Persephone closed her eyes against the cold wind that scraped against her cheeks. Jasper's body was pressed tightly against hers, and, though she couldn't hear her above the whistling winds, she knew Alice was somewhere to her side. The two vampires had decided to take Persephone back to their house, but didn't want to take the normal way.
They wanted to race.
Alice's tinkling laugh cut through the noisy winds, making Persephone subconsciously turn her head in it's direction.
"Cheater!" Jasper laughed, his voice directly in Persephone's ear. She smiled. "We didn't even say start yet!" Alice laughed again.
"Don't be such a sore loser, babe." Alice teased. Moments later, they weren't moving anymore. Jaz removed his arms that had been supporting Persephone's thighs and smoothly transitioned her to his front, so that her legs were around the front of his hips and her arms were around his neck. Her eyes were tightly shut, making him and Alice laugh.
"Darlin', we're here." He called, as Alice gently patted the human's hair down. Persephone opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times, feeling slightly dizzy.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Alice asked, moving her hand down to rub circles on Persephone's back. Persephone smiled and nodded, but then rested her head against Jasper's shoulder regretfully.
"Just-" Her voice was muffled but full of embarrassment. "Just give me a minute." Jasper chuckled and nodded, allowing her to cling to him while Alice continued gently rubbing circles on her back.
"Let's take her inside, Jaz." Alice instructed, and they both walked slowly into their house. Persephone noticed through her dizziness that it took them less than two minutes to take a thirty minute trip. Her lips parted in amazement; just how fast can they go?
They laid her on the couch. Jasper took a seat on the floor in front of the couch, facing Persephone, and Alice took a seat on the couch and placed Persephone's head in her lap.
"We don't have any glasses or bowls, so I can't get you water." Alice said apologetically. Persephone opened her eyes and smiled up at her lover.
"It's okay. I'm alright now." She didn't sit up, though. Instead, she buried her face into Alice's stomach as the other began to pet her hair again. Her nose brushed against Alice's shirt and the human let out a soft hum in pleasure. The two vampires watched fondly as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
"She must've been tired." Alice mused quietly, never ceasing her movements. Jasper nodded.
"She had a lot of questions last night. We should've made her sleep better." Alice nodded firmly, both of them never taking their eyes off the sleeping beauty.
"The others will want an explanation." Jasper whispered after a few moments of silence. Alice sighed. The two of them had rushed out of the house yesterday and not come back all night – their coven members must have been stressed for all these hours. Alice and Jasper had guessed from the lack of cars outside and quiet in the house that Carlisle instructed them to behave normally today, so they all went to work and school. Esme usually spent her days at the hospital with Carlisle, acting like the doting wife she is as she brings him and his coworkers food, or in town; they were due to be home alone for quite some time.
i told myself "if i open the app and i have one comment at least, i'll update." i had one comment! haha. i would've still updated btw, i've been planning the christmas and new years specials for days. i can't wait to post them.
this one is short, im sorry. i've been very tired today.
thank you all for your kind words and support. it means a lot. 🙇🤍
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