Chapter 52- Chats

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would it be alright if I
I pulled you closer...

The Boys were very excited to go home for at least three-four days before their Vegas trip for the Billboard awards.

BTS management booked them on the Cathay Pacific Airlines in a first-class cabin. Taehyung felt refreshed and satisfied, and he didn't experience any soulbond effects. Jin wanted him to organise with Bang Pd that "Funsize" go with them to the US for the weekend attending the Billboard Awards.

His "indianqueen " will join him for the weekend, and she and "Funsize" can be together. He so wants her with him, but he doesn't want to disrupt her internship if she has something planned over the weekend, but he'll find out first.

After presenting their boarding passes, they walked into a long hallway to THE PIER first-class lounge. The boys were having a light snack inside at the self serve food area. After that, they went to the lounge area to relax on the sofas.

Jin was again starting with his dad jokes, and as always, the only one that doesn't find it mildly amusing is Yoongi. He was on his cell phone browsing the internet, more like stalking someone to Hope's amusement.

Jhope laughed loudly at Jin's silly jokes, which met with his signature windshield laughter. Namjoon was writing in a notebook some lyrics, and Jimin and Jungkook were playing an online game on their cellphones.

Taehyung was on the phone texting with his girl, if you can see that silly smile on his face. Some of the noonas were just smirking at their second youngest maknae. The love bug got their boy hard.

They were so happy not to see him constantly sad, depressed or annoyed with his members. They started to love their two new soulmates additions that made their boys so happy.

It's only Jin that can't live more than two weeks without his soulmate. Then he is the worse to live with at home and on tour. That one is so clingy to the annoyance of his "queen". But she loves his quirks and calls him her fake maknae because of his tantrums.

It was then time for them to board the plane through the first-class terminal departures.

The flight attendants were so giddy and very friendly when the management and the boys board the plane. They couldn't take their eyes from the boys. Taehyung was smiling politely, and one blushed bright red to the chagrin of the rest of her colleagues.

Taehyungs visuals blew her away. He is the epitome of ethereal beauty. Jin had that incredible handsomeness like a Ceo, but very regal and polite. Jhope was full of bright sunny smiles and very friendly.

Suga was giving off the sexy, aloof and blank as usual. Jungkook only smiles with his tongue playing in his mouth out of awkwardness, and Jimin constantly winks at them when they make eye contact. Namjoon was a very polite leader mode. His dimples make the girls swoon.

The cabin consists of six seats, spread across two rows in a 1-1-1 configuration. The boys all had single seats. Taehyung and Yoongi were glad because they wanted to be left alone on this flight.

There is free WIFI also. So, he wants to chat with his girl. The boys said they would be on the chat group later on the flight. Management booked them the midnight flight. The flight is four hours back to Incheon, Seoul.

Taehuyng chooses his seat and couldn't wait to relax. He placed his Gucci carry on luggage into the storage compartment underneath the seat of the tv. Monitors. Quite a change.

There is a welcome reception tray at each seat, including a personalised welcome note, a hot towel, and a glass of sparkling jasmine silver needle tea from JING.

Jhope smiled brightly and lifted his glass to Namjoon across him," Cheers, Joonie-Hyung....enjoy your flight."

Namjoon gave him a soft dimpled smile," You too, Mr Hobi Hobbs...let hope for a quiet rest and with no chaos from the maknaes."

Yoongi snort from his seat," Wishful thinking ...there is Mr Park already annoying the flight attendants...but they love his flirting. Can someone be so over extra with their affection.?'

Jin chuckled," The beauty of being Tarnished status... is to sow your idol oats."

Yoongi grin as he looks at Jimin taking an " illegal selca "with a younger flight attendant (even if Sejin gave him the eagle eye); with a dry tone, he states," I wish he becomes a ' late whisperer' so that all this flirting could stop...I can't wait to experience that day!"

Jhope chuckle loudly," Prophecy, my brother!"

Yoongi just gave Jhope a blank stare," very I look like those over-excited prophets that scare people with messages of hell and brimstone?"

"No, your savageness already scares anyone to hell without being an over-excited prophet", Namjoon dryly states as Yoongi give them stink eyes. He grinned loudly and took out his novel to read.

Taehyung examines Cathay Pacific first class pre-flight goodies and go for the earphones first and plug them in to dim all the loudness around him. He can see that Jimin and Jungkook will be extra again. He drank some of his champagne and nibble on the warm nuts. He is so glad the warm towel is already by his seat counter, and he could wipe his hands and face off.

