cv ๐
where are you ?
venus ๐ช
wtf do you want
cv ๐
ooh snappy
venus ๐ช
I'm going over lines what
do you want
cv ๐
oooh lines for what?
venus ๐ช
the show I'm in ?
yk the one you and rye wrote
the song for-
cv ๐
oh yeah makes sense
venus ๐ช
so why are you interrupting me ๐ก
cv ๐
oh yeah
I'm bored
venus ๐ช
are you serious?
cv ๐
that's why I texted you dummy
venus ๐ช
go bother rylan ๐
cv ๐
I can't
she's editing a photo she took
for instagram
venus ๐ช
isn't corbyn with you guys?
bother him
cv ๐
I can't
he's bothering rylan
and if we both start bothering
her at the same time we'll both get
the silent treatment for like 294858
venus ๐ช
aren't there three other people
in your band ?
cv ๐
they all just got on a plane back to LA
venus ๐ช
so what are you doing?
cv ๐
I'm waiting to board the plan
to sc
venus ๐ช
okay what about your girlfriend?
isn't she with you guys?
cv ๐
she went to the bathroom
venus ๐ช
idk go follow her
fuck her in 5 minutes
be spontaneous
cv ๐
venus wha-
I don't even-
I need to gouge my eyes out
venus ๐ช
what about that hooker girl?
cv ๐
hooker girl-๐ณ
the only other girl who was on
tour with use was maeve-
venus ๐ช
no her name is trixie
that sounds like a hookers
yk tRiXs ArE fOr KiDs
cv ๐
oh gosh-
lmao I can't even lie I laughed at that one
venus ๐ช
I'm glad I fulfilled your entertainment
needs but go ask maeve to do that now
cv ๐
ew no ๐คข๐คข
venus ๐ช
why not ?
cv ๐
I can't stand her dude
venus ๐ช
care to elaborate...
cv ๐
she was just messed up to
when she met us while rye in
was in New York she was pretty cool
but now she's not cool
venus ๐ช
oh yeah I remember
didn't you say she like flirted
with corbyn or something ?
cv ๐
so none of us like her
....except for rylan
venus ๐ช
wait I'm sorry
rylan likes her after that ?
cv ๐
she's too nice for her own good
like I love rye and all but I wouldn't
have forgiven her
or at least wouldn't have trusted
her as easily
rylan believes that everyone deserves
a second chance no matter what mistake
they've made. And honestly I don't trust
I just don't want rye to end up hurt
venus ๐ช
you don't believe in seconds chances ?
cv ๐
depends on who the person on the
receiving end is
maeve just isn't trust worthy
that's all
venus ๐ช
I mean that makes sense
but I still have one question
you guys still let her go on tour
after that shit?
cv ๐
she practically invited herself
but it's not like I'm rude to her
or anything
I'm friendly bc I'm not mean
and also bc she's Quinn's best
friend so I can't really be mean
venus ๐ช
Quinn is friends with her even
after she did that to rylan ?
cv ๐
rylan was in nyc when they became friends
so I don't really blame her
venus ๐ช
cv ๐
wanna hear something funny
venus ๐ช
not really no
cv ๐
ohhh boo you whore
venus ๐ช
did you just quote mean girls-
cv ๐
iconic ๐๐
venus ๐ช
I mean I can't mess with the facts
i have to go shoot a scene I'll
talk to you later loser ๐คข๐คข
cv ๐
mmk butthead ๐คฎ๐คฎ
venus ๐ช
okay that was just rude
cv ๐
sorry not sorry ๐
venus ๐ช
don't start with the emojis
cv ๐
venus ๐ช
oh gosh
cv ๐
venus ๐ช
bye daniel
cv ๐
"DUDE." Rylan snapped her unoccupied hand in Daniel's face. Daniel's mind came back to reality and he looked up at where Rylan, Corbyn, and Quinn were standing.
"Hmm?" he hummed out a response and Rylan laughed.
"I called you like four times. They're boarding the plane come on." She informed him and he nodded before getting up and pocketing his phone.
"I'll meet you guys there; you're taking too long." Quinn smiled before walking to the plane.
"Got it?" Rylan spoke, but it came out more like a sentence. Daniel sighed as he watched the girl walk away.
"You want to tell me what's up with you guys?" She questions Daniel and Corbyn accidently raised the hand that was holding Rylan's.
"Me too." He inquired, before switching hands and then putting it down. Daniel looked at Corbyn, wondering whether or not he should confide in him as well.
Sure, Corbyn was his best friend, but advice like this he had never asked him. It was always Rylan because she was the most trustworthy in the advice department. She just took all sides in and made sure you weren't in the wrong before helping you out.
"I told you things a strained." He shrugged, grabbing his bag and beginning to walk towards the Flight Attendant that was checking passports. Rylan took this as a sign that he didn't want to talk about it, so she glanced at Corbyn.
