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Ugh, this is so boring. I hate math more than I hate Ren. Speak of the devil. "Hey, Y/N welcome back to A class," he said kissing my hand. Ew.

"Stop it Ren," Asano said sternly. "S-sorry Asano," Ren said letting go of my hand. "Your hair looks pretty Y/N," Asano said touching it. "Thanks, I'm going outside," I said quietly leaving the classroom.

"Look L/N-san is back!," a girl shouted. "I heard she got back together with Asano," someone whispered. "Huh? I heard she was seeing Akabane, what a hoe," another said.

Speaking of Karma, we have some unfinished business. "Y/N, where are you going?," Asano asked. "I'm going for a walk," I replied quickly running towards 3E.

"Finally, I'm here," I said out of breath. "Oh hey, Y/N," Nagisa said happily. "Nagisa! I missed you," I said hugging him. "Y/N it's only been a day since you've joined 1A," he said laughing.

"Y/N! I love your hair," Kayano said running toward me. "Thanks, I'd change it up a bit," I said tittering. "Eh~ It's so rare to see you with your hair down," Rio said suspiciously. "What's the occasion?," she asked.

"It's nothing, can't a girl just straighten her hair without a specific reason," I said avoiding eye contact. "Which reminds me, have you heard the rumors?," Rio asked worriedly.

"Oh, you mean the rumor of me going out with both Karma and Asano," I said smiling sadly. "Asano told me just stop hanging out with Karma and all my worries would go away," I said.

"But, I can't just abandon my friend like that," I said smiling. "So I chose happiness over everything."

"Even if I lose my scholarship, it's worth it because I have you guys," I said smiling with tears threatening to leave my eyes. The three embraced me lovingly as I try to hold back my tears.

Karma's POV

Of course Asano was blackmailing her. I got Araki to confess everything after I 'encouraged,' him. How could I be so stupid? It all makes sense now. I'm definitely going kill Asano.

              That bastard... 'But first, I'll have to deal with Y/N's scholarship issue,' I thought as I took out my phone. "Hey mom, I need a favor it's about...



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