He looks caught the giggling in the corner and nervously looks down cause two of the flight attendants cannot stop staring at his handsomeness.

Can't they sense that a girl might've already taken his heart captive? They are stunning and classy, but he is devoted and committed to loving his short and sweet girl, who could be a little savage.

Yoongi already chooses his pillow type from the pillow menu. He wanted a medium soft pillow to support his head and neck comfortably. He just wants to sleep, but he already took a nap, so he wants to enjoy the inflight menu first.

Namjoon look at Yoongi, "How's the bedding Yoongi- Hyung?'

Yoongi smile cutely, "Soft as a mothers' touch."

A flight attendant helps him to set up his lay bed for extreme"relaxation", as he calls it. She smiles deep into Yoongis' eyes, she finds him so sexy, and Jimin, who sat behind him, started to chuckle softly with the in-flight magazine in front of his face.

When she left to attend to Jin, Yoongi look at Jimin, who send him kissy faces.

Yoongi turns around and scoffs at an amused Jimin, " Stop your nonsense!"

Jimin uses his fingers in front of Yoongi's face to make cat movements" meow! "

The boys chuckled at that hearing Jimin, Their Hyung likes to sleep. They are a little concerned, especially Jin-Hyung. Jin found Yoongi once in the hotel crying severely but kept it away from the boys. Yoongi couldn't tell him what the problem was.

Maybe it's his soul mark that is more painful than ever. Yoongi never complains and keeps everything inside, which stresses his Hyungs. They can all see that something is bothering him, and the sadness is evident in his cute catlike eyes.

Cathay Pacific has new amenity kits from Bamford. Jin loves to explore his bag to see if it's up to his standard.

He sprays some of the perfume and deodorant on his arms as a tester, "Hmm, not bad...I'll keep it and give it to Jungkook as a 'soul mark day' gift... on the day he receives his soul mark in four months."

Jungkook looks at Jin-Hyung with wide eyes," No thanks keep it..or ...give it to your "princess" as a token of your eternal love."

Jimin burst out of laughter," ... that will be the day winter enters his bed?'

Jin gave him an unimpressed side glance. Jimin quickly kept himself busy with the tv monitor buttons, with an innocent look. The Hyung -line grin inwardly. My word Jimin!

Namjoon gives Jimin a stern side-eye," Jimin!!"

Jimin furrow his brows," What! Did I repeat something wrong?...why do I get scolded every time? but if Hobi says the same thing, everybody is quiet ...not fair," He whined," It's like ", lets' hate Jimin day."

Namjoon shook his head," It's because the amount of crap that exit that perverse mouth of yours is astounding."

Jimin pouts," Yoongi never complains."

Jungkook grin," ..because he knows that ignoring you works best.." while fiddling with his earphones.

Jimin gives Jungkook a stink eye, " so mean these days forget you the maknae of this Bangtan family."

Jungkook waves his hand dismissively," Yeah... yeah...blah blah blah...what's new. You sound like an old gramophone."

Yoongi open his eyes and look sternly at Jungkook," Hey!...just because you got muscles and can pick Namjoon and Jimin up at the same time doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful...apologise now!" Grandpa Yoongi is coming out.

Jungkook inhaled deeply," Sorry", senior maknae."

The maknae line is scared of Agust D.

Jimin, with a haughty look," Not accepted" The Hyung line burst out of laughter.

Jungkooks eyes widen like sources," What!!!" He jumped up from his seat.

Jimin, with an air of nonchalance," I'll accept if I had dipped on your dessert."

"Aww ...senior maknae...not fair!!!"Jungkook whined and plummed down his seat with a scrunched-up face and pouty lips.

Taehyung looks over his mask at Kookies face and just shook his head. It is so good to see the happiness of the boys.

Once the seatbelt sign was off, the meal service began. Just about 15 minutes after takeoff, their meal orders were taken, with the crew reminding them that they can eat what they want when they want.

Namjoon love the mixed green salad with kwai fei chicken and a citrus vinaigrette; he and Jin chose the same.

Taehyung missed his girl, so he ordered off the Chinese menu and had the braised bean curd stuffed with prawn mousse, assorted mushrooms with yellow fungus, and steamed jasmine rice.

Jungkook gave his caramel fig cake with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce reluctantly to Jimin, who smile with glee," Sorry junior can eat it...I'm allergic to figs."

Everyone heads turn back at Jimin. Jhope with surprised eyes," Since when..!"

Jimin chuckled," Since I've noticed the sadness in my kookie eyes..."

Jungkook laughs loudly and hit Jimin on the shoulder from the

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