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Leisurely and meekly following behind Hermes, the sound of his and Cupid's wings flapping filled the densely quiet air around them. But just as the god of war was about to quickly shift back into his fitting robe to not raise suspicion amongst his people, his distant brother's booming voice prompted him otherwise. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," the messenger warned. Cupid tensed. "It'd only make things look worse for yourself. So... just come as you are."

"I don't see why this is such a big deal..." Cupid muttered under his breath, but it, unfortunately, didn't go unnoticed. Then again, he wasn't trying to be discrete when it came to voicing his opinions on the apparent controversial topic.

"I'm sure father will explain it all when we get back to Olympus." Hermes speculated, but the churning in Cupid's stomach told him that the messenger before him knew much more than what he was letting on. How on earth would he have found him and Y/n, anyway? This must be Amor's doing β€” Cupid should have never put his faith in him β€” or, at the very least, Eros since he was the first god to know of Cupid's infatuation with Y/n.

Guess he'll have to find out for himself later... if there is a later. The two soar through the sky, clouds passing beneath them.

"My friend, we have a little detour to make before returning home," Hermes spoke up.

Raising a brow suspiciously, Cupid questioned, "A detour? To where?"

"Oh, just a quick stopover for some urgent matters... don't worry, it won't take long," Hermes reassured whilst avoiding eye contact with the god of love.

"You're being mysterious, brother. Tell me: what's going on?"

Hermes let out an exasperated sigh, contemplating. "Well, Cupid, as you already know there have been some complaints and suspicions about you and that mortal. The gods have decided to hold a trial to determine if you're still suitable for the modern world and... if you can stay here as a god." He explained.

Cupid's eyes widen with surprise. "A trial?" He let out a surprised, weak laugh. "But I've been doing this for centuries! Love is my domain! Who dares challenge my techniques? I am more welcome to love someone like my father and mother before me."

Hermes β€” trying to remain calm β€” bowed his head "Cupid, it's just a formality. They want to ensure your methods are aligned with the changing times. We're almost there now. My advice? I wouldn't put too much of a fight."

As they approach Mount Olympus, Cupid notices a grand courthouse-like building standing prominently amidst the divine landscape. He gazes at it, a mix of curiosity and apprehension on his face. 'A trial... I can't believe this. What if they decide I'm no longer fit for the task? What if...?' Cupid's mind raced at a thousand miles per hour.

But before the god of love could finish his thought, another figure approaches them and swiftly reaches out, tapping him on the back of the head. Cupid's eyes roll back, and he slumps unconscious on a nearby cloud. "I'm sorry, brother, but it's for your own good. The trial awaits, and we can't have you worrying too much." Eros apologies under his breath.

Hermes, with saddened eyes, helps Eros pick up the now unconscious god and guides his body to a landing just outside the courthouse before carrying Cupid's limp body inside.

Cupid gradually regains consciousness, he blinks his eyes, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Order in the court! The trial of Cupid, the god of love, shall now commence!" A booming voice stated.

Swallowing hard, Cupid's eyes dart in the direction of the voice. His heart sinks as he takes in the scene before her. The room is filled with gods, seated stoically on both sides of the subterranean space. Stone aisles divide them, leading the way to a stage-like floor. He realizes he is far from alone. But it's the sight at the center of it all that steals Cupid's breath. two familiar faces stand prominently β€” his brothers. The gravity of the situation becomes undeniable.

Looking bewildered, he sees Themis, the revered personification of justice and goddess of wisdom, presiding as the judge. She emanates an aura of profound sagacity and impartiality. Clad in flowing robes that embody a regal elegance, she stands tall with an air of commanding grace. Her eyes, sparkling with wisdom, carry a weight of discernment beyond mortal comprehension. With an expression of serene composure, Themis possesses a countenance that balances sternness and compassion, reflecting her role as the interpreter of the gods' will. Her presence exudes an unwavering commitment to fairness and the pursuit of truth, making her an unwavering beacon of righteousness and good counsel.

In other words... Cupid will have to make sure not to piss her off or else the consequences will be grave. Zeus, on the other hand, is sitting beside her with a stern expression on his face. A wave of anxiety washes over Cupid.

