Chapter 81: The Kims'daughter

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After an 8-hour flight, you were still a little fatigued when you landed in Daegu. Your dad made you feel secure by giving you soft embraces that made you feel so adored. You are just glad that you can be away from your obnoxious ex-best friend who ruined your relationship.

The visit to the Kims will be interesting, especially without your Taelove present. You will have the most liberty to know about them and Taehyung's life. Eujin, his sister, has already spoken with you. She is two years your junior, but you and Taehyung's younger brother are the same age.

When you arrive, they've planned an entire movie night for you. It was early dawn when you landed in Daegu.

You slept well on the journey, and thankfully, no one recognized you. Little miracles do happen. As you arrived at the baggage claim, you immediately sent Mr. Kim a message notifying him that you had landed.

You exhale a breath of relief as he responds that he will meet you at international arrivals. You beam with delight as you notice your bags among the first to arrive on the conveyer belt.

A sweet gentleman flashed a smile at you and offered to assist you in loading it onto your trolley. You strolled to the open doors with a charming smile on your face.

You were surprised to meet Taehyung's parents as well as his two squabbling siblings, Eujin and Jong Gyu. As you noticed their joyful demeanor, you grinned from ear to ear. Both siblings tried to outrun each other to see who could reach you first and hugged you tightly. You only smirk at the two silly siblings; to the early travelers, you appear to be their younger sibling because both of them were taller than you.

Eujin had a beaming smile on her face "Oh my goodness! Yunru, you're here. I'm pleased you arrived safely..."

Jong Gyu shoved his sister aside, but she merely gave him a nasty look as she snatched the trolley handle and pulled it to where their parents were standing with wide welcoming smiles.

You also gave his brother a gentle hug, and he grinned, "Welcome back to Daegu, Yun.  I'm delighted that we can keep you hidden even from my dorky brother."

You snicker, "He has no idea I'm hereโ€”-"

Jong Gyu smirked and winked, "Let's keep it at thatโ€”-"

Taehyung's parents were ecstatic as they took turns affectionately embracing you. You nearly felt like sobbing because of all the love you were getting.

"Welcome dear daughter...use this time to recover from all the stress you've been through," his mother remarked softly as she let you out of the embrace.

"Thank you, Eommaโ€”-," you say with a small bow.

"We're going to spoil you rotten," Mr. Kim smiled." Jong and I will prepare a delicious Korean BBQ for you. I hope you are not on a constant diet like some people I know."

You chuckle, "No I'm not on a diet. Thank you for hosting me at your house," as he draws you into a side embrace.

The resemblance between him and Taehyung is startling. Such a loving family they are. Eujin resembled her father and Taelove, while his sibling has his eyes but resembles their beautiful mother.

Jong Gyu laughs softly."Yes, and there is no difference. Her large butt remains the sameโ€”- " arched his brow at Eujin, who gasped loudly and looked at her behind.

You merely sniggered.

Eujin exasperatedly looks at her mother "Please, just stop it, Jong! Eomma!They're teasing me again. Jeez...I'm no longer a veganโ€”"

"Since when did you become Veganโ€”-?" you ask, surprised.

"Because the new gym instructor informs his inexperienced students about the advantages of being a vegan. She became ill for two days, and our doctor informed my parents that she needed more nutrients in her bodyโ€”-and that was the end of the new diet or so-called celebrity lifestyle," Jong uses air quotes to mock his sister, who just walked with her nose wrinkled up.

Eujin just raised one brow."I'm going to get you back, you little... bobblehead!"

Jong Gyu smiled, "Bring it on! I'm a man."

"As if I'm frightened of a little mouse like you," Eujin taunts.

Mr. Kim frowns at the two "You two should stop fighting. Yunru has arrived.. gosh! gosh! It's much worse when Taehyung comes home. They will believe you've all been adopted from a bridge."

The two appeared embarrassed as you tried to conceal a snigger. You can't wait to get to know the two younger siblings better. They might quarrel, but their love is undeniable.

When the two of you proceeded to the exit, Ms. Kim smiled, "...It was so nice chatting with your mother Yunru. She appears to be a really pleasant ladyโ€”-"

You snort quietly, wondering what they'll say about your mom having already embraced Taehyung as part of the family and you being at the bottom of her devotion right now. You nodded and smiled as you told her how much your mother meant to you. Given her support throughout this trying week of the social incident, as well as the fact that your mother and sister are both Army fans.

