You were handing tickets out left and right. You really were right when you said it would be hectic. You saw Osamu and his girlfriend a while ago get a ticket. Atsumu had come up alone but then convinced the second year you were selling the tickers with to be his partner. It's not like it took a long time for her to say yes though. 'He's doing a good job at pretending nothing happened. Whatever.'
''And we're done! Sorry everyone but that was the last one.'' You said to the people who were standing at the table waiting for a ticket. There were a lot of groans and you're pretty sure you heard a girl start to cry. ''Sorry! Maybe next year.'' You added. ''But I'm a third-year!'' A voice rang out.
After you managed to clear the hallway and pack everything up, you told everyone in the setup group that you should be ready to set up appropriately now. The masquerade was pretty much the whole school. It wasn't just one room where everyone would be but the main thing was that the auditorium would be where everything is happening such as the food and dancing.
A FEW DAYS LATER... you all were done with setting up. The masquerade was happening tomorrow on a Sunday. As you were packing up your things you told everyone that you'll see them tomorrow and that they did a good job setting up. ''And don't forget everyone. We need this year to be as calm as ever or I'm afraid this may be the last time we'll be allowed to have one. De-escalate every issue you come across.'' A third-year affirmed.
The next day you were getting ready. You had picked out a decent outfit. The mask wasn't anything special. It also wasn't a fancy dress or anything like that. As you said before, you weren't there to dance, you were there to do tarot readings although this year you doubt you'd be able to since you're a part of the so-called committee and were tasked with watching over the students.
''And so I'm helping with any issues there like if someone lost a shoe or if there's a love triangle and they start fighting. Stuff like that.'' You explained to your mother who was taking pictures of your outfit. You had to be there early before the students started arriving. ''So you're really not going to just have fun? You're seventeen, you should be dancing not worrying about stuff like this.'' She added sadly.
You shook your head, ''You know I don't mind it. They asked me to help so I will plus if I have time I may be able to do a couple of readings.'' You said as you pointed to your tarot cards. Your mother laughed and soon you were off.
As you entered the school there was already a good number of students. ''(l/n). Your mask.'' A student whispered as they passed you. 'Right' You put on the mask and walked around for a bit.
Things were looking pretty good, great even. It made you a bit happy seeing how everyone came together for this. 'It's not the best but it's a high school knock off masquerade ball', you said to yourself. Meeting up with the rest of the committee , they all looked stunning in their costumes.
"Everyone ready? Let's have fun tonight."
A FEW MINUTES LATER.. the students practically charged in. It made you so dizzy, seeing all of these people but it made you happy to see them enjoying themselves.
You noticed Osamu and his girlfriend coming in followed by Atsumu and the random girl he asked to go with him but he quickly separated from him as he spotted you.
Your mind went to your previous conversation with him. 'I feel...nothing for him. Shouldn't I be happy someone at least wants me?' Giggling at what you just said you muttered, "There's just no way. He's just taking me for a fool."
'Though I can't deny i'm not one . This all wouldn't have happened if I hadn't downloaded that stupid app in the first place. I just thought-'
Snapping your head up, you made eye contact with Atsumu. He appeared to be a bit shaken up. "I forgot you were apart of the committee. I was surprised to see you and for a moment... I thought you might be here with a partner.", he spoke as he turned his head to look at Osamu.
Turning back to you he snickered, "But... i remembered that wasn't exactly an option for you." Atsumu's dry attempt of some humor did not amuse you. You turned around to walk away which frightened Atsumu.
He didn't understand why you were walking away from him. Atsumu never forgot what he told you the last time you two spoke but it was nothing serious. Who cares about it? Were you actually bitter about it?
A hand on your shoulder made you stop and turn but you had enough. "relax-"
"-I've always anticipated someone saying those words to me. Those words you said to me, of..wanting me. You said as you interrupted Atsumu. "It's sensual. Just feeling loved by someoneโby the one I love."
You noticed he got a flustered as the sides of his mouth began to form into a small smile. It disgusted you.
"But instead...
it came from you."
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