Chapter 5 - Straight From The Heart

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It was supposed to be a normal day. The sky was great, the clouds look fluffy, and the crowd is seemingly happy. Except for three people, that is.

Kanae slowly approached the bald man, her sandals making a soft noise amidst the roaring chatter of the crowd. From behind, [Y/N] could see that he was holding a rope tied around a little girl's waist.

"Excuse me, do you have a minute?"

The man and young girl eventually turned around, facing Kanae and revealing their faces.

[Y/N] took her time in analyzing the young girl's features. Her black hair was a tangled mess and she was wearing a dirty kimono. She also saw the thick rope tied around her waist.

The duo didn't share the same features, so [Y/N] assumed that she was already sold by her biological parents.

Her eyes were dull, just like Giyuu's.

She looked broken. It was like something inside of her just snapped. [Y/N]'s brows furrowed in an unknown emotion, something that Shinobu noticed.

Kanae greeted the young girl, "Hello, there. Nice to meet you."

[Y/N] slightly leaned over, looking at the young girl's purple eyes. She saw a slight twinkle in them, something similar to hope.

But she knew that some of the emotions she sealed wouldn't resurface until a turning point in her life. She decided to tune out their conversation and instead look at the scarred man in front of them.

'He seems rude. He's going to preach any minute now about money.'

After Kanae asked the young girl's name, the man replied in a harsh tone, "She's got no name, alright? Her parents never gave her one."

He then proceeded to talk about money, shouting at the Flower Pillar to pay up if she wants to talk to the young girl. With this, [Y/N] furrowed her brows and slowly approached the man.

At this point, the three of them were already pissed. Kanae and [Y/N] could practically feel Shinobu's rage just by looking at her.

In order to calm herself down, the youngest Kocho said something that shocked the both of them, herself included.

"Alright, then, we'll purchase her..."

...Would this be enough?" and with the clanking of coins, she whipped out a stash of money to the man's face. The scarred man and the people around them had a look of shock painted on their faces at Shinobu's actions.

[Y/N] merely smiled and, using the man's stupefied state, snatched the thick rope from his hand, but not before taking a Β₯500 bill from the air. The Kocho sisters saw this and laughed at their friend's actions. They didn't mind it one bit, anyway.

In turn, she gave them a sheepish smile at her shameful action.

'I'm broke. I have no money from this world whatsoever. I'm sorry, Shinobu-san. I feel like Rex Lapis cursed me.'

She also took Kanae's hand to pull her up from her kneeling position. They then bolted away from the scarred man, crossing the wooden bridge that was above a river.

Now away from everyone's prying eyes, they turned towards an alleyway to hide and regain their composure.

The Flower Pillar softly sighed, "Are you sure about this?"

The young girl looked at the three women with pure curiosity etched on her face. [Y/N] shortly glanced at her and saw the same look in her eyes earlier, 'Oh? I sense amusement from her.'

"It's fine, nee-san!" Shinobu replied.

Due to [Y/N] learning Total Concentration Breathing, she was surprised that she didn't need to take deep breaths to regain her composure.

She always had to run away from different kinds of enemies back in Inazuma, so seeing the state of her lungs, she was amazed at its effects.

"I see it worked. I only noticed it now," she muttered under her breath.

"What worked, [Y/N]-san?" Kanae asked with a worried look on her face.

She was wondering if her friend was alright, so she asked for her wellbeing. Shinobu kneeled down and checked the emotionless girl for injuries in case they need to treat it.

The young girl that they "purchased" stared up at the Flower Pillar, before directing her gaze to the [H/C]nette.

She tilted her head slightly, signifying her confusion. [Y/N] gently smiled and a soft pink dusted her cheeks. She was squealing in her head at how cute the young girl is.

Hearing the ravenette's question, she replied, "It's nothing. I was just surprised that the breathing technique Himejima-san taught me worked."

Kanae, hearing her answer, asked the [H/C]nette, "You're Himejima-san's tsuguko?"

"Hm? No, I just train under him. Besides, I don't use a breathing style, Kanae-san."

The Flower Pillar, satisfied with her answer, called on everyone's attention, "Alright, everyone! Let's go to the Flower Estate to take a break." [Y/N] and Shinobu agreed, for they did bought a lot of things.

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They reached the foot of a mountain and trekked a dirt path, presumably heading towards the Flower Estate. [Y/N] and Shinobu offered to carry the goods, whilst Kanae carried the young girl on her arms.

The young women then reached a clearing which displayed the view of a mansion. It was a traditional Inazuman estate, in the eyes of a certain [H/C]nette.