As you arrive at the gleaming black BMW, the most recent model. Your breath caught. What a stylish vehicle. Jong Gyu mentioned that it was his father's birthday present from his older sibling. Taehyung enjoyed lavishly showering them with gifts, and when his parents scolded him for being too generous with them, he simply shrugged and stated that they deserved even more for working so hard for him.

Jong Gyu received a spacious apartment near his university and a cute car to make his student life easier. Eujin, his sister, began her semester a month ago at the same Kyungpook.National University. 

Eujin is a first-year Natural Science major, while Jong Gyu is a third-year Media and Advertising major. Taehyung is focused on his master's degree; he studies online because of his hectic idol schedule.

It is not a long drive to the golf estate. There was a lot of joking and teasing in the car, so there was a pleasant atmosphere. Mrs. Kim booked a home spa treatment with a local beautician for the three of you the following day.

Daegu has a variety of attractions to offer you. Mrs. Kim advised you that you will bake delicious treats to take home for your family when you return home.

Eujin is excited to meet your siblings, especially the Hobi-fan MingMei.

Everyone wanted to know about your studies and how you've been working as an intern Video editor for the renowned BIGHIT.

You exhale a sigh of relief as you enter the private golf estate. Though it is still early in the morning, Kim informs you that she and Eujin have already planned your breakfast to keep you going until the barbecue is complete.

Though it is still early in the morning.

Eujin still has one life science subject to write today at 1 p.m., whereas Jong has completed all of his subjects and will spend the week relaxing at home. He will drive Eujin to the university, and she will spend the week with you at home.

When they came to a halt in front of this magnificent Italian Tuscany mansion, the siblings were the first to escape. Mr. Kim carried your baggage inside as everything is a competition for them. Whoever gets to the front door first.

Ms. Kim sighed as she looked at your amused expression, "Just be patient with them Yun, I guess they inherited all their manners from my in-laws." She exasperatedly sighed.

Her spouse lifts his brows and coughs, "Well, at least their looks came from me..." he responded.

You almost break out laughing when you see Ms. Kim's stunned expression at her husband's casualness. He entered with a mock disgruntled huff.

You bit your lower lip, your eyes twinkling with delight. You can see where Taehyung got his subtle savagery from now.

Ms. Kim simply grins and wraps her arm across your shoulders, saying, "Don't listen to your Appa. My family is more attractive than hisโ€”he knows he spoilt my kids with his dumbo ears," she whispers in your ears.

"You have a gorgeous family, Eomma," you snort quietly. "I appreciate everyone...thank you for having me here at your magnificent home."

She smiles at you and says, "We love you, Yun, never forget that. You are the most significant gift my son obtained from the system. He fell madly in love with you. You and Taehyung would have been wedded sooner if it hadn't been for these idiotic kpop idol dating bans. Hey, well, you're lucky to have come across each other so early." You both enter the grand foyer.

Eujin was already preparing a steaming cup of coffee and some of the cream-filled sweet treats for you.

Ms. Kim smiled at you as she walked down the stairs, "Yun, you'll occupy your soulmate's'll keep you invigorated from his scent.  You can watch television. We have cable, and Taehyung has Netflix and a few other online movie channels. Jong will show the functioning of all Taes room gadgets..."

Oh wow! The family wants you to occupy Taehyung's personal space. Your heart was racing, and you couldn't wait to snuggle into his king-sized bed and breathe in his lovely scent. Soulmates can detect their mate's scent in everything they own. When he travels to Hiroshima, you won't miss him too much.

"Wow, Appa, thank you."You said it gratefully.

Ms. Kim laughed, "You can unpack while Eujin brings your snack up the stairs. You look to be tired, so rest and unwind. Would you mind  some breakfast?"

"Er...I ate something light on the flight, so I think I'll be OK with the cup of coffee and will be ready for the Barbeque later," you respectfully respond.

Ms. Kim nodded and said, "It's all okay. So, dear. Be at home and just yell anything you need, okay? Everything is accessible to you. Feel free to treat yourself to something to drink..or eat."

When the two of you walked up the steps, she beamed. Mr. Kim went to the front porch to begin the braai preparations. When Eujin was preparing her snack, Jong was busy marinating the pork belly meat with his father. She'll return to check through her notes before Jong drives her back to Uni. He'll be waiting for her and driving her back.

 You've entered Taehuyng's private zone, and you can feel the energizing power in his bedroom. Oh wow! Even the tiredness was rushing out of your body.