"What were you doing that you weren't paying attention?" Rylan narrowed her eyes jokingly, lightening up the mood as she changed the subject.
"I was on Tik tok." He shrugged and she raised her eyebrow.
"Since when do you have tik tok?" Corbyn asked, handing the lady his passport and boarding pass.
"Since like a week ago." Daniel shrugged.
"Nothing wrong with that." Rylan assured before snatching the phone out of his hoodie pocket. "But... I really want to know what you were smiling at."
"Rylanโ" He was cut off by Corbyn's raising his eyebrows and speaking.
"OhโLove you for that." He interrupted. Rylan quickly inputted Daniel's password before opening to phone to see the message app open.
"This isn't tik tok." He drew her eyebrows together and Daniel pursed his lips.
"I just got out of it." He shrugged to cover up his lie.
"Oh my god you've been texting venus." She gasped, a smirk on her face as Corbyn put their bags above them.
"I haven't beenโ" Daniel tried but she interrupted again.
"Quite a lot." Her smirk grew as she laughed.
"Let me see." Corbyn looked over her shoulder seeing the text messages between Daniel and Venus.
"You know Rye, I don't appreciate you going through my phone." Daniel told her, reaching for his phone.
"And I don't appreciate you keeping secrets from me." She sassed, moving her hand back. She hit Corbyn's shoulder and he yelped, causing her to turn around quickly and beginning to apologize.
"I'm sorry babโ" She began, but Daniel cut her off by taking the phone out of her hands.
"Thank you." Daniel told her, beginning to move further into the plane where Quinn.
"You littleโ" She began and Corbyn put his hand over her mouth.
"Now that your cursing more I don't trust you anymore." He shook his head and she glared at him before catching Daniel's wrist and pulling him back.
"Corbyn go." She told him and his mouth opened in a surprised expression.
"What?! Why?!"
"I need to speak to Dani, so go sit with Quinn." She spoke through gritted teeth and Daniel's eyes widened.
"oh no." he sighed, but Rylan disregarded his commentary.
"But I don't want to sit with Quiโ" Corbyn began and Rylan sent him a pointed look, causing him to gulp down with fear. "I'm going to go sit with Quinn." He turned and walked further down the plane.
"Oh cool, yeah just leave me to die." Daniel sarcastically called out to Corbyn and he walked further down the aisle. Corbyn just mouthed 'sorry' before Rylan snapped her fingers in Daniel's face.
"sit, now." She demanded and now Daniel gulped down, not really wanting to speak about this.
"there's nothing to talk about Rye, just leave it alone." He rolled his eyes and she laughed.
"Dude, you're not going to tell any of the other boys and you are going to end up keeping all of your emotions bottled up inside. It's better if you let them all out now." She explained to him, taking the seat next to him.
"Okay fine."
"So, what's going on between you and venus?" She winked, with a suggestive grin.
"please never do that again." He shook his head.
"Oh, shut up and answer the question." She rolled her eyes and Daniel relaxed into the seat.
"there is no answer, we're just friends. I wouldn't do that to Quinn, or to any one for that matter." He shrugged and Rylan pursed her lips, debating her next words.
"You kind of already did." She blurted out, reminding him of what happened the year before. Daniel's head shot to her with his eyes wide.
"I'm sorry, it's just that," She paused, regaining herself to word this correctly so that he could understand. "I haven't seen you smile as much as you usually do and I'm worried. And I can tell Quinn isn't that happy either. I'd rather you be happy. And if Venus makes you happy then that's who you should be fighting for." Rylan explained to the older boy, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
Daniel didn't say anything as he processed her words. Was he really happy? He didn't know. He had never really thought about that. But he knew that he cared about Quinn, but maybe it just wasn't in the way he was supposed to. It wasn't like he had any feelings towards Venus, she was just a friend. But maybe this was something telling Daniel that him and Quinn don't belong together.
"Daniel, it's okay if you don't want to be with Quinn anymore. She made you happy before, but maybe it's just not the same now. You can't hold the relationship for the both of you, it's not right." Rylan continued when she noticed he was processing.
"You're right." He whispered and looked down as he felt tears slowly blurring his vision.
"Daniel, hey come on look at me." She nudged his shoulder and he faced her, sniffling before wiping the stray tears. "it's going to be okay." She informed him before pulling him into a hug.
"thanks rye. For always being here." He mumbled into her shoulder and she grinned.
"that's what I exist for Daniel. I'm always going to be here."
"did you read the script for next week?" Madelyn walked up to Venus, who turned off her phone and looked up at the blonde-haired girl.
"not yet why?"
"You have to kiss Rudy." Austin North interrupted, teasing the girl.
"I thought they said they were holding off on that relationship until season two?" Venus drew her eyebrows together, remembering that the most you were going to get between Rudy and her characters were some back and forth flirting.