"Oh, gods... what have I gotten myself into?" The young god whispers to himself, his breath uneven and anxious.

The courtroom falls into silence as Zeus glares down at Cupid, his voice filled with authority.

"Cupid," Themis started cooly. "The allegations against you are grave. We shall now determine whether your methods of love are still in harmony with the mortal realm. Prepare to defend yourself." She added.

Cupid takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the trial that will decide his fate, uncertain of what lies ahead.

Clearing his throat, Zeus states, "Cupid, the charges against you are severe. It has come to our attention that you have developed an illicit attachment to a human, Y/n." The young god's eyes widen at the sound of his beloved name escaping from his father's name. How did she learn her name?

He looked off to the side to find his mother Aphrodite lowering her gaze, her disappointment evident in her eyes. Meanwhile, Eros, holding Amor tightly in his arms, can't bear to look at Cupid, guilt etched on his face. "I didn't want it to come to this, brother. I had no choice but to inform father about your forbidden love." He said.

Cupid's heart sinks as he realizes his own brother had betrayed him. That back-stabbing piece of shit. As much as he wanted to say 'Ái sto diÑolo' and tell his brother to go to the devil, he couldn't. Instead... Cupid inhaled sharply and refrained from uttering any vile and rude words. His lips were tightly compressed, and his eyes yearned beneath the fringe of hair.

"Well, Cupid?" Themis cocked her head to the side as she looked at him expectantly. "How do you plead?" Immediately, the entire room turns to face the god of love who shrinks away at the hundreds of eyes staring at him.

"Yes, i-it's true. I've fallen in love with her. I couldn't help myself," his voice trembled as he admitted to his. Soon, several groans and mutters of disagreement emitted from his relatives and allies. Cupid tensed. "But that comes from the fact that since my heart doesn't belong to anyone, I am the inspiration of all couples. I have spent thousands of years offering love, peace, and tranquility to those on earth and have not bent or broken a single rule once... it seems hardly fair that it's such a crime for me to admire this one human." He crossed his arms over his chest defiantly.

"Cupid, how could you be so foolish? You, who are responsible for spreading love among mortals, have allowed your own desires to cloud your judgment." Aphrodite reprimanded her son. He frowned at her words, heartbroken.

"I understand why you were worried that time you visited me. Mortals have a way of clouding our judgment, but I promise you that Y/n is different. I've never felt this way about a human before." Cupid rested a hand over his racing heart.

Unimpressed, Themis opens her mouth to give her final warning, but one gesture from Zeus sends her stopping her action in an instant. The king of the gods pushed back two handfuls of hair before saying, "My son, your actions are a betrayal of your divine duty. You have violated the sacred laws that govern our realm."

Knowing exactly where this is going, Cupid's breath catches in his throat as Zeus's words echo through the courtroom. The other gods and goddesses exchange somber glances, their disappointment weighing heavily on his soul. He's not one of them. He's never been.

"Father," Cupid took one step closer with his shaking legs. His heart is heavy and he felt like he couldn't move from the blatant fear that struck through his very being. "Please... I beg for your mercy. I am willing to face any punishment if it means I can be with Y/n." He pleaded.

"Cupid, your love is tainted by your position. It blinds you. Andβ€”" Before Zeus could finish his sentence, Cupid β€” enraged β€” straightens his posture and storms over to where his father and Themis sat.

"And what?" He sassed. "You're just going to throw me to the wolves as if I'm worthless? You cannot be serious, father. Please, this is hardly fair. You, mother, and my brother Eros get to have whoever you want whenever you want. Why can't I just have this one good thing?" He questioned, heartbroken.

Zeus pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. It took him a moment to regain his composure before continuing, "For your transgressions, I cast you out of Olympus and banished you to the depths of the underworld."

Cupid's eyes widen as Zeus's words hang in the air, unable to move. Before he can comprehend his fate, Eros steps forward, Cupid's stolen bow in his hand. "Brother, it has come to my attention that you will not listen to any of us and... I cannot let you suffer alone. With this arrow, I shall free you from the burden of your love for this human you speak so dearly of." Eros explained, but Cupid could see a hint of remorse and hurt behind her older brother's eyes.

