylan, she ran over them excitedly.
"We convinced the manager to open the pool longer for us, he gave us the keys." She waved the keys in Daniel's face, which caused him to grab it from her hands to stop her.
"Alright, I'm going to take this before you lose them." He told her and she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't be rude." She playfully glared before grabbing Rylan's hand and dragging her to the pool. "What's up with you?" Venus asked quietly and Rylan looked at the girl as they both sat down.
"Nothing." She shrugged before taking off her shoes and dipping her feet in the water.
"No, you look upset," Venus frowned slightly before looking over at Rylan. "Look I may have only known you for two months, but I can easily recognize when you're not okay," Venus told the younger girl and Rylan sighed.
"Just help me forget that today even happened." She spoke, causing Venus to raise her eyebrows.
"I can help with that, I've got alcohol," Madelyn told them, sitting down next to Rylan.
"Rylan doesn't drink." Rudy reminded them and Madelyn nodded. Rylan looked back at the blonde, eyeing the drinks next to him. The girl chewed on her lip as she thought about the idea that he had.
"Actually," Rylan smirked slightly before going up to Rudy and put her hand out.
"Rylanโ" Daniel went to go stop her, but she grabbed the drink that Rudy had held out.
"you sure about this rye?" Madison questioned and Rylan shrugged.
"Too late to double think it." She told them before downing half the drink and going back to sit next to Venus and Madelyn.
"Rylan, you're thinking this through, right?" Venus put a hand on her shoulder and Rylan just raised her eyebrow.
"You have a beer in your hand, I don't think it's right for you to ask me if I'm thinking it through," Rylan told her and Venus just sighed, knowing that there was nothing she was going to get out of there.
The more Venus thought, the more she figured that something most of happened before she had come there with Daniel. When she was talking to her in the morning, Rylan was the usual ray of innocent sunshine. Now, she had her eyes narrowed and was sipping on a beer as she talked to Chase and Jonathan. Venus excused herself from Madelyn so she could get up to talk to Daniel.
"What happened to her?" She questioned him and Daniel just shrugged.
"She's just grumpy." Daniel lied, knowing that it wasn't in his place to tell her what had happened earlier in the night.
"I'm worried, she usually doesn't drink." Venus frowned.
"She never drinks." Daniel corrected.
"I think I have an idea to get her smile back," Venus spoke, patting his shoulder.
"Are you just not going to tell me or?" Daniel questioned and Venus shook her head.
"Sorry bud, this one is on me." She reached up and ruffled his hair before planting her feet back on the ground. As she pulled her hand back down, both of them noticed the closeness between both their faces. Daniel was significantly taller than the girl, so he slightly looked down at her as his eyes flickered between both of them.
"Hey, we were actually- Woah." Austin's eyebrows shot up when he noticed the two, causing them to pull apart. "I'm going to pretend like I didn't see then and walk away." He spoke, turning around and walking back to the group.
"I'm gonna go talk to Rylan." Venus cleared her throat.
"yeah, I'm gonna justโ" Daniel tripped over his feet as he tried to walk over to Chase and Austin. "I'm good." He spoke, even though no one was even paying attention to him.
"Rylan, look at your phone." Venus told Rylan. The girl just furrowed her eyebrows before nodding slightly and looking down at her phone.
venus ๐ช
okay so here's the deal-
I think I kind of sort of
maybe, with a small chance,
have some sort of tiny feelings
for Daniel
but they're hardly there
rye rye ๐ค
venus ๐ช
what is that why are you blinking-
rye rye ๐ค
I'm just making sure I'm sober
enough to have read that
give me like two seconds to freak
out before we speak normal
venus ๐ช
go for it
rye rye ๐ค
venus ๐ช
rye I said I had a tiny amount of feelings
towards him
which means I have a stupid crush, not
that I'm going to marry him-
rye rye ๐ค
I said let me have my freak out v
venus ๐ช
oh right-
go on
rye rye ๐ค
venus ๐ช
rye rye ๐ค
no sHUSH
leave me and my imagination
venus ๐ช
rye yk I love you, but I'm just
telling you this bc I need to tell
someone that wasn't my friends
rye rye ๐ค
am I not your friend or?
venus ๐ช
rye rye ๐ค
I dead started tearing up-
venus ๐ช
I see you're an emotional drunk
rye rye ๐ค
alright that was just mean
stop attacking me ๐๐ค
venus ๐ช
rye rye ๐ค
tell your bf to stop taking my
venus ๐ช
stop drinking
and Daniel isn't my bf
rye rye ๐ค
y'all are practically dating
and no I've only had like two
venus ๐ช
yeah and you can barely speak
how are you even typing correctly
rye rye ๐ค
there's something called autocorrect
u should use it
venus ๐ช
rye rye ๐ค
venus ๐ช
I will call corbyn
rye rye ๐ค
go for it
he's not going to do
And if he does I'll beat his ass
he has no right
venus ๐ช
oh- ๐ณ
well than
this got awkward
I think I'm gonna ignore that
and speak to you in real life
After an hour or two of them there, Daniel thought it was better to go to the party that him and Rylan's friends were at so that Rylan could try to talk things through with Corbyn. He knew that if she stayed here any longer, she would continue with the drinks, and that would make it harder for her to make things up with Corbyn.
"Okay, I think we're going to head out." Daniel spoke. Everyone complained, including Rylan.
"Oh, come on man, it's barely twelve." Chase told him and Daniel shrugged.
"Her brother is worried about her, so let's go." He grabbed the drink from Rylan's hand and pulled her up.
"Hey! I wasn't finished with that!" Rylan exclaimed and Daniel shook his head.
"You weren't supposed to have it in the first place. Come on."
"Bye guys." Rylan grinned, causing Chase to laugh as the girl waved. Rylan stumbled on her feet, before blinking a couple of times so that she could see straightly.
"We'll see you at the concert tomorrow." Daniel waved before leading Rylan to the car.
no comment
read the next chapter of I miss you I'm sorry
chile- n e wayz
love you guys and stay safe ๐๐
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