'It's similar to Ayaka's estate,' she thought, a small smile adorning her face.

"It's pretty," [Y/N] said in awe. Kanae and Shinobu turned towards her, thanking the [H/C]nette with smiles on their faces.

Approaching the shoji doors of the estate, it abruptly opened. A girl came out of the mansion with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. It looked like she just trained.

The young girl had black-to-blue hair styled in pigtails with blue butterfly clips adorning each side of her head. She looked about three years younger than [Y/N]. She was also wearing a plainer version of the corps' uniform.

'She must be a Demon Slayer-in-training, too.'

"Ah, Kocho-sama-! Is she alright, what happened?!" she yelled in a panicked tone once she saw an unkept girl perched on the Flower Pillar's arms.

Kanae lightheartedly laughed at her distress, "Don't worry, Aoi. She's not injured." The girl, now named Aoi, huffed a sigh of relief upon hearing the child's condition.

The Flower Pillar then continued, "Shinobu, [Y/N], can you please help her clean up. You can use Aoi's childhood clothes to dress her."

The two younger women nodded at her request, with [Y/N] taking the child from Kanae's arms to follow Shinobu inside the Flower Estate.

Kanae and Aoi headed to the kitchen to prepare food that the young girl will eat.

[Y/N] and Shinobu headed to the bathroom in order to bathe her. Taking off her dirty kimono, they started to wash her.

After a few minutes in the bathroom, they then went in the common area in order to fix her appearance.

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"Nee-san, nee-san!" Shinobu exclaimed, wanting to catch her attention.

Kanae turned around to face her sister, anticipating what she has to say. The youngest Kocho continued, "This girl is hopeless!"

[Y/N] could practically sense the distress and frustration in her voice, causing to her inaudibly chuckle. She also had the young girl, which Kanae decided to name Kanao, on her lap.

Shinobu also told her older sister that Kanao can't think for herself, leading her to say how it was dangerous.

Suddenly, [Y/N] reached into her pocket.

This action caused a shift in movement which Kanao noticed. She turned her head towards the young woman and saw her pull out an intricately designed coin.

Her soft purple eyes bore right at the golden coin that shone through the sunlight. It had an unknown symbol on it, but it was certainly unique.

[Y/N] tossed the coin in the air, causing it to emit a sound that resonated throughout the common area.

Kanae and Shinobu, who were previously having a debate, turned towards its source to see their friend and Kanao looking at the coin which was close to touching the ceiling.

They stared at in awe, wondering how she tossed the coin in the air in order for it to soar like that.

After a couple of seconds, it landed on the palm of her hand. [Y/N] then extended her arm towards the young girl situated on her lap, silently urging for her to take it. She didn't get the message, though.

[Y/N] merely smiled at her confusion before saying in a soft whisper, "Here, Kanao, take it."

Hearing her "orders," Kanao took the coin from her hand and started staring at it. Kanae slowly approached the duo, kneeling in front of them and examining the coin her friend gave them.

'It's not a Japanese yen, though. It looks well-crafted, too.'

Shaking her head to dismiss her thoughts, she help up the coin in front of her and said, "Alright, when you're on your own, you can decide by flipping this coin." Kanao only stared at her with her purple eyes. She didn't know what to do.

"Right, Kanao?" the Flower Pillar continued.

"As long as it's given a chance, a person's soul will open up, so don't worry," Kanae said whilst gently placing the coin on the young girl's palm. "When you fall in love with someone someday, you'll change, too," she continued.

[Y/N] and Shinobu were listening to their one-sided conversation, silently agreeing at what the Flower Pillar said.

At this point, the sun was already beginning to set, so [Y/N] told the Kocho sisters that she'll leave.

"Kocho-san," she began, catching Kanae and Shinobu's attention. "I'll be taking my leave now. The sun's already setting."

The inhabitants of the Flower Estate insisted that they'll prepare a room for her, but she declined.

[Y/N] wanted to give the presents she bought for the Ubuyashiki Family right away. Bidding her goodbyes, she headed to the Ubuyashiki Estate for her final destination.

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Upon arriving at the Ubuyashiki Estate's doors, a sudden voice snapped [Y/N] out of her thoughts. "[Y/N]-sama," a servant said, standing behind her while bowing slightly to show respect.

The servants of the Ubuyashiki Estate are the only people aware that the family they serve had an "adopted daughter."

They respected [Y/N], not out of her origins, but for who she really is. She was kind and gentle, yet strong and determined at the same time.

Of course, they're not aware of her status as a being from another world. They'll probably go in a state of panic if they were to hear such news.

