VENUS JUPITER RIVER GRINNED AS THEY CALLED THE BREAK. As much as she loved acting, it could be exhausting at times. Although this scene was fun, because Rudy Pankow, spent the entire time trying to make her laugh. Rudy ran towards the younger girl, throwing her over his shoulder.
"Rudy! Put me down!" She laughed and he grinned at her.
"you're wish is my command." He smirked, even though she couldn't see him. He threw Venus into the water they were filming by.
"RUDY!" she yelled, no longer amused. She was dripping wet, and they weren't done filming for the rest of the days.
"Oh, mom and dad are fighting." Chase stokes raised his eyebrows, pointing at the two. Venus took her hand out of the water just to flip him off.
"Hey! Don't be mean." Madelyn Cline scolded and Madison Bailey rolled her eyes.
"Oh, please. V's middle names is mean." She joked and Venus rolled her eyes.
"Actually, my middle name is Jupiter." She corrected as Johnathan Davis helped her out of the water. Chase wrapped a towel around her shoulders, and she grabbed the edges to pull it closer to her body.
"hey V." Rudy grinned, walking towards her with his arms open and ready to give her a hug. Venus stopped him by harshly glaring at him, upset about the fact that he threw her into the water.
"Get the fuck away from me Rudy." He just pouted at her words, which caused her to roll her eyes before giving in. She always had a soft spot for Rudy.
"Yay!" He spoke excitedly, kissing her head.
"And mom and dad are okay!" Chase cheered and Venus just flipped him off again.
"You guys hear they chose the ending song." Madison spoke, eating some chips.
"Wait really? Who?" Venus perked up from Rudy's side.
"You know Rylan Marais? the girl Venus watches on Youtube?" Madison continued.
"Oh! Oh! The one who sings that song that's on the radio all the time! The one that goes 'LONELY! I AM SO LONELY! I DON'T CARE ANYONE OR ANYTHI—" Rudy belted out lyrics before Venus put her hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"Ru, please don't ever sing again." She laughed and he just pouted again.
"Okay, I'm going to pretend that didn't happen." Madelyn raised her eyebrow.
"Moving on," Madison continued, "She wrote the song with this guy from a boyband."
"Want to be more specific? There's like fifty million boy bands." Jonathan imputed his opinion.
"Uh I forgot what it was called, why we shouldn't, Don't we have, Why should—" Madison tried, not remembering the name.
"Why don't we?" Venus asked, and Madison nodded.
"Yeah, that band!" She confirmed.
"How do you know that?" Chase raised his eyebrow and Venus just shrugged.
"Bitch, they're fucking hot." She spoke as if it was obvious. Madelyn looked at her like she was crazy while Rudy looked down at her with his eyebrows drawn together.
"You said one of the guys. Which one?" Rudy cleared his throat before speaking.
"I think his name is Daniel."
"Oh, he's hot." Venus approved making everyone laugh. Madelyn raised her eyebrow, not really believing Venus.
"I'll be the judge of that." She spoke skeptically, taking out her phone and pulling up the boyband's Instagram.
"Oh shit!" Madison raised her eyebrows, impressed.
"Oh yeah, he's hot." Madelyn approved as the boy's shifted awkwardly.
"What did I say?" Venus smirked.
"Shit his friends are hot too."
"This blonde one," Madelyn raised her eyebrows, impressed. "Corbyn." She read.
"is he single?" Madison asked and Venus shook her head.
"No, he's dating Rylan," She informed.
"Who's Rylan?" Johnathan asked.
"the girl who helped Daniel with the song."
"Fuck, I was about to hit him up too." Madelyn sighed and Venus raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah, look I have the DM's open and everything." She turned her phone towards Venus, making her laugh.
"We're actually meeting them soon. We're going to New York and going to meet them there." Madison continued to inform, and Rudy drew his eyebrows together.
"Why do we have to go to New York?" Rudy whined; he didn't really like the city.