"apparently they want JJ to have some sort of happiness because of all the shit that's going on in his life." Austin continued before sitting next to Venus.
"I mean it makes sense..." Venus trailed off, not really knowing how to respond.
"why are you being so hesitant? You and Rudy are practically dating already. A simple kiss won't change anything."
"Or it can change everything." She mumbled, getting up and grabbing the water bottle from Madelyn's hands. Austin and Madelyn glanced at each other before looking back at the girl.
"Do you like Rudy, V? Like have feelings for him?" Maddy asked the younger girls and she just shrugged.
"I don't know. And I don't want to know either." She shook her head.
"You're deflecting." Austin inputted and she glanced at him.
"and you're an idiot but you don't see me complaining." Venus shot back, causing Austin to laugh.
"Definitely deflecting." This time she just responded by flipping him off before moving to leave her trailer and go to where she was needed on set.
"Hey V." Jonathan walked up to the girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"Hey J."
"We got a scene to shoot." He reminded her and she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Where do you think I'm walking to?" She questioned him as Chase walked up to the pair.
"You're being more sarcastic than usual today," Jonathan informed her, and Chase lowered his voice before speaking.
"She's probably having her monthly visit." He whispered to Jonathan and Venus glared at him.
"the fuck did you say?" She questioned him and he shook his head.
"what did I say?" Chase gestured to the girl and Jonathan hit the back of his head.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? You can't say that to a girl!" He scolded and Chase quickly let out an apology.
"For your information chase, no I am not on my period." She rolled her eyes before relaxing, "I've just had a lot on my mindโ" She paused before continuing. "For the last six minutes." She finished.
"What could possibly confuse you so much in six minutes?" Jonathan questioned her and Chase nodded in agreement, his eyebrow raised, and his arms crossed over his chest.
"Feelings." She simply stated before continuing to walk. Jonathan and Chase looked at each other with wide eyes, before rushing off after her, their cool composure all gone.
"I- I'm sorry did you say feelings?" Chase stuttered out a question as she made her way closer to the set.
"Yeah, and I really don't want to talk about iโ"
"feelings for who in particular?" Jonathan cut her off and she sighed before turning around and facing to two boys.
"I'm leaving now, and you two are going to keep your mouths shut." She point her finger at the two boys, and they nodded rapidly. She wasn't satisfied with their answer, but she could hear people calling her for the scene. So, she decided to just let it go.
"Stupid girls." Chase shook his head. He was finally thinking he was going to get something out of Venus, but here he was, still stuck without an answer on where she stood with Rudy.
"What's up with you two?" Madison walked up to them; amusement written all over her face as she watched the two pout. Chase and Jonathan straighten their posture and begin denying.
"Why would anything be wrong?"
"You guys look upset." She raised her eyebrow.
"Fine." Jonathan sighed and looked at the other boy.
"But you got it out of us." Chase pointed at her.
"All I did was ask if you guys were okaโ"
"We think Venus might finally admit she's helplessly in love with Rudy." Jonathan interrupted her and her eyebrows shot up as her eyebrows widened.
"what?" She coughed out as she covered up her laugh.
"She seemed upset, so we asked her what was wrong, and she said she was dealing with her 'feelings'." Chase began explaining.
"and then when we tried questioning her about it, she just denied it all and walked away." Jonathan finished for Chase.
"I mean I wouldn't blame her; you guys aren't all that trustworthy." Madison shrugged.
"That's just cold." Jonathan shook his head and Madison looked at them expectantly.
"I mean you guys just told me, I mean I would've figured out eventually, but you still told me."
"Oh yeah she's got a point." Chase nodded and Jonathan pursed his lips.
"yeah she does."
"Anyways, I came here to tell you that we have to go to the airport to pick up Rylan, Daniel and their other two friends." Madison told them and Jonathan's eyebrows drew together.
"Why do we have to pick them up?"
"easier to have someone familiar, and they're backed up with Venus' scene so I'm going with Mads, want to come with us?"
"Yeah sure."
"We have nothing better to do." Chase shrugged before following the girl out the room.
"I'm just saying Corbyn, it's really weird." Rylan shrugged as she walked in the hotel room.
"it's not weird. You're weird." He responded and Chase pursed his lips.
"they're a very odd couple, aren't they?" He questioned Madison, Daniel and Quinn.
"Oh yeah definitely." Madison nodded and Daniel sighed.
"yeah imagine that times ten and that's what I have to deal with for a month and a half straight on a bus." He shook his head and Rylan turned her head.
"I heard that!"
"I wasn't keeping it a secret!" He shot back.
"Anyways." Corbyn interrupted continuing back to the conversation he was having with Rylan. "Do you think broccoli with ketchup is weird?" he asked them all and Quinn pursed her lips, shaking her head at the boy.
"No offense corbyn, but it's very
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