"Where are they?" [Y/N] asked.

Hearing her question, the servant immediately knew who she was talking about. Answering in a whisper, they said, "They're in the common area, [Y/N]-sama."

They thought she didn't hear their reply and was getting ready on saying a louder response, until [Y/N] interrupted them.

"It's alright. I'll go there later," she said. Hearing her response, they opened the doors to let their young master in. They then proceeded to head outside to continue their duties.

Arriving at the estate's common area, she was greeted by the sight of Kiriya running around while Hinaki and Nichika were chasing after him. Kanata was seated on Amane's lap, and Kuina was playing with wooden figurines beside her.

Kagaya, however, was merrily sipping his tea.

[Y/N] was just standing there, watching everything happen. It was certainly chaotic.


To gain their attention, she coughed. Her action caused Kiriya to trip on non-existent air, followed by the two older twins. They were now stacked on top of each other. It was a sight to behold.

'How cute...'

Hinaki, after hearing [Y/N], ran over to her, attaching herself to the young woman's leg. "[Y/N]-san!" she said. "Hello, Hinaki-chan," she replied.

The Ubuyashiki couple acknowledged her presence, urging her to sit in front of the table.

"I got some presents!" she announced shortly after.

The children perked up at her statement. They went to gather at the table, excitement lacing their features. [Y/N] chuckled at their expressions and proceeded to take out the things she bought earlier at the market.

If one were to wonder how [Y/N] was able to purchase more gifts, Shinobu lent her coin pouch after seeing Giyuu "flirt" with her.

[Y/N] gave the older twins a knotted hairpiece. She gave the red one to Hinaki, while the yellow one ended up with Nichika. For Kiriya, she gave him a calligraphy set.

The young woman thought that he'll need it as the future leader of the Demon Slayer Corps. As for the younger twins, she gave them picture books since they're still growing.

It was now time for the Ubuyashiki couple's presents.

The children were playing on the other side of the room. [Y/N] gave Amane an intricately embroidered handkerchief, to which the woman replied with a "Thank you" and a gentle smile. It was very pretty. She'll definitely use it as much as she can.

Kagaya was also anticipating his present. [Y/N] pulled out a box and proceeded to hand it over to Amane.

"It's for Kagaya-sama," she said.

Opening the box she saw a purple tassel made of velvet. Amane took out the item and gently handed it to Kagaya's hand.

[Y/N] was sitting there, wondering what the master of the house would do. Her hands were tightly clenched, anxiety bubbling inside her.

'Does he not like it?'

He felt the soft fabric in his fingertips, wondering how to utilize it. Finally getting an idea, he hummed. The leader of the Demon Slayer Corps called his Kasugai Crow. It eventually came and landed on the table.

Kagaya gently put the tassel on the crow's neck. In turn, the bird thanked its owner and proceeded to fly out.

'I'll definitely show this to my friends, hmph!'

"Thank you for the presents, my child," Kagaya said in a gentle and soothing voice. "We'll certainly treasure them," he continued.

Amane and their children also nodded at his statement, silently promising to take good care of them.

[Y/N] hummed as a sign of agreement to Kagaya's statement. The rest of the night was spent with joy and laughter. Having a heartfelt conversation with no worries whatsoever.

Of course, fun times doesn't always last long, right?

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At the calm dead of night, stood a man wearing a suit.

He also had a fedora on. His blood red eyes were staring at his subjects, as if saying that they're worthless. They only trembled at his sharp gaze, merely staring at his feet.

"Have you heard of the news?" he said.

His voice was eerily calm, startling the people kneeling in front of him.

"Y-Yes, Muzan-sama!" a demon said.

Muzan Kibutsuji turned his attention to him, his eyes searing with hate and rage. The expression in his eyes could even rival that of Hell.

"Worthless!" he said. "Ubume has been killed!" his voice boomed across the Infinity Fortress, startling them and a woman holding a biwa. "It wasn't even a Hashira that killed her!" He was extremely furious and disappointed.

Have the Lower Ranks really weakened over the years?

However, a man with square-shaped markings on his face was just smiling like a madman. He was finally able to attain his long awaited position, Lower Moon One.

The night ends with the newly arranged demons being ordered by their master to hunt down and devour more humans to become stronger.

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= Taisho Secret =

The Ubuyashiki children wanted to repay [Y/N] for the gifts she bought for their family.

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= Author's Notes =
I'm back! Was I even away? I don't know. Anyways, here's the update that you've been waiting for. The hee-hee man has finally made his appearance!

Since Christmas is around the corner, I think I might be able to update this story more often.

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