"Because they're currently on tour, so they can't just drop everything to come, especially since it's only one guy from the band." Madison answered.
"Okay, mads, how the fuck do you know this?" Chase asked, his eyebrow raised.
"I'm observant." She shrugged and Venus rolled her eyes.
"No, you're a stalker." She jokingly corrected causing Madison to throw a chip at the girl.
"You're a jerk." She scoffed when Venus caught the chip in her mouth before leaning back into Rudy's side.
"Yeah, sis we been knew." She flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically.
"Hey what should we do tomorrow, it's our day off." Rudy questioned, not wanting to be stuck at home all day like the last day off they had.
"I don't know."
"Oh! I Know!" Venus grinned happily and they all shook their head.
"absolutely not."
"Sorry V."
"It's not happening.
"no." All five of them shot her down, knowing exactly how she wanted to spend he free time; criminal minds, and Disney classics.
"no!" Chase exclaimed, and Venus just pouted.
"Okay but seriously, what are we doing?" Jonathan asked and Venus shrugged.
"Don't ask me, apparently my ideas aren't important." She spoke and Chase stretched his hand out to shove her gently.
"Okay what if we go to the beach and then the board walk at night."
"I like that idea." Venus approved.
"V you were going to go whether or not you approved it." Madelyn sassed and Venus sighed dramatically.
"All my friends are bitches."
"Hey!" Rudy exclaimed and she grinned up at him.
"Minus you Ru."
"Weren't you just mad at him?" Jonathan asked her and Rudy glared at him.
"For real he just threw you into the water, and you already forgave him." Madelyn 'tsked' and Rudy's face flushed before he continued to speak.
"thanks guys, now she's never going to forgive me." He sighed, but he felt Venus snuggle into his side. "never mind." He grinned and she rolled her eyes.
"Oh, I'm still pissed off, I'm just cold because you threw me in the fucking water." She cursed and he shrugged.
"I'll take it." He spoke, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Okay get a room." Madison gagged jokingly and Venus just flipped her off. "love you too V." Madison grinned.
"Sup bitches!" Venus grinned, walking onto the sand of Myrtle Beach. Her sunglasses were pushing her hair backwards and she had shorts and a tanked cami on covering her bathing suit.
"JUP JUP!" Rudy exclaimed excitedly. He ran towards her and twirled her around in a hug.
"Hey Rudy."
"Did he just call her, Jup Jup?" Chase laughed and Venus just glared at him.
"You call me that and I'll cut off you're balls and feed it to the sharks." She threatened, setting down her beach bag.
"Yikes." Chase blew out as Venus greeted the girls. The boys jumped back in the water as the girls stayed out and waited. Venus stripped down to her bathing suit and laid on the towel in between Madelyn and Madison.
"So Jup Jup?" Madelyn raised her eyebrow, a suggestive smirk on her face.
"Don't call me that." She shut her down, making Madison and Madelyn share a knowing glance.
"So Rudy can call you that but we can't?"
"Yeah pretty much."
"Doesn't that show special treatment?" Madison questioned and Venus just shook her head.
"no not really."
"I think it shows special treatment to Rudy." Madelyn finished for Madison.
"That's your opinion." Venus sassed as she flipped to another page in her book. The other two girls started laughing. They were already used to Venus' sassiness, not really affected by it at all.
After a couple of moments, the boys came out of the water so they could get the girls to go in. When all three rejected the idea the three boys grabbed on to the girls and ran to the water to soak them in. Chase's excuse was, "what's the point of coming to the beach if you're not going to get in the water?" Madelyn just responded in splashing water into his face.
The group of six just spent the day in the water having fun. Later they went to the board walk and ate a shit ton of food and sweets before moving to the games and rides. After a long day, Venus returned back to the hotel room before falling asleep completely after a long day with her friends.
sup losers
I suck at first chapters so enjoy this horrible chapter ;)))))
nothing really to say here
This book gets better I swear
n e wayz
love you guys and stay safe 😎😎
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