You didn't get a chance to explore his bedroom the last time you went inside, but this week you'll be able to do so. His kingside bed appears to be quite welcoming, and you can't wait to snuggle under this luxurious velvet bedding.

You walk to where Me Kim put your luggage with a contented grin. You move it close to the bed and begin unpacking your clothes. You pack a large gift bag with all of the gifts you purchased for your new family in Las Vegas during the Billboard Awards.

After lunch, you'll give it to them.

Ms. Kim made sure to leave extra space in Taehyung's walk-in wardrobe, which leads to his beautiful bathroom. He had so many bath and shower,  products.

You grin as you think of the refreshing shower you'll take after packing.

Taehyung got his lounge, complete with an Xbox and the most recent PlayStation. Around 50 game titles were stored in the cabinet beneath his gaming tv monitor. You'll look into it later.

His room also included a large fireplace in front of his bed. This room is massive.

A light knock on the door caught your attention. Eujin arrived with a silver tray with your steaming coffee and a cream croissant. You expressed appreciation to her with a warm smile.

She gazed around her brother's suite with intrigue."I'll never get used to such a massive bedroom. My brother is a big fan of extravagance. Typical celebrity lifestyle "She burst out laughing.

You just smirk gently," I notice."

Eujin let out a heavy sigh "Well, I hope you like your snack. I'll need to go through my notes. I'm wrapping up my final paper... Oh yeah. Jong asked if you wanted to accompany us to the University to drop me off."

"Sure, I liked that. More things to see and do in Daegu. When are we going to leave? "You inquired with curiosity.

"After lunch. Appa is already getting ready. We'd like to show you around our university campus "She appeared overjoyed. She hurriedly bows before racing out the door to her room.

Your affection for the Taehyungs family became deeper by the minute. You feel so much a part of their family, not as Taehyung's soulmate, but as Kim's daughter.

When you sat down on the plush sofa, you sipped your steaming cup of coffee and bit into your scrumptious snack.

You resume packing after having finished your snack. You decided to take a quick shower and change of clothes before responding to all of your text messages.

You'll take the gifts downstairs after brushing your hair into a high cute ponytail.

Kim's parents were chatting on the porch. When you walk through the glass patio door, their eyes meet yours with a smile. Ms. Kim gestured for you to join her at the table. They just can't make use of your prettiness and flawless beauty. You're so sincere and humble.

His parents revealed that they were extremely concerned that their son would bond with someone who values money and fame. Who would abuse him and waste all of his wealth, but they are overjoyed because you are a perfect match for their kind-hearted and generous son.

You gave each member of the family a gift when Eujin return from her studies. Ms. Kim squealed with excitement when you presented her with her pricey printed blouses, three formal silk scarves, sunglasses, and a large sunhat from that eclectic store in Las Vegas. She drew you into a tight embrace. You got Mr. Kim two cute printed shirts and stylish sunglasses.

Eujin received an exquisite dress and adorable sandals with handmade jewelry from you. Jong Gyu received three t-shirts from well-known American designers, as well as a beanie and sunglasses. You like giving thoughtful presents to those you care about. They also each got a packet of Chinese sweets.

As Jong puts on the black beanie with the designer emblem on his shiny dark hair, you smirk. He's cute, and you wanted to snigger at his prominent ears, which are identical to your soulmates', especially when Ms. Kim mentioned their inherited feature from their dad.

When you think of your soulmate, you long for his presence. They might just have returned from Osaka to work on the Festa program.

Eujin was enthusiastic about wearing her maxi dress to university.

The youngsters assist in the preparation of the lunch table. You volunteer to assist with the preparation of the side dishes

The atmosphere in the kitchen was relaxing, and you laughed a lot. Eujin was making fun of her mother about little things. She informed you about how she and Jong attended multiple BTS concerts in Seoul to show their support.

They urged their brother not to expose them to the greedy media for their lives to be private and normal. Nobody at school or university was aware of their relationship with their very renowned sibling. Only Eujin received many admiring glances because she resembles Taehyung. Fortunately, the surname Kim is common among Koreans without being related

When it was time for lunch, you all enjoyed the scrumptious grilled pork belly and side veggies. You and Eujin work swiftly to clear the table and clean up the kitchen. Their parents decided to go grocery shopping at a nearby market.

You dashed to your bedroom to get your purse, sunglasses, and snapback. You don't want to

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