If only Psyche could see her precious Eros now...

Cupid could not bear to see the sight. He looks away just as Eros draws the bowstring and lets the arrow fly, striking the god of love deep in the chest. He freezes, feeling a strange sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced develop deep within his chest and slowly spread to the rest of his body like a virus.

The sky above has since become a stormy gray, crackling with thunder, as if reflecting the divine anger from his father that hangs heavy in the air.

But before he can make sense of it, Zeus raises his hand, and a single wave sends Cupid hurtling out of Olympus, plummeting into the unknown. He's never visited his uncle in the underworld or even seen the realm with his eyes, but now he'll have to get used to the horrid place since he will stay there for all of eternity.

As Cupid falls through the vast expanse of the heavens, the winds whip violently around him. His wings, once symbols of his divine authority, are now tattered and weak, unable to bear his weight. The pain shoots through his body as the torn feathers scrape against his bare shoulder blades. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He seethed, trying to catch a glimpse of him but something wouldn't allow him to get control of his wings to fly far away from here.

This must be Aeolus' doing, as he is the ruler of the winds. Curse him.

The sharp winds buffet against his form, spinning him mercilessly through the air. The landscape below transforms into a blur of clouds, cliffs, and distant oceans. Cupid's heart pounds in his chest, matching the rhythm of his descent. He closes his eyes, trying to find solace amidst the chaos.

Suddenly, a tremendous gust of wind strikes Cupid, sending him into an uncontrollable panting fit since it felt like he had just got the wind knocked out of him. His wings, already battered, tear away from his shoulder blades with a sickening rip. Agonized screams escape his lips as he plummets faster, his body now devoid of any means to slow his descent.

Cupid's world becomes a whirlwind of agony and despair. The wind roars in his ears, drowning out all other sounds. Tears stream down his face, mingling with the rushing air. The pain in his shoulders is excruciating, radiating through every nerve, every fiber of his being.

As Cupid continues his treacherous fall, his vision blurs from the tears and the sheer force of the wind against his face. He clings to the hope that his ordeal will soon come to an end, that he will find himself in the embrace of the underworld, his new home. But even amid his anguish, a flicker of defiance burns within him, along with his fear and desire for Y/n deepening with every passing moment.

Cupid's descent finally slows as the ground below grows closer. The stormy skies give way to a dark, ominous landscape. With a bone-jarring impact, he crashes onto the unforgiving surface, his broken wings splayed at his side. The pain intensifies, engulfing him like a merciless flame.

As Cupid lies there, gasping for breath and clutching his wounded shoulders, the realization of his fall settles upon him. He has been cast out from the heavens, stripped of his power and his wings, and left to navigate the desolate realms of the underworld. And what will become of Y/n? Who knows... he has to get back to her, no matter how difficult the journey may be.

When he thought of this, a spark of determination flickers within him. Cupid's exile will not break him; it will only ignite his fiery resolve to reclaim his divine essence.

But... that will have to wait until later.

Cupid lies sprawled on the unforgiving ground of the underworld, his injured form trembling with pain and exhaustion. The air is heavy with the scent of decay and despair, an eternal gloom permeating every inch of the desolate landscape. Shadows dance around him, their macabre figures mocking his fallen state.

He didn't like it down here. He could see why he couldn't be bothered to visit this realm.

As expected, fatigue weighs heavily upon him, his body weary from the trials he has endured. A wave of weariness crashes over the young god, threatening to engulf him completely. His body aches, his spirit is crushed, and he yearns for respite from the pain that courses through him. Unable to fight it any longer, he curls up into a ball and succumbs to the seductive call of sleep.

His eyelids, heavy as lead, slowly descend, shutting out the dismal sights of the underworld. Cupid's breathing becomes shallow and rhythmic as his body sinks further into the uncomfortable ground. The weight of his sorrow, his banishment, and his shattered wings momentarily dissipates as sleep wraps its gentle embrace around him.


for hurting all of your feelings with this chapter, here is a photo of cupid's faceclaim with wings:

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