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1; pretty boy

y/n stared out of her window. the clock on her desk ticked continuously but she didn't mind. her small dog lay curled between her thighs as her back and legs twisted around her thick comforter. the fairy lights on the wall illuminated her room. the clock ticked. y/n picked up her phone, scrolling through her socials before putting it down again. the clock ticked. it read 11:39. y/n picked up her phone again and her thumb hovered over the message app.

'you up ?'


y/n giggled to herself at his response. she abruptly got up, pushing the pup off the blanket. she crept to her siblings room and creaked open the door, making sure they were sound asleep. y/n tip toed back into her
room and sat down at her vanity. the clock ticked. she brushed her s/c hair and curled her eyelashes. y/n brought her raggedy tee up to her nose and threw it off, replacing it with a tank top. the tee landed on her floor and she didn't bother to pick it up. the clock ticked. her dog stretched at the foot of the bed shortly before curling up and laying down. y/n turned on a lamp and lit a candle.

she rushed around her room, freaking out on what to do next. makoto would've been there any minute. just as y/n laid down on her bed, light tapping was heard from her window. she pushed back her curtains and smiled. he was clad in gray sweatpants, a tank, and his unzipped swim team jacket.

y/n opened her window and whispered "come on up". the clock ticked. makoto nodded and started climbing the tree next to the side of her house. the tree's branches had been worn down from where dozens of boy's hands had pulled. not necessarily dozens, but multiple. makoto smirked as he climbed, watching his hands, making sure not to slip. when he had first snuck in, there were obvious dips in the branches. y/n had had other boys over. he didn't mind, he loved her.

y/n reached out her hand as he reached the top of the tree. using little strength, she "pulled" him in. makoto slapped his hands together dusting them off. "it gets funner every time." y/n snickered. the clock ticked.

"funner isn't a word idiot."

they both made their way onto her bed. while it was late and night and y/n knew she wasn't supposed to have boys over, she had no intention of doing anything lewd. sometimes the two just needed each other's company. y/n's pet wagged it's tail and hopped on makoto's chest. his arm wrapped around y/n's neck and the two cuddled with the pup in the middle. the clock ticked.

y/n and makoto both scrolled on their phones, not bothering to speak. she put her phone down after getting bored again and gazed up at makoto. makoto didn't bother to move his head, instead his eyes trailed down her face onto her chest. he could see down her shirt pretty well, but him being the respectful person he is it adverted his eyes with a blush. y/n looked down briefly then at his face and laughed.

"it's not what you think i swear' makoto spat out. y/n hummed. their eyes met. the clock ticked. neither of them planning to lose, the two stared into each other's eyes. y/n surrendering when she looked at makoto's hair, then nose, then ears, then lips.

"you're so pretty" she breathed out. makoto smiled and blushed. the clock ticked and he started noticing little things on her face he hadn't noticed before. the freckle on the underside of her nose, the way her cheeks got chubbier when she wasn't moving her face.

"you're prettier"

y/n chortled and looked at her ceilings "no, you."

"no, you."

"no, you."

"no, you."

"no, yOU-"

y/n's dog, hearing all the giggling, pranced over and stepped on y/n's chest, pushing a sensitive spot on her bosom. y/n scrunched her nose in slight agony. the dog slid off her chest and started licking her face.

"she crushed my nippyyy." she whined.

makoto pulled her close to him and they both loudly giggled.


the clock ticked.

hi i wrote this at like 12:30 am. i don't know what the clock ticking thing was about i just like repetition.
i love you so much! send requests!

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