Your Body Language (Part 2)

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Griffin carried Harper down the stairs, her crying louder than his footsteps. He proceeded to the far back of Tremont and set Harper down in the corner of a large closet, which had been their hideout for occasions such as this.

"It's okay" Griffin planted a kiss on Harper's forehead, then took his place to wait outside the closet. He took glances at his girlfriend in between responding to Ben's instructions for the family to go inside. "You too, Griff" Ben said, motioning Griffin towards the door as well.

Griffin sat on the carpeted floor with the rest of his family. The only sound that could be heard was the tornado siren echoing throughout the Tremont Hotel. Heavy, loud rain fell, accompanied by roaring thunder and Harper's sobs.

"Harper, honey," Sarah said softly. "Come here."

Shakingly, Harper stood up and Griffin pat his lap to signal her to come over. Griffin interlocked their hands once they were seated together and Harper hugged them close to her chest.

"Are we gonna die?" Wyatt asked his mom. Sarah noticed Harper's eyes grow wide.

"No, No- No one's gonna die" Sarah reassured

"Well depending on how bad the tornado is there's a possibility for us to-"

"Ben!" Sarah cut off "That's macabre "

"Just being honest" Ben shrugged

"Well if this is the end then I have to say some stuff" Wyatt sighed

"Griffin, I'm sorry for dropping your toothbrush in the toilet"

"You dropped my toothbrush in the toilet?" Griffin questioned

"Twice" Wyatt confessed

"Why were you even touching the toothbrush?" Zoey asked

Topher raised an eyebrow

"I can explain all that" Wyatt brushed off

"Ok," Griffin said "We're listening"

"Oh you mean now-"

"Save your breath, you guys" Ben butted in

"Literally," Sarah remarked

"We're not dying" Ben comforted, as he checked his phone

"Have you ever heard the term 'The weather app is never right'" Topher asked

"That's not a term" Harper mumbled

"Go back to crying, Harper-"

"SHUT UP" Zoey yelled

"Enough!" Sarah stopped "Just 15 more minutes, you can do it" She encouraged

"But we can't" Wyatt groaned

"Just be like Harper and Griffin, they nearly have said anything" Ben pointed out

"They have each other" Zoey reminded "Who do we have?"

"Well according to society, You and Topher have been making googly eyes at each other" Wyatt mentioned

"STOP" Topher shoved his friend

"Oh my lord" Sarah muttered under her breath, which caused Griffin and Harper to stifle a laugh.

As the wind started to pick up, a loud rumble of thunder boomed through the air. Harper jolted in Griffin's lap. Suddenly, all the lights went out and Griffin groaned in disbelief.

"Did we bring flashlights?" Sarah asked with a hopeful yet doubtful inquiry.

"Um...No" Ben replied while briefly feeling his surroundings for any sign of light.

Sarah sighed in frustration before turning to Griffin and asking "Could you go get us some flashlights?"

Griffin raised an eyebrow slightly before replying "I guess," as he tried to stand up. However, Harper held on tight and whispered "Don't leave me."

Smiling lightly at her request, he placed his hand on her cheek and kissed it gently before assuring her "I will be right back, Lovey." He then lifted her off his lap and onto the carpet before standing up and venturing outside to find the flashlights.

As Griffin exited the closet, a feeling of anxiety ran through his body. Storms made him uneasy, yet Harper seemed to dread them more. He proceeded to the front of the dim Tremont and used his sense of touch to locate a nearby drawer that held flashlights. Opening it, he grabbed as many as his hands could carry and turned on one to guide himself back. In the process, he shone the flashlight at the adjacent window, reflecting off the violent wind outside.

He observed a box of portable camping lanterns outside on the porch as he shone the light. Recognizing that his family needed as much illumination as possible, he hesitated before retrieving them.

The second Griffin opened the front door, he was met with a strong gust of wind. Nevertheless, he proceeded cautiously outside and retrieved the cardboard box. Undeterred by the lightning and rainfall, he then made his way back to the doorway.

Griffin stood in the doorway, retrieving his phone from his pajama pants to text his father about the additional lighting he had discovered. However, before he could complete the message, a loud and powerful lightning strike surged through him. The 17-year-old screamed in response to the electricity that ran through his body before collapsing onto the floor.


"Jesus!" Sarah exclaimed, causing everyone to leap up, and despite the lack of light, they rapidly exited the closet in order to investigate the cause of the disturbance

"Griffin?" Sarah questioned her son

Everyone drew nearer, and Harper knelt beside him.

"Griffin?" She asked, her hands resting on his shoulders.

"Griffin?" Harper repeated, her voice trembling.

"Griffin, this isn't a joke," Harper sighed.

Sarah raised an eyebrow as she knelt down and placed two fingers on Griffin's neck, checking his pulse. Astonishment crossed her face as she read the result.

"Call 911!" she shouted loudly, signaling for everyone to be alert.

The atmosphere in the room shifted; thunderous noises filled the air while Ben dialed for medical help. Everyone was overwhelmed with emotion, along with the sound of rainfall outside.

"Griffin, please wake up" Harper choked over her sobs

" I need you," She pleaded, before grasping his hand.

"Is he...Is he dead?" Zoey wailed, and Sarah embraced the trio of 15-year-olds. "It's going to be alright," she reassured them, her voice trembling slightly

"GRIFFIN!" Harper shouted before shaking him one last time. Her tears fell upon his skin.


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